Thursday, February 13, 2020

I Like Thursday #180

I like this V-day quilt on my picture easel in the family room
Welcome to Thursday's list of likes
As the kids say, I'm not gonna lie.... it's been a very difficult week and I'm about to dig deep to find likes.

the week has been about distractions mainly

some good shows on right now, Project Runway, New Amsterdam, The good doctor, This is Us, the bachelor (altho I yell at the tv a lot when that's on), Biggest Loser, Say yes to the Dress ( national wedding)

Time Team, Murdoch Mysteries, Mrs Maisel, Grace and Frankie, Great British Baking show, Reel history with 6 celebrities in England going back to survive 4 days of Victorian times, Restoration House where they restore castles and ancient buildings, Donna Reed show, That Girl.

this is a copy of a draw along page copied from the book, and we add in pencil, then go over in pen
youtube drawing videos
still learning from Johanna Basford's "Inky school" videos... she's my new friend lol
Doing some sketching and drawing along with her


Outlander current season now on disc at the library, binge watching as they don't let you keep DVD's for long. I read all of the series in book form, and it's very condensed but the show is awesome.

listening to Susan Wiggs in the studio, and reading Ellie Alexander series in bed. Requested a number of  library books on quilting, beading, and drawing, so I can send them back.

what's easiest?

I love fresh organic pears!!
 Fabric news
love these new ones and gifted flamingos
sorting UFO's and a post to come on that process and what it's taught me

finished this year's Valentine quilt and hung it up. Finished a V-day UFO as well. Hand stitching on some tumbling blocks, made more improv log cabins in green.

puzzles and games
I have favorites on the ipad like spider solitaire, backgammon, mahjong, marbles. I also love doing kakuro math puzzles. I go to jigsawplanet for puzzles of quilts.

xfinity has a swing music channel on cable, and I also like the 70's channel there (#947??)

It's been snowing for over a week now, gray, piling up in the streets because our part of Colorado doesn't seem to find value in plowing. Oh our car insurance rates are sky high... correlation? I am stuck in the house because I can't risk falling on hidden ice and my car is older and not 4 wheel drive. Or a tank. I've had major nosebleeds that slow me down too (I like afrin to stop it and Ayr to heal)
 Can't meet anyone if I can't leave the house, but I've been very happy to have email chats, and a couple phone chats with friends.

To go along with my newfound love of baby elephants, here are some more babies...
Absolutely the sweetest animals taking care of each other.... awe....

Misadventures of Milo
 sorry to say y'all but I'm bored. SO bored.  Oh I walk with mama during the day but no one's out. I love heading out and running into pals but, it's too cold I guess. Not for me, I live by the postal carrier's code... "neither snow nor rain nor dead of night will stop me from my walks"

At night, I take Daddy for his last walk, and to help him exercise I have him throw the ring toy. 
Degree of difficulty right now? 10 because it hides under snow. When I eat snow I fro up. Still... a Daddy's got to be  kept exercised or he gets testy. 

now sit, stay! visit mama's friends who wrote lists too!



Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi LeeAnna! Oh, it's a snowy, cold, windy morning here so I can sympathize with you about not getting out. Although I am at work, so I did have to go out. But I would have preferred not to! HAHA! I'm so happy it's finally Thursday. Poor Milo - no friends to romp with. Hang in there, buddy! Spring is coming . . . so they say. ~smile~ Roseanne

Michele McLaughlin said...

Hope it gets warmer soon for you all! Glad you have good shows to watch on tv! Spring will be here soon!

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
oh@ swing music...not sewing music :)
This years valentine quilt looks great and is already hanging!
May I copy a photo or two and link up your blog post when you were making it? Such a fun way to make a quilt !
You're having a very creative week!
When it's time to share your I like Thursday likes # 200, in 20 weeks, we'll be at the end of June, beginning of July!

easyweimaraner said...

we love reel history a lot... it's great to watch with friends on a cold winter day!!!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, love the pretty quilt hanging. I have heard Colorado was getting a lot of snow lately. Winter is not over yet. We have not had much snow here in Maryland, so I am happy. Cute photo of Milo. Wishing you a happy day!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I hope you have a better week ahead. I love your fabric and fresh fruit. I bought some green grapes last week and they were so good! Love the Valentine quilt. Glad to see Milo is still getting out!!

CountryDew said...

Oh geez. Snow for a week. I'd be losing my mind. Keep on the sunny side!

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

That’s quite a stunning valentine on display on the easel. The detail from the Inky School is unbelievable. I use AYR too cause if I don’t -my nose actually hurts after the dryness during the night. U appreciate your book and tv show choices.
Keep warm and hope you have lots of sunshine to melt away the snow. Take care. Mary. Hang in there Milo!!

Shelina said...

I really like your V-Day quilt too! I don't watch much TV but just watched New Amsterdam for the first time this week. I really liked it. My dog too will not let anything keep him from his walks, except lightening.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Love how you hung your Valentine quilt - looks like the perfect spit for it! I'm looking forward to your post on sorting UFOs, because I certainly have lots of them to sort through.

Duke said...

I love both of your Valentine's quilts and I love New Amsterdam! We've been spending too much time inside and missing walks because of all of the stoopid rain.

piecefulwendy said...

I am sorry about your week, but you did good finding likes. I'm especially sorry you can't go anywhere; while it's fun to be stuck inside sometimes, it eventually gets a bit old. Your Valentine quilt is lovely. Milo, do you wear booties when you go for walks in the winter? Hope you all have a better week soon!

Cynthia Marrs said...

LeeAnna, Did you see who won Best of Show last night at Westminster? A black standard poodle. Of course, he was all froo-froo'd up. Milo is far more handsome!


sandyland said...

you always pick the most colorful things..lost my dog to cancer -hurting so much

Elkes Lebensglück said...

your Valentine quilt is very nice and the drawing book is great!!!
Wonderful the posting!!!
Greetings Elke

Michelle said...

I enjoyed the Outlander books and the series. I am currently watching The Crown. I am way behind on shows! I do like Country House Rescue from the BBC, it is on Youtube. Thanks for linking up.

Pinkadot Quilts said...

I LOVE the Donna Reed show. Everything is so simple, plus who doesn't love pearls? Outlander is the best! The new season starts this Sunday, I can't wait!!!!
I just finished reading This Tender Land. The writing is superb and I loved the story. Another one you might like is called Dream Daughter, very different but good. said...

Oh I am so with you. I am tired of the gray, days, and it is snowy here today also, and getting really cold. Want to know what is sad. The other day it was 36 and I sat on the porch in the sun for about 15 minutes and thought it was heavenly. Great valentine's quilt, an your little quilt on the easel.

sonja said...

And who was a good boy and who won Best of Show last night at Westminster? Why one of milo's tribe. congrats and hugs and pats to your pup!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I hope things improve soon. The weather has kept a lot of people inside but it sounds like you have some neat shows to watch and books to read! Hugs!

Tamar SB said...

Such pretty quilt squares!

PaintedThread said...

Sorry it's been a rough week. Love the fabric and that orange UFO. Nice to see this year's Valentine's quilt all done. Hope things aren't so boring for Milo soon.

betty-NZ said...

Loving all your photos! Your handiwork amazes me. Here's hoping next week is better :)

Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

Juliann said...

I need to put a reminder on my phone to join you next Thursday - love this idea

MissPat said...

Was Milo delighted or dismayed that a standard poodle won Westminster? I could see him being worried about that haircut. You did a good job of finding some likes this week, even if it felt like a crumby week. Better days (and sunnier) are coming. Hang in there. Glad to see the annual Valentine quilt hanging.

Ann said...

You are keeping busy through this winter weather. Good for you.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Here's to a improved next week, right?

Shannon said...

I'm so sorry it's been such a rotten week! I'm also enjoying project runway and I just found the netflix version the other day. It's called Next in Fashion and is fun! Slightly different from PR, but more or less the same thing so I've been watching it in between PR episodes. Of course now I have people from the two shows a little confused in my mind but there you go....

Tanya Breese said...

Outlander is something on my list to watch!

Angie said...

LA - sorry to hear that last week was tough for you. You certainly found many likes all the same. Your new V-Day quilt is gorgeous. Hoping this week is better. I thought of you today when I stopped in Hobby Lobby and saw awesome, 5-foot tall flamingo sculptures!