Thursday, May 30, 2024

I Like Thursday # 404 Summer, sauces and white pants


welcome to this week's list of likes... starting with hand dyed cotton socks from ArtFabrik  

Mine are quite old and still useable... it's still birthday month, and my friend sonja in Hawaii sent me a package that included this hand painted/made/sewn card plus some of her hand dyed fabric bits, two cool coasters, and

the best scented soap ever! I love this soap, she sent it another time and I used it up!

 Likes this week... 

I store them in clean jam jars
 > I made my own ketchup, my own BBQ sauce, and Chocolate syrup from recipes found online... DH said they are better than store bought and no chemicals!! I added a bit of arrowroot to thicken it a little, Now to eat up that chocolate sauce... 

> I like pistachio ice cream and vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce! 

> We started watching a Hallmark movies and mysteries show called garage sale mysteries... we both like it now that we watched several of them over the long weekend

> We both like the series Brokenwood, Murdoch Mysteries, Midsomer, we are working our way through Call the Midwife, sadly some shows ended this week but Big Brother starts in July. 

>I like the folding table we got at the home improvement store, to help me sort my supplies to put away. I had a tall table, but it's used for Milo now...

My back is not well, and I'm in treatment but my nerves are pinched terribly... so a tall table is a God-send. I still can't do much but painted this week: more on the creativity post Saturday but here is a close up...

I like that DH asked if it was a self portrait... I sure hope this is how he sees me... I do have green eyes tho lol

> I like the books I'm reading on audio:

and on Ebook, by the talented Rhys Bowen... next in the Molly Murphy series


> my new hobby is peeping at our resident mama... now that her eggs have turned into wee birdies!

I watch her trying to not get pushed out of her little home by the growing chicks... I was looking down and thought, she's gotten kind of fat, and dark... but it was about 3 babies wiggling around under her. They make a lot of noise, and I don't see her leaving them so how is she feeding the babies? 

She looks me right in the eye when I look down at her from Milo's window. I imagine she's saying

" I'm tired of these kids! I need a chick sitter, would that poodle do it? Surely he can chase off squirrels and cats and hawks! 

Mommy, his bark is worse than his bite! 


our prompt this week is Memorial day is the opening of pools, summer and wearing white pants

do you look forward to wearing white pants? Do you own any? Shorts capris, dress pants or jeans?  Did you ever have a favorite pair for instance?

hip hugger cut offs with frayed cuffs? 

White pants, Inspirational humor, Rockin

I like white pants, and have several capri's in cream or white. One is gauzy and artsy. I love a tight pair of white jeans in summer, with a cute top. LOVE white shorts with a long top. ALL color tops go with white. I also love a white sandal, or did before foot issues took precedence. 

Elastic pants | Hey girl ryan gosling ...

As a fresh young thing, I wore hip huggers, with halter tops, sandals, all summer. Except during those monthlies. 

a list of good white jeans:

Milo's Moments

Milo: Hiya! it's been hot but I'm coping, don't worry. Mostly I get active at night. Since Mama has been leaving the house to go to the human vets, I am back staying in my crate when alone. I LOVE my crate and now that it's back I go in a lot on my own. 

I don't wear white pants, BTW. bwaaaa hahaha imagine me in pants! They wouldn't be white long

In case you want to paint me Mama, my eyes are golden brown, heh heh 

Daddy has been sneaky this week when he chases me to get my shark toy. He changes directions so I have to flip around and go the "wrong way" (He could get his own shark toy) but I like to see him happy and keep him exercised. 

now visit mama's friends to see what they like this week.

taking a break:

               friday smiles

Saturday, May 25, 2024

living a creative life making a creative home


I learned this week, that some times you fly with creativity and sometimes you need to compensate for injury yet find ways to still express yourself. 

It was that kind of week for me. Physical limitations meant I couldn't use a rotary cutter, couldn't sew with machine much, had trouble painting as sitting at the table hurt.

We have a mama bird sitting on eggs in the gutter just below Milo's perch. When I joined him in window watching this week, I looked down into two little black eyes blinking up at me, begging me to stop that dog from barking again. She didn't flinch, or move, she had a job to do and she would do it. 

I admire her focus, her  determination and patience. I painted just a quick bird and leaves and realized sometimes a quick painting is as satisfying because you sense it's essence. 

I took to the sewing machine in an effort this week to change my focus from pain to the satisfaction of seeing color next to color making shapes with fabric and pattern. It's like a zentangle drawn over watercolor kind of, the pattern within the shape. 

I could paper piece my feathered star in pink scraps, but not rotary trim or cut the background. I had to use scissors, and pin it to the board. I can't lift an iron yet but will. this gives me a sense that I'll be able to do it all again one day. 

The tiny scraps grew into two more roses as well... 

can you see how they will turn into a little garden? I can, and one day soon I will be able to achieve it

The French have a saying (like Rome wasn't built in a day) something like, 

Little by little the bird builds it's nest

I painted a safe cozy charming home for myself this week... 

the magic of paints, colors, shapes emerging on paper. No underlying sketch, just paint, then ink over

I wish that people could accept each other, could work together, could respect the big picture that we all share the earth equally

I'm hoping I can partake in the upcoming workshop, hand sewing/embroidery by Kate Ward starting Monday. I want to try all the workshops

linking with these folk

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts

finished or not

art for fun Fridays 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

I Like Thursday #403 morning routines, and recovery


welcome to this week's short list of likes...

(I'm in a lot of physical pain, very limited to activity,  back in treatment and like many things, it gets even worse before it improves. But here is my list for today

*I like that my dh will drive me to treatment, and that being retired, I am free to lie in bed and cry, or sit in my chair with the tv on and cry, not have to go to work. 

*I have been doing some more investigation into moving to France and looking at house after house. I am not sure how we can move as getting Milo there will be hard. Love this woman's calm videos on her life in France... such simple beauty and peace on her new porch

*I am enjoying The Danny Thomas show on "old tv" and love it. Even my husband is loving it when he walks by. 

*I like some hand sewing while sitting. 

this is a mug rug/coaster   would you like it? if so leave a comment telling me

*Reading and listening to audio books 

*We ran out of ketchup, so I tried making my own, and thankful for online recipes . Sadly the birthday cake is now gone...😞

 * current season of Bridgerton is on... SO fun and so beautifully filmed and acted

Our Prompt is Tell us about your morning routine

I am not sleeping well, but still wake around 7 ish. I lie there and try to go back to sleep to make up for the middle of the night waking when neighbor grown baby comes home in his muscle car, but usually can't sleep again. Now that I'm recovering from the extreme nose bleeds, I must do protective stuff to keep that at bay first thing. Then Coffee, check emails and link up, paint or draw a tiny thing while having a bite of breakfast. Dress in something comfy. 

Previous to this current affliction, I would write on the computer, paint, plan the day, then go for a walk with dh and Milo, fold dry laundry, put on another load of wash, prep veggies for meals. 

Now? I try to stay vertical.  

Milo's Moment

I love the new treats mama made me, 

Mama: I put beans, rice, carrots into small muffin cups, poured in some egg and baked them. Keep in a container to dole out each day.  I made banana almond butter cookies this time for his nightly treat too. 

Milo: I watch Mama during the day and if she goes upstairs to lie down, I go too and keep watch on her. It's not bad, I can sleep in the big bed stretched out as good as in my crate (which I love) or the blue chair... 

play ball !!!

 now please visit these people to see what they liked this week

taking a break:

               friday smiles