Thursday, January 25, 2024

I Like Thursday #386 games, bread, a little red wagon and a poodle


I just love this little wagon that sits on our entry armoire!  

I had real kid sized one as a child. Did you? I remember kneeling in it, steering with the handle pulled over my shoulder, bumping along on the old sidewalks in front of our house. I also remember being wheeled around by a family friend who sometimes did yardwork for us, in his big dirty wheel barrow! He'd tip it back and forth, bumping me in the air over the yard. I loved him! I bet I had on my pedal pusher shorts, plastic sandals with my little white socks, my hair in tight pig tails.

 I liked this video of a young woman who tries old cookbook recipes... this one is for hawaiian banana bread made with pineapple and coconut. 

We had all the ingredients, one going south banana, leftover pineapple, organic coconut...

fragrant, delicate flavor of fruit, perfect for slicing, a quick bread no yeast. 4 thumbs up on this one

Creative stuff

I am doing 3 challenges this week, all to be done in one week. This is one done and dusted, full pics on Saturday's creativity round up post

 speaking of the weather

cuckoo. crazy. We had 3 snows and extremely cold weather last week, and now it's all melting in the sun and we're headed up to mid 60's in the shade. In the Colorado foothills of the rockies in JANUARY


I might be the last to discover this little family of musicians but wowza! be my baby....

Raized Wrong has lots of videos... in lurve!

Prompt this week: 

does your family play games? what kinds and are any of them new ones this year? Cards? board games? puzzles? action games like darts or horseshoes etc? 

now we're a family of two for games, as Milo might just eat game pieces

back in the day, our family card game of choice was, "oh hell" and many a night we all gathered around the table laughing as we played. I remember the summer of pinochole, when I stayed with my sister's family for a month. Now, dh and I love to play cribbage, a mix of cards and board.

I have many memories of childhood watching my parents, aunts and uncles playing poker. They played for chips, and I mainly played with the chips listening surreptitiously as you can hear a lot as a child if you're quiet... 

Poker Dogs With Cigars Wall Art | Dogs playing poker, Posters art prints,  Framed poster art

I loved board games  as a kid, shutes and ladders, monopoly( I was the iron, or the boot) , yahtzee, and as an adult, Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary,

puzzles, yes please jigzone, jigsaw planet online take the place of actual ones now, but I started as a wee girl, with the giant wooden pieced puzzle you wedged the piece into it's place on a wood board, then moved up to all kinds of puzzles until it had to be 2000 pieces!

computer games, I like " fruit zone" a matching game like mahjong, yazy triple, and the dash games where you work in a hotel or diner. 

Milo's Moments

Milo: yes, I'd like that big piece of bread that you left on the counter smelling like Heaven! 
Doggie please???


HMPH! I never get anything good around here!!! 

Mama: well I made the family oat pancakes this morning and you had a big one with almond butter on it... then at lunch we gave you some of our veggie burgers, that you LOVE in your little red bowl like all your treats... 

Milo: that was hours ago! Years in dog time! I can hardly remember what they tasted like

Mama: could that be because you ate them all so fast?

Milo: oh stop mama! You know I am a delicate gentle poodle!! Now, about that bread...

Please let me know what monopoly piece you were, and games you like so I might get them.

and visit these folks to see their likes this week... let me know to add your link in if you do a post too!


easyweimaraner said...

I always wanted one and never got such a fab wagon... but today I'm more a taker for the cake it looks soft and super tasty...

grammajudyb said...

What piece was I when we played Monopoly? Whatever was leftover! As the oldest kid and then the mom, I chose last! Didn’t matter to me. Do they still make Radio Flyer wagons? I see lots of plastic and canvas wagons these days. I have a folding canvas one to haul stuff to stitching or quilting groups!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Good morning, LeeAnna! Oh, a Radio Flyer. LOVE it!! That Hawaiian Banana Bread recipe sounds delicious. I love all the ingredients in it - how could it be bad?! Plus, you give it 4 thumbs up so I need to give it a try. Happy Thursday, my friend. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

Cloudia said...

Many happy memories with the red wagon! Thank you for sharing this. Cornucopia of joy. Aloha, Milo!

Angela said...

My sons had a radio flyer wagon! Yours is so cute!

Kathleen said...

Just ran across our son in his red wagon! And he had lovely wagon times with his Grandfather in England, wonderful memories. Games - I love them, my guys not so much. Monopoly and Scrabble are my two favorites bit we also played a lot of cards when I was young. Now, I play games on my phone or ipad!

My GBGV Life said...

Mom loves those little red wagons too. They remind her of being a little girl. We have had a horrible winter, warm, no snow, rain, ice, yuck! It is a record year and not one we wanted at all. Hoping at some point we get some good snow storms.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I never had a little red wagon when I was little but they sure were popular in the neighborhood. Dang, that bread does look good. Milo, I don't know if you'll get some cake or not but don't give up asking! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Loved the video of the kids singing, and dad in the background! Cribbage is the perfect two-person game - we play every day. Your quick bread looks and sounds yummy, too. I'm thankful for the 50 and 60 degree days - they get me through the cold, gray, snowy ones! Happy Thursday!

PaintedThread said...

Interesting bread. Rob's not a big game player, but I enjoy them! wow - I really can't remember what monopoly piece I liked best - the dog? The racecar? Maybe the boot. :-)

Rosemary Dickinson said...

That bread sounds delicious! We played games when the kids were little but not now. Sorry I didn't post today, it was my birthday and I wasn't home!

Sandy said...

Never had a little red wagon, but my neighbor did; so I can well picture the memories you described. I don't like coconut so would nix that in the bread; but other than that it sounds good. We played board games when it was a rainy day or maybe in the winter when our mittens needed to dry out before we could go back outside.
Sandy's Space

Annie said...

I love banana bread…something we like to make if we have an over ripe banana.
Games are a must…we play lots with the grandchildren and as a child I loved monopoly and always had a jigsaw on the go. We played games with all 7 of our grandchildren over Christmas…lots of memories made.
Annie x

MissPat said...

We used to have days-long Monopoly games, set up in my grandparents garage. I don't remember if I had a favorite player piece. Also played Clue and Scrabble (but that was later as a teen). For card games, I played Canasta, Poker, and Euchre (learned in college, as it was popular in the Rochester area). Now I do jigsaw puzzles online (Jigsaw Planet, like you). I just borrowed a 1000 piece puzzle from the library, but haven't started it yet.Our snow has all disappeared since it warmed up and has been raining on and off for 4 days. Very foggy at times as well.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

The cake looks scrummy and the little cart is so sweet, maybe you could hitch Milo to it and get him to carry the shoppinbg. He doesn't look very delicate, I think he's having us on Lol! |Have a great weekend. Hugs, Angela xxx

Helen said...

My neighbor and I each had a red wagon. We would hop in at the top of the trail that wound down the hill and lead to the barn. We dodged small trees, stumps, and rocks. We rarely made it all the way down to the barn without a wreck. That was the fun.

Michelle said...

My son had a little red wagon and we bought it for his first birthday. I wanted to make sure he had a "classic" gift :) When our kids were at home we would have long standing Monopoly games during the winter months. Good times! Thanks for linking up.