2.aroma therapy oils
My friend Monika suggested essential oils might lift my sagging spirits. This blend is from Whole Foods. When I catch myself bursting into tears yet again, I open the bottle and sniff. About three times. And I'm surprised that the tears stop, and I can resume life, already in progress. Thank you Monika... it seems to take the edge off. Better living through chemicals.
2. the movie "The magic of Belle Isle" ( wikipedia)
with Morgan Freeman and Virginia Madsen. Well written, superbly acted, entirely charming. All that and a yellow lab. We watched on Netflicks. We both LOVED this film. You will too!
3. This cheese spread made with cream cheese and feta... so very good.This one has roasted red peppers.
4. beautiful drinking glasses. We got these at Sur la table on clearance. They said hand wash so I promptly put them in the dishwasher, as I do not enjoy doing dishes. They survived but your mileage may vary. I love pretty dishes and glasses, it makes drinking all that water a better experience.
5. "Order"... I'm putting the studio in order, or trying to.
The Studio is trying to remain in it's comfy zone of chaos.
This stuff is not new, it's just all been jumbled. I decided I needed to pull out some boxes and see what has been hiding in there. Lots of cool stuff.
Don't you find when you put things in tidy boxes on tidy shelves, you forget to use the supplies? I do.
When your life feels out of control, it's comforting to sort, organize, and pare down, right?
I looked at the old organization that no longer works.
This week, I am putting "like with like" meaning I start with laundry baskets, marked with categories such as "UFO" "components" (little bits sewn but waiting for an idea to use them) "books and patterns" etc.
As I sort, I toss items into their baskets to make decisions about later. The newer "un-put-away-stuff and the older forgotten stuff all go together in these baskets.
You gotta know what you have to know how to store it.
Then I know how large a box I need for that stuff.
I also found a lot I'd like to work on.
To my credit I did not stop to work on it instead of doing the sorting, lol!
On another note:
I realized there are other parties kind of like the one I proposed so I need to think about how mine should work.
If you wrote an "I Like" Thursday post this week, please leave a link in comments so we will know to come look. I am still figuring out how to do a party.
People writing I Like... posts are:
3poodles and a nana
mysewingroomsara this is a pic of a 50 statue of a native woman and quilt, awesome!!
parties I'm linking to, among others: -favorite-things
What did you find to like this week??
I especially like the cooler temps and lower humidity--finally!1 the fact that I LOSt 1.5 lbs, the fact that my hubby was able to walk one mile this morning with only one rest stop. Your Thursday postings are so uplifting--I like that aromatherapy bit you shared--thanks...hugs, Julierose
Aromatherapy is the best! I always remember that when I am driving down the street with my windows open and a restaurant is cooking something that smells like something my mom or grandmom used to make...it takes me home. I love it!
I like that my room mate made me go out to the acre where I want to put my pallet barn to discuss what I want and where. Hopefully, I will like that we have it done before it gets really cold and rainy, so my big fur babies have a proper shelter this winter!
I like that we have become closer internet friends! Your emails are a very bright spot in my days!
Keep up the good work LeeAnna! You are doing so much good for yourself and in the process helping others with your actions!
I found you from Thursday Favorite Things. I am also in the process of going through a spare room and all of my sewing stuff. I want to consolidate the two. I have found all kinds of things. Many things I have bought over again because I couldn't find them. I am using shelves and clear containers instead of boxes. It is very freeing indeed.
Hi LeeAnna,
Thanks for the tips!
Netflicks, we have that too!
Take care,
You've been busy! I'm glad to see you are getting back in the swing of things. I love aromatherapy as well (lavender is my favorite). Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I did an "I like Thursday" post over at http://3poodlesandanana.blogspot.com/ It was fun! Thanks and have a great day!
So glad the EO blend is helping. Better living through botanical compounds is so much better than chemicals. ☺️ And accomplishing a reorg will add to your well-being. We'll be 'walking' with you along the way and cheering you on. ღ Really, loving this "I like Thursday" series. Makes me focus on the positive rather than dwelling on the less-than-positive and provides enormous gratitude-always a better affirmation exercise for the heart and spirit.
Here's a "like" just for you! I'm infatuated with his artwork. http://zenpencils.com/comic/lilvincent/
Natural fragrances uplift me. So on the way to the mailbox i meander about like a bee inhaling the air around one butterfly ginger, the last of the plumeria blossoms, a cluster of pink pepper berries waving in the breeze, and the lemon eucalyptus swaying above the mailbox, clean and sharp and redolent in California childhood memories as i bruise a leaf.
Ain't nature Grand!
I "like" / LOVE the statue called Dignity, that was just dedicated on the east bluff of the Missouri River. 50' tall - a Native American woman draped in a star quilt. I visited it last night with a couple of friends. I did blog about it today, but forgot to add the "I like . . ." Reference.
I like Netfix, too! I'm writing down your movie recommendation! I like sewing with fall fabrics on the first day of fall. I'm intrigued by the idea of the essential oils that help you feel better. Maybe I will try it out myself!
enjoyed your post
I so get what you mean about buying stuff over again! I have so many doubles and triples of stuff!
Thanks for adding the links to the two blogs. I enjoyed going over and seeing what they were up to. I love meeting new people online who have the same thoughts as me!
I saw a picture of the statue just yesterday--beautiful!
I love your comments on "order". I have my sewing room tidy for the most part and organized...until I can't find something! My daughter things I have too much going on in my room - and I do - but I love it that way! Your clothes basket idea is perfect! I'm so glad you shared that! I'm pinning it to my Craft Room Dreamin' board! Thank you for sharing!
Happy weekend Lee Anna! I enjoy the power of aromatherapy oils too!
Oh, your number five is what I envy you the most right now. I so need to find time to do that too. Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party and have a wonderful week!
It is so nice to read what you like outside the quilting/sewing stuff! I also like looking at fall landscapes that are starting to appear now... and I like (well, obsessed now) with bullet journaling, doodling and drawing. Thanks for sharing your likes!!!
my storage mantra is label-label-label. If it goes in a box, I know what is in there. I bought a roll of white contact paper, with a big sharpie I make a clear large print label for all my boxes. I can find stuff at a glance. Unfortunately, just because you can sort stuff in a box, does not mean you have room in your studio for the box. ha ha ha I need a MUCH bigger room, but that just means more stuff right.
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