Saturday, May 4, 2024

My creative week.... a little house for my pins and some paintings


This week I was distracted by physical pain, but I managed to compete this wee pin cushion! 

There are videos of people teaching versions but none gave me a pattern... I found one on line

at first I cut it out large since it was drawn to scale. Too big for a pin cushion but great for a box... so then I cut it out as shown. 

I used pink felt scraps since the color of the month at rainbow scrap challenge is pink! yea! It looks wonky in these photos but it's a precious little sturdy 3 X 3 X 4 inches, stuffed with walnut shells in a little scrap bag, with fiberfil on top. 

I just randomly put things on like thick threads, felt bits, beads...

love the felted spotty roof, the flower shaped beads

I stitched on it while chatting to my friend Cindy one afternoon. She suggested sticks and french knots

Mais Oui! Magnifique Love how the hand dyed size 5 perle cotton changes color. 

I thought to do a sort of whisteria like vine over the door, lots of threads and beads piled on top of each other! The door is a wood textured scrap of tan felt
already on the job with my night time hexi sewing

I happily played with my threads, beads, and worked by hand (the aqua box is one of 4 I got at IKEA or the container store, I think... they come in handy for little things to keep together

One day I googled henna tatoos to get some new ideas to doodle on paintings... I like them
paper and black pen

I used a few on this quick color play

watercolor impressionist series Kuretake, ink pens and posca paint pens

see the word peace with the letters scrambled? a hand, a face

I learn by doing... painted a pink triangle and used blue posca acrylic pen over it, and it looks blue with pink but was done the opposite way. How do colors look next to each other? try them and see

one day I despaired of my round face... now looking old because of a series of physical set backs so I thought, I'd paint the roundest face and make her pretty... a la Botero

Grace never liked her round face, but she faced the world full on, standing up for herself. She knew her worth and was who she was unapologetic-ally. The spiral is for time/infinity, the hand for her artistry, the heart speaks for itself as she always lived by her good heart. She deserved the moon and the stars . 

Linking with

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts

finished or not

art for fun Fridays 


Dandy Duke said...

I love your adorable house pin cushion! You are so creative and talented!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love your round face painting! It's much nicer than a Botero!

Sara said...

I'm so sorry to hear you've had so much pain lately. It's good that you can do hand stitching and painting however. Your little house pin cushion is delightful.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That little house pincushion is so adorable! I love all the added details - you are so creative!

PaintedThread said...

That pincushion is so cute! Bummer about the pain - that can be so hard to work around.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

How cute is that little pink house! Each and all sides are adorable.
Lovely paintings too, the green face is pretty, as is the round and happy face!
Thank you for sharing your art and creativity!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

This is a lovely pin cushion. i hate it when i see something I would like to make and can't find the instructions, pleased you found one. Hope the pain is better too. I have a book with tatoo drawings and it's very useful for all kinds of design work. Sorry I'm late this week. Sendings hugs Angela xXx

Kim said...

Every little house pin cushion should have a polka dot door. Your pin cushion is so sweet. Love all the embroidery. I'm so sorry you keep suffering great pain and discomfort. You are a marvel pressing on regardless and creating such beauty.

Judy Hansen said...

Your little pink house is so cute! Your creativity abounds in every detail. It is so much fun to see and read about what you create. Thanks for sharing with us. Hugs, Judy

Kathleen said...

I adore your needled house - so beautiful. I am sorry for your pain but glad you were able to get something done. I am amazed at what you do inspite of things that really are limiting.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Look at you finishing your RSC project in PINK during the first week of the month! I'm quite impressed. LOVE your round-faced girl!!

DVArtist said...

Your talent is amazing. I love this felt house. There is so much detail. All of your art is....amazing. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a great weekend.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

That pincushion house is pure sweetness!!! I especially love the embroidered wisteria, my fav flower!!! I hope you're over the pain now.

Gillena Cox said...

Beautiful Art and fabric craft.
Have a nice week end

Every Friday
Art For Fun Friday

Every Sunday



peppylady (Dora) said...

Look like you had fun being creative.
I also took part in face off.

Mae Travels said...

Do you intend to use the pin cushion for actual pins? I wondered how that would work with walnut shells inside. Maybe it's too cute and pretty to use it for pins.
best, mae at

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for linking your post today to Art For Fun Friday


Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

I'm so sorry you are having pain issues - no fun. That house pincushion is just adorable! My granddaughter would love those henna drawings. You are so talented! Thanks for sharing with us on Monday Musings!

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

So sorry to hear about your pain! Art does help relieve it, doesn't it? Or maybe it's just distraction, but it works to help heal the soul. I adore that house pin cushion, especially the bright pink color and happy embroidery! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.