Thursday, June 27, 2024

I like Thursday # 408


welcome to this week's list of likes... angels...

We live in a neighborhood with a slow speed limit and stop signs. This week, we looked both ways, and I was nearly run down by a young woman who ran a stop sign, turned left without looking, and came within 3 feet of running over me. 

We think she was looking at a phone, after she passed me she swerved over to the curb for a minute, no apologies, then sped off. 

Did my angels protect me? I'd like to think so but then that day I got another migraine from pesticide spraying in the 'hood, sliced my knee open on a plastic drawer, my knitting needle (small sock needles) punctured my thigh, my back slid and my nerves were pinched to both feet.... and later my husband woke me when he got up an hour after I fell asleep. I think several more things befell me. 

I am grateful for my protecting angels saving me from a lifetime of injury. In today's environment, she would have gone to court said, sorry and not meant it, and gotten off without punishment. 

the only thing blooming a hardy bush

Today's post will be a short one

the resilient gutter dove mama has babies again, they are probably being fed as you read this... she lost her first three to hail a month ago. 

another bird has built a fortress of a nest in our front porch wall. She sits inside, her husband perches on a nearby rock ledge. Both of them are right outside the front door, so have delivery and annoying sales people constantly disturbing them, plus us coming and going. Location location location

Our prompt:  do you change your routine for the summer? Do you have a grandchild come stay, for instance? Do you go to family yourself? do you tend to stay up later or eat out more, or become more active/less active because of heat? How is your daily routine changed because of the change of season?

I would say the time change and daylight hours lasting til after 8 pm make a difference. We eat later, and seem to stay up later. We have a hard time walking because so many people are out later into the night now, and too many people here are aggressive. 

hot weather humor, funny

We used to be on our screened in porch a lot over summers in Maryland, listening to nature or music, eating out there, reading, having a glass of wine. I miss that. 

The heat here makes it uncomfortable to be out during the day, temps around 100F regularly now that the climate has changed, thin atmosphere from altitude, intense sun. We must time walks to avoid it because our dog is wearing a black fur coat. I have to wear sunscreen here as the sun is much more intense and because just a few years ago the temps were lower overall, homes are built here to hold the heat making them less comfortable too. 

Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Maxine explains Hot Flashes | Maxine,  Funny, Humor

Growing flowers in summer used to be a joy but they do not thrive here, I'm considering getting silk flowers to hang up this year. Gosh I used to just adore the flowers in Lake Placid NY each summer, and their cool summer evenings... I also used to like going to outdoor summer festivals but it's so hot now.

summer requires coping for me... can't wait for Fall if we have it this year. It didn't cool off the last three years til after Christmas... For those of you that like being hot and like summer, enjoy! 


the olympics Paris start soon, and I look forward to watching some events on TV. Grateful for coverage allowing me to see the athletes

Reading on audio

an older book, by an author dh and I used to listen to on car trips about a caterer in Colorado. 

reading on Ebook

a FAB novel, so funny it's laugh out loud, and I'd like to be able to renew it so won't mention it here. Sorry, hopefully I can share the title next week... I'm a slow reader as I read in bed and fall asleep. I love the author, new to me, and the humor. 


almost finished with the scrap yarn socks done in cotton/nylon yarn. For summer, shorter than usual


finishing up the paint/drawing workshop lessons, and still doing index card a day prompts, all of them are on Saturday's creativity post.



Milo's moment


run for safety!

Hiya.... I survived something too. The other night, I was thinking about getting on the big bed to go to sleeps and the Mama EXPLODED! I ran for the other room to hide.

Mama: sorry, I sneezed. The air quality is red zone right now. Just a sneeze

Milo: well it sounded like you blew up and I'd have no Mama and maybe have to clean up the mess

Mama: tell them about your new toy, I like it!!

the shark likes it

Milo: hmph... I don't know if it's a good thing.... now for treats after ear cleaning I have to work to open, slid, and uncover my treats. I used to just be given them right into my open mouth! 

Mama: but now you get more and have the stimulation of figuring out how to get them. Some you lift off, some you slide, some you open! Fun! a poodle puzzle!

Milo: so that's how you're spinning it.... I just see it as more work for the poodle

please visit these people to hear their likes this week

taking a break: 

               friday smiles


easyweimaraner said...

wow that was a horror moment... I really wonder who is so important that he has to be always on the phone for the whole world... not good.. hope she learnt something too and will change this habit...

Susie H said...

My SIL was actually hit by a car while crossing the road in the crosswalk with the ped light green. Driver never stopped. She lives in Loveland and this was many years ago. Glad you weren't hit.

Poor Clarence. Had me laughing over the exploding coloring book. That apparently happens a lot to dogs. Lol!

Tigger's Mum said...

Lucky narrow escape. Go out and buy a lottery ticket - even if you did have a day of less satisfactory luck. (Remember no such thing as good luck or bad luck - it is all just luck and the difference is what you make out of it). I love your painting - Klimt inspired?

Helen said...

I don't think I've ever worn a sock that was handmade. Am I missing something I should try?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad your guardian angel saved you from the speeding car at least!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your little angel! And the pretty, scrappy socks, too. Milo's poodle puzzle looks fun - they make the best toys for dogs these days. Fingers crossed for a cool down coming soon!

grammajudyb said...

Sorry for your “he**ofaweek”! I am always amazed at the stupid things people do in their cars! Glad your guardian Angel looked out for you when it counted most!

Oh Milo! You must have had one of those weeks too! Didn’t you?

Take care Both of you! ❤️

Angela said...

I am so glad you are safe! You have had a rough week. Not fun. Thanks for the giggle. You gotta love those dogs!

Cloudia said...

Stay cool and save both of you and Milo! Angels are near. God bless you aloha

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a perfect thankful and yes, the Angels were taking care of you. We have similar idiot drivers here and we have to be super careful when we're out walking. Milo, that's a cool puzzle you got there. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Annie said...

The video made me chuckle. Milo's new toy looks fun....I'm sure he will soon learn how to get his treats out cos he's intelligent :-)
Annie x

Duke said...

What a rude young woman! I hope the same happens to her one day!
Interactive toys are so much fun and the treats are the best part, right, Milo!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Oh my that is one scary story. The number of people we see here looking at their phone and driving is a real worry. I have even seen someone with a phone in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, think he must have been driving with his knees Lol! Poor Milo too what he has to put up with, It's a Dog's Life! Take care and have a good weekend and Mama too xXx

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I'm so glad you didn't get hurt. I live in a quiet area but we get cars going too fast every so often and it's so scary! Glad to see Milo enjoying himself! Stay safe and stay cool!

nestki said...

That was a close call! I am glad you survived.
I have heard that birds like to build nests near people's doors because predators will be deterred by the human activity. Best from Lindsay

Kathleen said...

Glad your angels were with you! And I am glad Milo was wrong about the explosion - your imagination is too much. My routine doesn't change too much and honestly I dislike the crowds more than I did when I was young, so we don't do much. We haven't scheduled much, too as DH had an ablation scheduled for late summer, but that got pushed up. Meanwhile, there is some secondary testing going on so hard to make plans, but we will! He can only stand one trip in the offing and he goes to MN at the end of the month...after that we can set our sites on something fun.