Welcome to this week's list of likes! I like snow, good thing! It's snowed several days since the big one foot of it last week. I looked out to see these mighty icicles on my neighbor's roof and realized snow tends to evaporate before it makes icicles here. But it's remained cold while being sunny this week. Yea!
I like the new blanket we bought at khols during Christmas sales...
it feels like the softest toy... and is warm. We all love it! I admit at night to putting my arm out of the flannel sheets, thick comforter into the folds of this blanket just to feel the softness. My niece said she learned in nursing school that people calm down when they have soft things to touch.
I like my new wool socks
DH got the ones I found on sale at REI and some other pairs. He knows I'll wear socks with holes in them so as not to waste them. I admit, having new thick wool socks, all cushy and intact... it's a good thing... and something I love.
also Christmas gifts were these soaps. Two from L'Occitane that smell divine. One lavendar, one orange and orchid. The cetaphil pump soap was bought in an effort to find a soap that didn't contribute to our broken and bleeding hands. The nozzle sticks when you press down on that one.
I liked the idea of taking free knitting workshops this week, 5 a day. But. It was beyond my ability at the moment, so I just took in what I could, and liked that since it was free I didn't put undue pressure on myself to succeed. I just enjoyed watching and tried a few techniques. (that's wool up there in a lovely magenta color)
Watching on TV
We are loving All Creatures on PBS and finished Annika this week. I also finished this season of Making the Cut, Tim Gunn's new design show. Glad that Good Doctor returned this week!
finished my ebook in time, because I became obsessed with it and read it during the day as well as bedtime
it is in the Royal Spyness series which I love for many reasons. This latest book made me chuckle, and look up some older British phrases
Now I'm able to continue my previous book, since the library gave it back!
I finished my audio book by Ellery Adams and started this one by Susan Wiggs... so good.
it's about two generations, love, character, the things that happen to us and choices we make that make lead our lives. It flashes back to the VietNam war period in the 70's when I was in high school. It causes me to think about values. I am really enjoying it being read to me as I sew
on my Valentine quilt for this year, on another painted flower, on an exuberant snowy scene
I liked finishing a quilt this week, another painted flower
Fine Dining
this week I want to recommend a recipe for Eggplant Parm Greek Style
I used half the cream cheese and added in mushrooms, and it is the creamiest easiest (in comparison of my other method) eggplant dish I've made. We all gave it thumbs/paws up. We ate it for three nights in a row, and froze the rest!
sorry no pictures, trust me it is good
Prompt : color!
" I love color! what are your favorite colors? Do you wear them or decorate with them? has it
changed in the last few years? Is it influenced by the seasons?"
your color favorites change when you moved,
for instance I grew to respect earth tones after moving to Colorado. I
grew up in Florida and still like saturated colors. I think the quality
of sunlight affects how you perceive color. I remember moving from
Florida to the Washington DC area and feeling
like a displaced peacock. More muted colors were worn in the
I attended a color lecture at the Houston Quilt show one year... fascinating the study of colors. They vibrate, and that vibration attracts us or repels us. I told the lecturer I was moving from purples to corals. She sized me up and said that was a good move. Those who know how much I love flamingos are not surprised... flamingos standing in brilliant water, lime colored palm trees behind them!

My husband still thinks I like purple best, and I do like it but I often choose pink (my new phone case) or turquoise. I LOVE turquoise now and choose it in clothes, fabrics, etc.
I like groups of colors like lime green/ turquoise/ cobalt blue or magenta, purple, turquoise. Rust/turquoise/black. I love red in appliances and my ipad case is red.
I see the value and excitement in most saturated colors but do not like beige generally. Ironically I enjoy calm wall colors that allow artwork to stand out. I still like to wear brilliant colors although yesterday I wore chocolate brown turtleneck. It's cold!
I'm having trouble leaving comments on your blogs again. If you don't hear from me, I am still visiting!
Milo's Moment
Milo: okay pups, listen up I'm going to do a tutorial on how to avoid foods. Now I know some of you don't think this makes sense, you'll eat anything doesn't even have to be food but I'm a poodle. I betcha there are some others out there with poodle ways of thinking...
Mama: ahem, what are you talking about?
Milo: remember this week when you made the house smell really buttery and cheesy?
Mama: when I made scrambled egg whites?
Milo: what ever... well you put some in a small baby-bear-sized bowl for me, and I was surprised to see you made a mistake. I know you didn't mean to put tomatoes in it. You can be reckless but usually make tasty things. Anyway, when your pawrent puts something in your bowl you don't want, you carefully eat around it. Easy as that really!
Mama: I thought you liked tomatoes
Milo: not THAT day mama, sheesh! Anyway she stupidly picked up that tomato piece and handed it to me at the end. I took it, to be polite, because I'm very polite. Then she kept watching me!!!
What about some peace and quiet around here???
so, I quietly sucked the cheesy egg off the tomato and placed it on the floor. There! now she won't pick it back up because she's always telling me, "don't eat stuff on the floor Milo!" heh heh
I only wish she could figure out what I like to eat on what days... sometimes even I don't know tho...
please visit these fine folks to see what they liked this week. Tell me what colors you like best!
back again: https://scrapatches.blogspot.com/
musings of a menopausal melon