Thursday, September 7, 2023

I Like Thursday # 366 flowers, art and a poodle


butterfly painting, full shot on Saturday

welcome to this week's list of likes... the small things that make life better. 

I'm enjoying the painting workshop even if I haven't done but two. I've watched others, and learned. 

out in the back 40, er, or out back the million dollar tomato still on the bush. I tried to pull it but it held tight, so I thought, who am I to tell it when it's ready for harvest? (4 tomato plants, 5 months, and two tomatoes to show for it)

the volunteer flowers that blew in, are thriving however
the wildflower seeds in patio pots are languishing, but this one is really pretty looked at up close

Milo: I don't know why mama keeps trying, but it keeps her busy and outside, which I like

it's been hot, sunny and dry, and our grass isn't fun to run on now

I still prefer being outside most of the time, easier to bark intruders away since they can hear me bark better


on youtube shorts.... Family meeting,.. I want to be part of that family

on youtube, this was so funny, for our cat lovers...

On TV, I discovered Swedish Death Cleaning. I am not a minimalist, but these three are so good at helping, so funny, so touching and I learn something eash show

I sew/ knit/ or play IPAD games while tv is on... it's all good

I retaught myself knitting socks this weekend, sheesh ya take 3 years off and forget how

I cooked this week, Chicken souvlaki, chicken pot pie, orange flavored chicken, (see a trend?) but also salmon.  On the dessert front, I made almaretti cookies, so good, and made with almond flour, egg whites, and a bit of sugar.

Individual pecan pies... and sugar cookies like granny made, kind of a cross between shortbread and cookies, not overly sweet but yummy! 

Reading a good bit, finished this 2nd book on audio and waiting for book 3

this is by the same authors as the Irish Boarding house... but it takes place in WW2, and right now that makes me so uncomfortable, as I am worried about our own country


at night I got the 3rd book involving the mystery solving women Edwina and Beryl

Image of book page. Click to open preview. 

that's it for me, thankful for friends and zoom, FT and phone calls

please visit these folks to see what they liked this week

patchwork Sunday                    
oh Scrap Sundays 
friday smiles at a stitch in time




easyweimaraner said...

we love the two reading ideas ..and even when somme is nearly over... for a good book is always time...

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi LeeAnna! Nuts to the poor results on your tomatoes but they look delicious. Are you watching Big Brother? Or The Challenge? I think reality TV will be all that's offered on the networks since the writer's strike. I don't mind watching that at all, at least most of the time! It's nice to be back to the Thursday group. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

Angela said...

I am always clearing stuff. I am far from a minimalist and closer to a hoarder. I just have so many interests! What iPad games do you play? I also like to play while watching a show.

Sara said...

The last time I tried growing tomatoes in a pot on my deck the results were similar. But they tasted great.

We had 3 days of 100+ weather over the weekend, but yesterday and today it's about 50 degrees colder in the morning. Mother Nature is feeling a little bi-polar I guess.

grammajudyb said...

I decided to clip my 2 red tomatoes. I have a little garden shears. Otherwise the wasps were going to think they were theirs. Ugh! The wasps are thick this year. TV is meager right now. I’m not a fan of the reality shows! I have enough drama in my own life! 🙂 And the streaming titles are not enticing either. Yay, for iPad games, and blog posts to read! And You Tube videos! And maybe I’ll get my reading mojo back! I have so many titles on my kindle. Sigh!

You are knitting socks? Awesome! I am so impressed by people who knit socks!,

Helen said...

I'm watching those tomatoes! They better be absolutely delicious!

Scrapatches said...

Hi, LeeAnna ... I am back to blogging and enjoying visiting my Thursday friends. Our summer has been so wet and stormy that only the weeds have done well. I have also not been able to go out and putter about. At long last, summer has arrived and now it is hot and humid and I have my sewing machine back so I just want to stay inside and sew. Those almond cookies look delicious. Please give my favorite poodle pal a scratch behind the ears and tell him he is a handsome pup. May you are yours have a good week ... :) Pat

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your flowers are pretty, and all the baking looks yummy! My mom used to make those mini pecan pies - so tasty. Happy Thursday!

Kathleen said...

Oh, that butterfly looks awesome, can't wait for the full reveal! I still need to see if I can figure out how to borrow from our library for the kindle or other app...been so slow to do it. I think I will start with the boarding house book you recommended a few weeks ago!

PaintedThread said...

That tomato looks great. I love your volunteers. Keep cool, Milo!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those flowers look pretty darn good and so does the tomato! Hey Milo, I'm glad you're on guard duty dude, it's important to keep strangers away! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Annie said...

Your tomatoes look so ripe and I bet they will be so tasty. I bet you’re so hot Milo...please keep in the shade.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sorry I'm late today. We've been out in the garden most of the day and by the time I'd showered, done dinner and fed the dogs I'd just about had enough so I'm catching up a bit before bed.It's a good job Milo hasn't taken a fancy to the tomato as I bet he could get it to come off. My boy dog keeps trying to reach the apples on the tree. He is only 11 months old but found one that had fallen to the ground and decided he liked them though I'm not encouraging it. At least Milo hjas the sense to stay somewhere cool. Wishing you a happy weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I wanted to stop by before I went to the High Tea put on by my PBS station. This will be a real quickie. Just wanted to see how Milo is doing and it looks like he is staying cool in this heat. Have a super rest of the weekend, dear LeeAnna.

Joanne said...

Knitting socks ! you go girl !
While it's a 30 C degree week here !

csuhpat1 said...

Everything looks so very peaceful.