Thursday, June 20, 2024

I Like Thursday #407 summer camp, mama bird, puzzle, and a poodle

welcome to this week's list of likes starting with the personal round robin quilt I made last year, now hanging in the family room for the summer. It's good to like what you make

speaking of summer and family room, we tackled the big job of dusting and turning on the ceiling fan which creates a nice breeze. It's a two story room so we have to get long pole swiffers, lean out over the rail and gently relieve blades of the inch of dust...

then run the air cleaner, clean every surface, thoroughly vacuum before moving chairs back in
Milo is happy his crate is open for business and it's all clean

due to these clouds, we had respite from the near 100F temps a couple days this week. Yea! 

I prefer dappled sun but trees are not supported here, the weather is harsh, I caught this tree in a perfect amount of sun... instead of unrelenting heat

Mama bird in the gutter, lost all her babies to hail two weeks ago, and seems to be sitting on new eggs

She is resilient, and strong, and I know is protective. I admire her and hope these babies survive our part of Colorado this go around

I'm taking a painting workshop this week, and still in treatment, and mainly enduring too... 

A bit of paint, some drawing, some little bit of knitting and sewing. More creative pics on Saturday

cotton yarn for summer
even my knitting this week is with scraps... half balls of yarn! I like them

On TV 

"My Life Is Murder "(on ACORN out of NZ) next season began yea! Love the setting, characters, plots

 on video

this made me laugh out loud! Dad in Sephora with teen daughter...

I would not ever, EVER have figured this out!


Our prompt this week: did you ever go to "camp" as a youth? what was that like, did you like it? Did you go to learning camps like space camp, acting or music or dance camp where you went each day but slept at home? 

Funny Camping Quote! – Camp That Site ...

my parents were both kids of the depression era, and raised on farms in the deep south... they didn't send kids to camps! You entertained yourself or the parents gave you things to occupy you... 

I did go to daily bible school, and once to a sleep away church camp. I did not like it, sleeping in heat and bunk beds, that church was very conservative so we had to wear dresses or coulottes, and not allowed to swim with the boys. 

camping. | Seasonal Ecard

I went to some  High School Band daily camps in the summers for marching band. OMG so hot and so fun to be with my kind of people learning to march 8 steps to 10 yard line, keep straight, play music while keeping the marching patterns going. 

poodle in tall grass, Observing all around him


 Milo's Moment

Hiya! If there was a summer camp for poodles, 

first of all how fun! can my people come? 

but, I'd like to see time for running and chasing, swimming, chewing up sticks, soft beds for naps

there could be workshops on how to train your humans, in how to get more cookies, how to speak mailman, avoiding grooming,  catching frisbees in the air, nature walks where you can chase critters... 

I'm just a little bossy and set in my ways, maybe I should be camp director...

I think it might be fun, but then I'd miss mama and daddy especially at night

Please visit these fine folk to read their lists:

taking a break: 

               friday smiles


easyweimaraner said...

wow a summer camp? that sounds good... we hope you met a beautiful girl there... or two? we are so sorry for the birds... sometimes nature is a wild beast...

Duke said...

I simply adore your little sunflower quilt. It is so cute! When I was a girl scout, many many many years ago, I went camping and camping but it was just a weekend trip but fun just the same. Hundred degree temps are not my thing. ICK!

Tigger's Mum said...

I sometimes wonder who designed difficult to access domestic kit (and what they were thinking at the time). As I approach a point where I have to make decisions about my own house design I wonder how many 'oops' I will create in the process. Your sunflower looks spectacular in situ on the wall. As for camp - such things never existed in NZ summers (well not the formal organized kind - we just went camping in the riverbed with our own kit and agenda for occupying time).

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your sunflower mini quilt - enjoyed following along as you shared the process, too. And those scrappy socks - so fun! Cleaning the ceiling fan is never fun, but glad you got it done. You'll be needing it again soon, I think!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That Sephora Dad video is hilarious! My parents couldn't afford summer camps so I never went either. But Vacation Bible School was free! So I did that every summer instead -- talk about being "groomed" eh? Luckily it didn't stick. Here's a post I did about VBS several years back --

Sara said...

Such a cute little art quilt. It turned out great. I did Girl Scout camps - both day camp and sleep away. So much fun!! My girls went to 4-H sleep away camp a couple of summers. My older daughter just told me recently how much she hated going. She was pretty shy as a middle school kid and didn't know anyone there. And the second year the campers all had to shelter in a big culvert because of a tornado. That was the end of going to camp for both of them. All 5 of my grandkids have been going to camp however and having a blast. The oldest grandson did a church youth group sleep away camp a couple of weeks ago with a service project focus. He had such fun and they were involved in several community service projects.

Angela said...

I love how you speak for Milo. I really think there is a children's book there!

Cloudia said...

Milo! I still remember the cool mountain mornings attending camp all those years ago! Thank you so much for sharing. I'm grateful for your friendship. Aloha

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was a lot of fun information today. I never went to camp or bandcamp. I was in the high school band for 3 days until they said I had to practice after school and go to band camp. I said bye-bye as I already knew my part forward and backward. Milo, poodle camp does sound like more fun! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I love your knitting! I love using up scraps of yarn. The sunflower quilt is perfect for this time of year. I hate cleaning ceiling fans. I always get my husband to help! So glad Milo is comfy!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Stopping over from Tamar's blog. What a fun post! I love your sock from yarn scraps. Wow!That Sephora video is so funny! I also was mesmerized by that puzzle video!

Lisca said...

What a beautiful quilt!
Yes, I used to go to girl guide camps, in tents, great fun. Then with my sister and my parents we would go camping in the UK every summer, traveling around the country. We all had our tasks. Mine was to blow up the air beds with a foot pump. Those were happy times as my parents were relaxed and it bonded us as a family. We had lots of laughs even though we didn't always have good weather. Camping in the rain is no fun, but we made it fun. To make our money stretch further, we would camp on farms (no toilets or showers).We would have a tin for emergencies at night. Can you imagine the giggles. One year we camoped on a strawberry farm. We had to pick as basket of strawberries each to be able to camp there for free. Great fun. We were transported to the right field by tractor and trailer. 'Strawberry Fields Forever!'.
Have a nice weeekend,

Annie said...

I never went to a summer camp as a child…we played happily in a very large walled back garden (large enough to build dens etc down at the bottom of…such fun). I do remember going to an activity centre twice…the second was a geography study and I hated it because I was very homesick.
Big hugs for Milo.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi I'm a bit late today as I've just got back form the dentist. Summer camp is something I never went to but I know my hubby used to go to one run by the scouts. I think his parents thought he would be safer there during the summer holidays Lol! I love Milo's thoughts. Alfie and Daisy are actually at their summer camp right now as hubby has been working away and I've been spending time doing the spring cleaning and because they are young dogs and need lots of attention I would never get it done. I must say they love it as they can run around as much as they like, bark as much as they like and meet lots of other dogs too. Take care and have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

Kathleen said...

My idea of camping has to come from my experience of girl scout camp - falling in mud with white jeans. I was done. I camp at the Marriot! Oh, and Milo's ideas for class at dog camp - brilliant. It is a good thing he is not in charge.

PaintedThread said...

I like the quilt! Goodness - that's a high-up fan! Good luck to your mourning dove. Pretty socks. I was never sent to camp as a kid. I've only been camping a few times since I was a teenager. I like the hiking, but not the camping so much.

Angie said...

LeeAnna - we have had our share of home projects this week, such as wiping the thick pollen off the exterior logs of the house, and re-staining/protecting the logs on the front side of the house. Whew! Hard work, but rewarding! Loved Milo's ideas for poodle camp - what a laugh! Thanks for hosting I Like Thursday, and have a great weekend!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I went to church camp several years in a row. It was a week long camp about 100 miles from home. One year, a tornado passed over the camp.