check out that fly on my pumpkin...
welcome to this week's list of likes!
I'm taking a workshop with Kate Ward this week, keeping me busy so a short one today. I had a lot of migraines this week, slowing me down a lot. We had a cold snap, yea! Love cooler weather! Leaves were nearly blown off the street, down the road to Kansas this weekend!
flowers are about done and those two peppers I nudged along for 4 months needed to be harvested.
We sliced one of them into really thin strips for turkey sandwiches at lunch one day, instead of lettuce. Actually tasted wonderful, and will try that again. This little fellow was too small but I couldn't bear leaving him out in the frost!
love using my Halloween dishes
Milo keeps a close eye on these but they are too far back on the counter out of poodle reach. Speaking of poodles...
we got a new rug for the back patio door area and a certain poodle likes to sunbathe there while watching the bunny channel. I like the pattern enough to get rugs for front and stairs.
My book series about nantucket mentioned this wine in all the books, so we tried it and it's great!
decided to make sweet and sour orange sauce to put on chicken and vege dinner... it's so good
and thought I should mention I like arrowroot instead of cornstarch (I'm allergic to corn) and it works great with good flavor. Thank you to a previous I Like post by Mary in Peoria who uses aminos instead of soy sauce (I'm allergic to soy too) so now I can use my recipes that call for soy sauce!
also in the sauce is fresh ginger, garlic, chili flakes, brown sugar, cider vinegar along with OJ
I often want to add a bit of broth to cooking but our containers were too big. DH found these cute 1 cup sized containers. I'll cook the peppers, onions, mushrooms, carrots and celery in it then add the oven fried chicken tenders and orange sauce. Something different.
Our prompt this week is to talk about halloween costumes we've worn and liked as kids or adults:
I remember as a little girl, wanting the (cheap) dimestore costumes with plastic masks...

I had a costume every year of something, hobo, pumpkin, I know one year I was told I'd be a clown and I hated that costume. I do not like a clown anyway. I know I was a gypsy many times with the fun jewelry and scarves. I remember a Dale Evans cowgirl costume I wore a lot after Halloween.
One year I went to mardi gras in new orleans, and saw some awesome costumes. The one I remember best was an entire family of cows... from baby to grandpa same costumes!
I dressed up a lot as a performer and dancer, in costume and loved all of them
in Maryland, DH and I used to dress up as Morticia and Gomez, sit at a little table in the front yard, drink wine out of these classes and hand out candy.
we used to go to a craft festival that had a dog costume contest and I remember Hairy Poodle from Dogwarts as a favorite. I dressed my black lab up as an angel one year and she hated it. I thought it would be fun for dh and I to dress like poodles, and sit outside with Cole but turned out he disliked masks and kids running amuk in the dark anyway.
in high school I wanted to look like a grand lady from 1850 and we had a seamstress make me a gown. I loved that realistic dress, with crinolines.
I used to work the Renaissance Festival and had some mighty fine outfits, so I sometimes wore those to a costume party. A corset is a might fine thing! can't find the pics of me, but like a colorful this:

Milo's Moment
Milo: don't. Don't even think about putting some weirdo costume on me!!! I don't even like the leash!!!
Mama: but wouldn't you be cute in a daisy costume? or a poodle skirt? that would be adorable!
Milo: y'all see what I have to put up with? Good thing I love her... amiright?
public service reminder
remember when you vote, to vote to support the democratic process that allows us to vote freely, and to support women. I'm a woman. I hope not to see my rights drained away by politicians... I'm just too old to be subservient to a man. All the menfolk at chez colorful respect women!
please visit these people to see what they liked this week and let me know if you wrote a post to add
rosie and the boys nature pics