Friday, January 22, 2021

paint party Friday... mixed media?


"Gazing out with Hope"
This is the day I usually share paintings and drawings.... and here is my big finished painting this week!

it's quite different  working with fabric rather than paper. The fibers in fabric can wick a thinner liquid along their lines, or bleed, causing you to have unplanned lines. I started this piece, one evening when I just wanted to paint a face... I got a scrap of muslin fabric, and these basic materials out on the work table

I start a face with two half moons for eyes, one crescent for lip top, one tiny one for nose bottom one for chin. Then I add in eyebrows and start. Fabrico markers are awesome with dual tips. Clear clean color, and prismacolor pencils are my favorite medium for soft color on fabric. Both are permanent when heat pressed. 

What to do with this tiny 5" X 4" scrap with a face? 

I got out my scraps with fusible (glue) on the back and fussy cut out flowers and circles and hearts and moved them around til  liked the collage. Instead of flimsy batting I used peltex thick stabalizer. Then I quilted it with sparkling metallic threads with the idea of Tree and Leaves.

to hold down the muslin scrap I did a hand stitched variation of partial lazy daisy stitches in thick embroidery variegated thread.

and used pinking shears along the edge. I went over the edge with thick embroidery thread to cover the edges. 

I need to enjoy her for a bit but am cosidering giving her to someone who might enjoy having one of my little pieces later.... be thinking  if you'd enjoy her too

going to a party!

off the wall Fridays
can I get a whoop whoop Fridays 


easyweimaraner said...

it reminds me of summer and being in a southern country... well done!!!!

Linda Kunsman said...

she looks great and I love all the stitching- well done! happy PPF!

Valerie-Jael said...

She's gorgeous! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

Christine said...

Lovely mixed media!

Clare Lloyd said...

Love work in fabric too. Fab art.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Gorgeous, LeeAnna. You've got me wanting to do something happy on the sewing machine sooner rather than later. You've reminded me to put pinking shears on my wish list. Good cheer, LA!

Rain said...

Hi LeeAnna :) I hope you're doing okay? Haven't heard back from you but I know things are looking up now! :) xx
Your fabric lady is so pretty! :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's very pretty, we like mixed media. Well, we don't paint or anything but we are mixed up frequently!

Sara said...

I especially like how you added all the little bits of flowers, etc. I’ve never been very comfortable with collage work. Beautiful piece!!

Shelina said...

That is really pretty! I love that you put a frame around her.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

This is wonderful work, I am so fascinated by it !!
Have a beautful weekend, hugs Elke

Duke said...

She is absolutely beautiful!

DVArtist said...

This is fantastic! I love how all of this came together. Beautiful.

The Joyful Quilter said...

SEW many fun details on this sweet painted piece, LeeAnna! I enjoyed hearing more about your process. I'm pretty sure your painted lady would LOVE to spend time in my studio. There's an open spot on my Gallery Wire! :o))

WendyK said...

A lovely idea and well done stitching it.

Divers and Sundry said...

Prismacolors are the best! I remember discovering them, and art was never the same around here :) Your stitching adds so much!

Martha from ilove2paint said...

it turned out beautifully nice!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Nicely done.