I love pumpkins. Have you seen all the varieties available now? White, yellow, speckled, and the very popular orange. What is it about orange? It's a happy color! Look at that little scarecrow girl with her ponytails standing straight up? So cute and perfect size to put in the window box outside the kitchen window.
1.1 Pumpkins to eat
Trader Joes is great for tempting me with specialty foods. On our last trip in, they had a large variety of pumpkin items!
I can testify for the cream cheese muffins. Dense, yummy not overly sweet, and creamy. mmmm
DH had the "O's" and in his usual one word comments stated they were "crunchy"
Looking forward myself to the oatmeal with pumpkin.
1.2 Golden pumpkins in store displays at Crate and Barrel
2. these wonderful socks...
I walk a lot. 2-3 miles twice a day and sometimes a little one at noon. (I thought I might lose weight but my body has other plans)
I like a low sock but so many slide down into a shoe as you walk.
These don't. Feetures! fit snug like a glove, and note the little "L" at the toe?? For left. Not for stupid walkers, but because of the arch support built in. Awesome! And I have very high dancer's arches that like support, so these running shoes, Asics are working so far. The stopped making the Avia style that was perfect, high arch and flexible sole.
Should have hoarded them, but companies do not warn me they will discontinue my favorite brands. Grrr.
3.Really sharp needles.
Generally for the machine I like Schmetz.
I have discovered Superior Titanium topstitch.
I LOVE these really strong, sharp, long lasting coated needles that seem to work for all threads, seaming quilting and, well, topstitching.
I just bought the tulip hand sewing needles as I need, a very sharp thin needle to sew my hexies. These supposedly don't bend as much and last longer than others. We'll see, I'll tell you after I tried them.
4. The BBC sitcom Gavin and Stacey
This is so charming, so freshly funny that I laugh out loud. Guffaw. Remember the jokes later. (Written by James Cordon the British comedian with an American late night TV show, who sings with guests while riding in cars??)
Set in Wales and England, a couple falls in love and the antics between their respective family and friends will have you laughing too. I love the accents and the different phrases as well. We got this from our library.
5. Petting Poodles in stores

Just a pinterest picture, because I didn't get a picture of the pair of poodles we met Sunday in Home Depot.
I called to the owner so he'd stop and let me have some poodle therapy.
These were two big strong 6 year olds, a blonde one named Cedar who was a therapy dog and a dark brown one named Woody who topped the scales at 100 lbs!!! (he's trying to lose a few pounds)
The brown one was a super lover, who leaned against my hip while I petted and petted him. I did poodle things, like play with his ears, talk to him, look deeply into his eyes while talking to the owner.
It was therapeutic in several ways. First poodle hair therapy. Then the lkind owner helped me feel better about our choice with Cole, reminding me of the necessity of our decision to say goodbye when we did.
Third, that night I decided to put in an application for a rescue poodle who's also 6. I had been reluctant, having always had puppies. But the thought of having one of these gentle giants come home with me gave me an emotional boost.
Cole would have loved them.
I loved them.
I'd love the rescue poodle too.
Love is good.
As we've done before, let me know if you did a "Things I like" post in the comments. I'll set up a link party soon!
visit miki too: http://3poodlesandanana.blogspot.com/2016/09/good-thursday-2.html