Thursday, December 28, 2023

I Like Thursday # 382 some questions, some pecans, some snow and a poodle


welcome to this week's list of likes... this last week of 2023, WHEW!!!

starting with my set of bowls bought at Joann's on sale over Thanksgiving. Perfect size, perfect whimsical patterns inside and out

useful as pecan holders for my favorite pie

I've been making this recipe since high school, many years now

We all three have family jammies from Khols... made by cuddle duds and really warm and soft

never take the selfie from under your chin...

but we can't take a decent selfie!

 In gratitude this week I want to mention some friends who sent gifts to me. I saved  them til Christmas to have something to open... 

 Shannon (link to her site  ) makes ornaments each year, and she sends me one... I cherish these hand made pieces of art... last year there were precious stones gathered on a trip, this year this very interesting reminder of our love of sewing... beads and ornaments on a spool of thread, a button, and date tag all with a hanger

Mari (link to her site )sent me an assortment of beading/jewelry supplies, I can hardly wait to use when I figure out how to use them! 

 Roseanne (link to her site  ) found this cute flamingo printed bag, and included a pair of the cutest little scissors with colorful dots on them, which I will love to use. I love scissors! and flamingos of course... things like this show that a person knows me, and is thinking of me... and follows through with the hard for me work of shipping! 

I love getting the guinea pig cards from Sally ( link to her site ) and hand written notes


Helen (her site )sent the fabulous reindeer painting she did to go in her challenge group's book... I LOVE it so much, and the story she wrote to go with it.

  Look at the tiny collection hand made books of quotes and illustrations...I will open them randomly to see the quote and make it work for me that day. 

 These special little things mean a lot, but they also represent a connection between friends that means the world to me...

I have a creativity post to do on Saturday with a quilt and a project, I like making stuff!

I am almost finished one audio book, and am fully obsessed with an ebook, for reading this week. 

Have you set a goal for the new year? I heard someone somewhere say her goal is to do what inspires her to happiness and to avoid that which takes from her happiness. 

one of Helen's quotes
 I want to write a lot this year, use words and imagination,  and as always try to remember what I still have not focus on what is missing.

Prompt this week

"Would you rather kiss in Paris or kiss in a tent in the woods on NYE? 

would you rather be at a big fancy party where you all scream happy new year at midnight, or at home on your sofa or with a couple friends playing cards etc"

Kiss in Paris which means my husband and poodle need to come along with me! lol   Yes, something romantic, lights and music and dancing in the street, wearing a feather boa. DH in a fedora and all black. Poodle in black fur with a diamond collar.... yes I see it all now...

I've done the impersonal big flashy party at a hotel, I've done big contra dances with everyone wearing pretty clothes and tiaras, I've done smaller parties at friend's home playing games and eating and toasting with champagne as the ball drops in NYC, on the tv screen. I have spent more eves on the sofa watching movies with DH and drinking champagne. 

now that I'm girl-in-a-bubble, and have to guard against covid and RSV and worse I have to be content with sofa celebrations. I am grateful for a warm house and food, champagne, someone close to share it all with. I'm grateful for what we have still have. I miss the fun of being around other humans at a dance most. 

Milo/s Moment

Milo: I was playing one night and saw something under the tree and just wanted to check it out
with my teeth... uh oh then Mama said, Milo that's for tomorrow!
what does tomorrow mean?? wait? I hate "wait" then the next morning mama handed it to me and I tore into the paper. Is there any better noise than ripping paper? amiright?

r i i i i p p p !

whee a new octopus with 8 legs to chew off!


AND a ring you gnaw on? Mama kept saying don't break a tooth!

and what's this? miracle! a toy of just a skin already and with squeakers? Let me tell you it feels so good to fling it back and forth in my mouth!

I went from toy to toy playing with them all the live-long day!

 Milo: I like the snow, but it upsets my tummy when I eat it.  I still eat it.
but don't eat yellow snow y'all... I don't do that!



LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those Christmas-y bowls are adorable! Love your jammies, too. You guys had a white Christmas - we didn't get a flake. Thanks for the Christmas card! Happy New Year to all of you!

grammajudyb said...

Fun to have Christmas dishes! I have an assortment of Christmas coffee cups and eggnog glasses. I use them, DH doesn’t! He has a favorite in the regular cupboard! Grumpy old curmudgeon! Getting fun mail is the best!

Helen said...

By the way... That quote is from Silver Boxes: The Gift of Encouragement by Florence Littauer. It was written 30+ years ago, but good reminders about being encouraging don't go out of style.

Cloudia said...

Love you Milo 💕

Angela said...

Cute jammies! I wish you a sparkly NYE in your bubble!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were all wonderful photos and that pie does look wonderful. Milo, I'm glad you had a fun Christmas with your fun goodies. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Sara said...

Very cute bowls. So festive! We've done the big parties, the quiet card game nights with friends, and now we seem to be in the phase of not staying awake to see the New Year begin. This year we'll do our family Christmas on NY Day - hopefully all the grandkids will be over the flu bugs and colds by then.

PaintedThread said...

Taking selfies is SO HARD. LOL I love that reindeer painting. Milo - how lucky you are with a new octopus!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I love your Christmas dishes. So fun! I can never take a good selfie. It never looks right. I love the matching jammies! No snow here, just rain. It's been too warm. I hope you have a great New Year's Eve and a wonderful 2024!!

Lisca said...

I love your bowls! What a find! They are beautiful in and out.
And the pecan pie looks delicious! Well done you.
Staying home in your 'bubble' is not a bad idea. Here in Europe everyone seems to have colds and flues. I don't get the impression that Covid is on the rise, but in spite of flu jasbs, people are still getting ill. I have been in bed 4 days before Christmas and many of my friends too. Well, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, so we soldier on.
Milo is so funny with his new toys. They probably won't last long, especially the octopus. I seem to remember he loves to rip that one apart.
Taking elfies is not easy. I have never been avble to get on with a selfie stick. It never works when I need it.
Wishing you and your man a very happy and healthy 2024,

Michelle said...

My best new year's eve is spent in my pj's and I usually fall asleep well before midnight. I have done all of the parties, etc...through the years and that's enough for me! lol Best wishes for a wonderful 2024!!!!

Annie said...

Sorry I’m sooooo late in visiting you today. I was out last night at the theatre and today I’ve been doing jobs to be ready for work next week….got to be done. Milly love’s Christmas morning when she can open her present…we video her each year but I struggle to share it on my blog. I hope you have a wonderful 2024 and life improves for you.
Annie x

Kathleen said...

What lovely little treats you received for sweet. Love that Milo was able to wait for his shiny new octopus and rings and slinky furry thing. We have no snow...right now I am happy about it. I would rather be home, tucked in my bed than out on New Years...but Paris...well I could be tempted especially with a doodle!