Friday, August 30, 2024

Orange feathered star and a wee painting


This is a big achievement for me, with so little strength still. I just took it in small steps

1. look thru scraps for possible bits the right size

2. print the pattern 

3. lay the pieces in the right sides on the pattern to see how the colors go together

4. cut with scissors the small white triangles to go around the orange scraps

5. Sew all the bits to the paper pattern, in short moments throughout the week

6. cut out the tula pink background triangles and arrange on design wall... in two days

7 sew the backgrounds on, press, 

8 sew the top right square to the top left square, repeat for bottom, then sew the two big sections

Everything is  harder at the moment, but I remind myself I couldn't have done this last week

a close up of fabrics

My orange scraps are sparser than any other scraps... I repeated some here, and like how it came out

I couldn't fit all the 8 blocks on my design wall for a photo, but chose these warm colors to show

very satisfying.... are they just too busy? 
the sewn blocks look like this on the back. Pulling off paper will be challenging! A tv project for sure

my August calendar page is pretty and has a good message from a favorite designer of mine
Kelly Rae Roberts. I think I'll purchase one of her weekly list pads (on her website) to go along with this wall calendar
a close up of the page

I have one little painting too... 
My chiropractor was telling me how sweet her baby was when picked up. He snuggled his tiny nose under her chin, then one by one tucked his arms under him, becoming a little warm burrito shaped package of love. 

the vision inspired this, but I did a sketch with my fountain pen, letting the lines fall where they would. 
The ink ran when I tried to add watercolor paint, kind of graying it all... but I kept going. 

wish I was a better sketcher.... Here's the back with metallic gold paint around the edge on on the heart
Babies are born with hearts of gold

Thursday, August 29, 2024

I Like Thursday # 416 books, series on tv, a story of the fountain, and a poodle


welcome to this weeks list of likes... a very short one as it's difficult to sit upright at the computer

I like the bamboo fence we got last year at Target (now unavailable from same company)  It's sitting near where the new fountain was... yep was...

Friday night I was about to let Milo out back for a final pee, and boing!!! Sorry no pics of my own) 

I watched three enormous racoons stepped up one at a time, onto the step outside our slider. 

I was stunned, and Milo's eyes popped out like a cartoon poodle!

Milo here: Y'all!!! I've seen these guys across the street, going behind Miss Jennifer's house but, within a glass door thickness from me... well you know I had to bark when I found the strength. Mama made noise on the glass, they didn't care, kept walking... 

when they were at the edge of our patio, Mama cracked open the door so they could hear me... then they turned around to see me, and get this, slowly turned toward the fence that is facing Miss Jennifers. 

All my barking brought the daddy back downstairs, too slow to catch one. He put on my Leash (!!!) and we went out to hunt human style. I ran to the big tree the cats always get up into but no raccoons. I did a hunt around the yard. 

The next morning the Daddy was out taking the "cement pond" apart and cleaning the patio.

I heard Mama say attractive nuisance. Now, no fountain. 

Mama: we live in a dry area, so I should have realized why no one else has a fountain... all the critters came into the yard, across chicken wire fencing, birds were all over it, bunnies under it, squirrels had no trouble. Oy... it now is in the garage til we figure out how to use it. Sad. 

finished this hand sewn block last week


we found the best show, three seasons on BBC, we see it on Acorn, it might also be on PBS. 

The Indian Doctor

great acting, script, storyline, and views. Right up our alley! Set in Wales. 

I watched a video listing favorite all time books, and they mentioned this one

As a teen I read all of Mary Stewarts books... this one about merlin's childhood is fascinating and such a fine reader on Audio
working my way along Jana DeLeon's fortune series with this #4 I think
I'm still coughing all the time, and out of energy. Hope I don't have fatigue syndrome. If you have a coughing solution, you're ahead of the doctors. 
Trying to walk in the 'hood, have to stop periodically and just stand, thankful for the random trees along the way, if I can make if from one to the other I'm grateful. 
My ribs are still messed up, Chiro is slowly trying to correct them and my lower back issues. Thankful for Ibuprofen, ice packs, and sleep. 
A condition from last year involving my toe has resurfaced, and I am trying to correct it before it becomes  unable to correct. Thankful for Betadyne. 
(time out for coughing... ) 
Still not able to eat much, thankful for saltines, and DH who isn't a great cook but willing to step in

Milo:  Me too... Daddy fixes my kibble for me, and baked my cookies again so I didn't starve! 
love butterfly bush!

please visit these folks since I cant sit long enough still

Thursday, August 22, 2024

I Like Thursday #416 a new fountain, favorite meal prompt, and poodle


We ordered a new fountan from Wayfair,. Great price, fast delivery, It's so nice to hear moving water while sitting on the back porch. DH and Milo sit out there, I'm too sick still, but I asked for the fountain. 

We had one in Maryland but it broke after many years, /what a treat it is to haven another one

I think this is a sage bush above, and don't know the one below

water restrictions led us to not do flowers this year just the perenials that came up as bushes.
a volunter butterfly bush flowr

a volunteer little sunflower bush who blew into town two years ago

that's it for me this week., 
pleasve visit these folk to read their likes list

 Now this is something we CAN do to help nature

at the least, stop picking up hermit crab shells


Our prompt this week is  what is your favorite meal of the day? do you have a favorite food for that mealI 

 Free Vectors | Pasta_meat sauce



like dinners because you eat more at dinner. I love angel hair spagetti with meat sauce, onions, garlic, bell peppers, mushcrooms. 

I am allergic to beef and pork so I make it wit ground chicken or turky. We make enough to save half the sauce to make lasagna with. 

It's hard to eat an official serving of angel hair, we eat too much. 

That said, I've not been able to eat much of anything for the last 30 days because of whatever is tormenting me. 

Milo's moment: I want to eat whatever Mama eats but she won't let me., I like Lunch the best since I often get to eat outside at lunch

I am a punctual doggie. I get my wishbone treat at 7 pm, my almond butter treat (pill) at 8 pm, and if my ears get cleaned I get little treats in  food toy., In between all that I eat my kibble. Dessert comes  later and I wait to eat kibble til my cookie is gone, don't want to be too full for that! 

Garrincha for Reader's Digest


Saturday, August 17, 2024

a bit of creativity Orange, pink, green


I dragged myself to the studio this week, in between sleeps, and finishted the EPP basted block in the color this month, Orange, 

It's bright and pretty and done, It was a monumental task in my weakened condition! Yea! 

While in there I found scraps that could be cut into raw edge petals...

they are just laying on the table
then I put them on a green scrap and need to tweak them to look more uneven.
I need to find a brighter green too. 
My goal is to sew it down with lots embroidery and texture. Lines of straight stitch with thick threads

while trying to have a bite of breakfast this week, I doodle on a leftover box that held muffin cups. I used my posca pens (I only have 5) that are opaque acrylic paint

and it's kind of cool. Drawn over the adverts on the box, a different image on each side. 


Thursday, August 15, 2024

I Like Thursday # 415 coping with heat

welcome to this week's list of likes starting with watermelon (seedless) and crackers. I'm still poorly and hardly eating, so both of these feel good to eat. 

Sewing by hand

not doing much of anything but used some orange scraps to start this monthly color project

Our Prompt how are you dealing with our world's new hot temps? 

Our area of Colorado has gotten much hotter, and stays hotter into December now. We used to cool off in Sept, with snow in October. Now it's December, often cooler in our old state of Maryland. . We are higher altitude that Denver and should really cool off when the sun goes down.

Our homes were built to hold heat. ACK 

Our AC doesn't reach the 2nd floor, where my studio and our bedroom are, and the HOA doesn't approve of most  window AC's. My husband found this one, that cools the bedroom if we turn it on in time.

 It cannot get wet, so blowing rain here means we dismantle the tubes that transfer air. So if it's hot and rainy, we're hot still. It is flush with the window, not hanging out.

I HATE heat. 

We eat more salads in summer. We do not bake (run the hot oven that takes 20 min. to heat, cook time, then 30 min to cool down) We eat foods that are faster to prepare on stovetop. We are not fans of grills.

 We deal with so much wildfire smoke we seldom sit outside in the heat any more.  Summer brings wild fires from CA, WA, OR, Canada, Texas, and more. 

 I am enjoying melon.

 Honey dew, cantaloupe and water melon

we place the cleaned and sliced melon in storage containers to enjoy the whole week. 

one of my likes is my husband stepped up and baked the bread by himself, along with banana muffins and Milo's banana cookies. DH likes to be sous chef not solo chef, so I am impressed.

Just for Fun  (blogger no longer lets me put videos here on the blog)

At least chrome allows photos for the moment

simply amazing, ball dropping on sound tubes 

Milo's Moment

Milo here, missing the papparazzi. The dry heat even gave me a nosebleed this week. Mama's putting moisture in my nose now. She's sick so not much to report

remember when we sat outside more???

now visit mamas friends to see what they liked today.

taking a break: 


               friday smiles

Thursday, August 8, 2024

I Like Thursday #114 Fruit, Synchronized Swimming, gardens and a poodle


welcome to I Like Thursday and my short list. I continue to feel weak, coughing, unable to eat which brings me to my first like

The index card above is my only creative work this week. Done with ink, watercolor, posca pen . I liked the quote gardening always has been an art essentially (robert irwin)

I really like out telemedicine doctor, he ordered antibiotics (gone now) steroids (just started) anti nausea pills, but I worry none of it will help. 

my friend Cindy suggested cherry plums.... which are wonderful. Just like a plum but small. Clean the bunch and keep in the fridge for a sweet treat. I can manage a couple of them. 

this illness has brought back foods I ate as a child when sick... saltines
cherry jello in a pretty dish
turning your mouth red, slippery, turning to liquid and easy to swallow, just like I remember it. 

Milo: I thought I mike like some, but when I got a small taste I changed my mind. Maybe if it was bunny flavored. 

Our 30 year anniversary, and dh's birthday both passed with me unaware.... so sick.... when I remembered he responded in typical engineering speak to my apology. Yep we missed them. Sometimes engineering speak comes in handy.

tired after grooming where I am much lighter

Milo: I knew but no one listens to the poodle! 

Mama: maybe because the poodle only has one volume, LOUD and his words sound the same as 

Neighbor getting mail!  Mailman ! Dog waking by! Squirrel! 

Mama got my leg hair all wonky, she did good to do any of it!

it's pretty hot outside.... glad she cut a lot of hair off
I like the shadows on a hot breezy summer evening. All the shades of green

Our prompt is about the Olympics again... which I've enjoyed 

" Would you like being part of the group of competitors? Staying in the Olympic village?  Meeting people from all over the world? I love that they are kind in competition, and  respect each other. Have you ever gone to view the Olympics?

I've never been to the actual games myself. I love meeting people from all over the world, so I'd be in Heaven in the Olympic village. When I visited Europe alone with a eurail pass, I met new people each day and hung out with them for the day. What joy! In fact the Rhine wine tour I took led to a date. The wine guide took me out alone the next day to tour a castle owned by his friend, not on a tourist guide it was unspoiled ad led me to dream of living there in the 1400's. We had dinner and he got me on the train back to my friend's house early that night. 

Happy Trials

I am happily watching synchronized swimming or whatever they are calling it now. My fave part is when the doors open to 12 women who come out and basically do a floor routine before deftly diving in. 

please visit these folk to see their lists and join us by letting me know in comments

taking a break: 


               friday smiles