Thursday, January 18, 2024

I Like Thursday # 385 prompt about events, general survival, painting and a poodle!


when cows fly!
Time again for our weekly list of things we like... I love cows! This flying cow has hung in all my houses. That's my grandmother's washstand from the boarding house she owned. 

My birth mother stayed at her boarding house while she was pregnant with me, and where granny's daughter met her and arranged to adopt me. 

Nothing much to note this week. We ate well, making lemon orzo chicken soup, lasagna, chicken and yellow rice, and now that oranges are ripe we're eating more citrus. We had an exceptional green pear too!

while this week was brought to you by the color white... along with some mighty cold temps

I also enjoyed all the other colors while painting again this week (more on Sat's post) and sewing


daily drawing prompts 365 for a year LINK HERE

Sewing news

I made this for Project Quilting in 4 days.... please see the post with details HERE


 Watching on TV

PBS has a couple shows new to me, like "Funny Woman" and Frankie Drake

 great audio book

 A funny!  this guy tells jokes


our prompt this week

Tell us about An event that had a big impact on you this year.... and how did you handle it? 

gosh, life is just kind of, well, Daily and I wish I had something momentous to mention but mainly we survived... 

know what I mean? 

My husband survived a  virus that laid a strong man out for weeks in bed. (not covid or flu)

I survived his illness too, doing all the work, cleaning, cooking, and poodle care as well as constantly checking to see if he was breathing still, and worrying who would care for Milo should we all fall sick  

God provided a miracle keeping me safe. I feel like I achieved something...

I survived a big infection this year too,  sending me to the ER twice, to several other medical appts, and a several month weekly visit to a foot specialist. There were countless expensive tests, risk of covid for me at hospitals, and pain, such pain. I developed Reynaud's syndrom in my toe, that wouldn't subside and then a subsequent cut on it infected and it took months of antibiotics, and topical treatments and care. Now I must be very careful to wear wool socks and slippers here in the cold. I learned a lot about medical care here... the ER's were not helpful, long story. 

I forgot to say, I am extremely phobic about doctors and hospitals. Overwhelming panic.

I learned DH is the steadfast man I married, who took care of me and stood by me even when I couldn't stand.

I melted down several times, and because life is not a Hallmark movie where hard times last one segment between ads.... I just picked up the tattered spirit, duct taped it back together, did the dishes, and kept going. 

I wouldn't have thought I could endure all that!


Mama: Honey stay under your blankie, the high today is -11 F

Milo's Moments this week

Milo: I am still battling with my ears, so I get what Mama is sayin' 

This week I liked eating the cheddar cheese chewy cookies mama made for me. I got through all the boot wearing on walks (our temps were below 0 at night much of the week) and mainly have spent my days going from my blue chair, to the living room sofa, to the windows I must guard from random animals, delivery trucks, mail carriers, and neighbors. At night I come alive! I want to eat, and run, and play fetch (more like chase me for the toy) 

Mama plays hide and seek with my toys and I always find them. Daddy throws the toys up and over the upstairs rail so I race him to see who gets up there faster to get the toy. It's always me, I have twice the number of climbing running legs as that daddy. 

At night I even like my new jammies and getting in the big bed, on the soft comforter, and being off duty to rest. The daddy curls up around me, the mama pushes me over a bit but she means well. The lights are off, and I am able to really rest knowing no one will try to clean an ear, or trim a toenail. 

sorry you can't sit here, there's barely enough room for a poodle!

Now please visit these folks to see what they liked this week


               friday smiles at a stitch in time


easyweimaraner said...

the cows are super cow-l :o)

Cloudia said...

Aloha Milo! Enjoyed this post very much. Thank you friends. Aloha

Sara said...

The Flying Cow really made me smile!! Which I need this morning as I face another cold, snowy, grey day. I've developed Reynaud's in my hands. When I went to the grocery store on Monday with a windchill of -40, even gloves didn't keep my hands warm. The store's heat wasn't working and I felt so bad for the employees all wearing their coats indoors. When I got home I realized my hands hurt, and looked worse than normal with the white areas. I hope you both stay healthy now.

An event this year that has had an impact? I think an upcoming event is the one most on my mind - my 70th birthday. I feel so OLD right now.

Angela said...

You are a strong woman! I am so glad you survived all the medical stuff! Milo looks adorable in that chair.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your flying cow is so cute! We have to have those things around us to keep us smiling at times. During hard times, we just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other (sometimes literally!) and keep going until it passes, right? You did that more than once this year!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi LeeAnna! I love your project for PQ. It looks like a welcoming home for birdies and family. Great Dad jokes - I love them. Oh, Milo looks so pretty in that Buffalo plaid covering. And I'm sorry that he's having ear issues - those are no fun at all. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

Brian's Home Blog said...

I love that flying cow, really cool! I'm so glad you made it through that health battle and yes, medical places cause me lots of anxiety too and I used to work at one. Milo, I'm sorry your ears are bothering you and I hope the all better shows up soon. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

PaintedThread said...

What a fun cow! Oof - definitely some rough health issues to deal with - I feel for you. Milo looks comfy. He's a lucky dog!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Love the flying cow! I think it's normal to scream and react while going through a hard time. It think it's healthy and lets off a lot of steam. I love seeing Milo is so pampered!

Babajeza said...

So hpefully, all is back to normal? Take care!

Annie said...

I love the flying cow. You have had a challenging year....but you survived thankfully.
Annie x

Lisca said...

What fun to have a flying cow! At the hospice where I worked, we had a flying pig (similar to your cow) in the nurses' staton. It comes from the expression: 'Pigs might fly'.
Boy, you have been through some stuff! Kudos! Respect! Big pat on the back and all that. You are a survivor. In Spain I would say you are 'valiente', which means brave, courageous etc.
Something from last year that had an impact on me? My mother's death. (I was with her). And how my sister and I handled the aftermath together. We did really well and worked really well together, and got it all done.
Milo made me smile again.
Enjoy your weekend,

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I love your flying cow but not half as much as I love Milo he's such a lovely boy and so aware of what's going on around him. Your Quilted wall hanging is brilliant, love it and hope your weekend is a happy one. Hugs, Angela xxx

Tommy and Teaghan said...

The flying cow is cool and thanks for letting us in your life with your stories. All things that happen to us make us stronger and wiser and happier that we made it through it all. It's great you are so creative and you can make those beautiful quilts. Xo

Kathleen said...

I love the flying cow! Your year was memorable and glad you both came out on the other side...what ordeals! Milo is right about being in bed and nothing bad can happen. I feel that way about the cold!

Michelle said...

Life is not a Hallmark movie, not for any of us. Glad to hear you made it through last year and now onto bigger and better things. Thank you for linking up and have a great week.