Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A poodle's work is never done

Ahhh, a poodle's work is never done.
Look at this bleak landscape, and my people expected me to chase a ball on that collection of gumballs and acorns. There were so many the lazy squirrels didn't even bother to bury them!

So last weekend I had to get my Daddy out there to handle the situation.
It's hard work but somebody's got to do it, and it ain't gonna be me! No thumbs to hold the rake!
That's right Daddy, pick up that rake and get busy!
No doubt about it, this was heavy work. And it was chilly, as I started to shiver even though I am wearing my favorite shirt Momma made. When I wear it I'm....

Harry Poodle from Dogwarts!

I felt sorry for Dad after an hour when he kept rubbing his back from lifting bags of acorns, and suggested we go in for a snack. Supervising really builds up an appetite!

So's I go inside and lay by the kitchen door, just a reminder that a little snack is a good idea... and UH OH!
I hear the peeps saying "toenails"

What? No toenails here! Nope, look I retracted my feet so they'd forget!  Oh my dog! I mean, what dog wants some coming at such an important area with sharp things?!

 (I was gonna say, Daddy clipped my nails and accidentally cut off my feet as a joke here, but really that's not even funny since it's a real possibility)
I began bargaining with him... wouldn't you rather have a nice snack? It's Sunday, the "day of rest"
What's the fascination with nails?
The click click on sidewalks just lets the world know I'm coming!

Eventually the pedicure was over and I took a nice calming walk in the Spring sunshine. Haven't seen my shadow in a while. Good to know when I'm ready the back yard has less acorns, and my nails are trimmed and my ball is out there. Ready for Spring!


Anonymous said...

That is so true my friend - our work is never done. Love your shirt! XOXO - Bacon

Jan said...

We keep thinking maybe we could climb trees if they would stop with the nail clipping

gayle said...

Poor Cole. The world is just full of foot attackers - gumballs, acorns, and toenail clippers...

Tails Around the Ranch said...

You looked very regal in the face of nail decapitation. Good job, Cole. And way to keep the uprights focused on the work they need to handle. 😊

The Flynnigans said...

Oh what relief. Glad no one was injured in the process, you or your Daddy. :)

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Ohhhhh.......the bassets all got baths and severe pedicures yesterday too! Spring cleaning for the feet!

The Daily Pip said...

This must be a poodle thing because I HATE having my nails trimmed. I just run the other way whenever I see them taking those torture device things out of the drawer.

Jackie Bouchard said...

Oh, man, Cole! Rita got her nails trimmed this weekend too! (Well, most of them anyway... she'll only sit still for it for so long.)

Shadow said...

Us pets do have much work to do.

easyweimaraner said...

I hope you will nail the nail-thing :o) I agree you are Harry Poodle... and there is even a magic broom stick next to you :o) if you ask me I would leave all that acorns on the lawn... the squirrels will get them and you can get the squirrels,your nails will be done automatically while chasing squirrels and your pawrents can save the money for snacks ... an all will be happy... maybe eggs-cept the squirrels... :o)

LA Paylor said...

brilliant. Leave it to the weimaraner to come up with the pawfect plan! Thanks buddy, and anytime you want to come over and chase a few, let me know.

Pamela said...

I like the click click sound of nails too. But I need to keep up with Honey's because the nails are more slippery on a boat than her pads would be.

Sounds like you're a very good boy at pedicure time. Good for you.

LBJ said...

Mom says she can hear my nails on the hardwood in our 100 year old house as I patrol to make sure Dad is up on time. Enjoy the sunshine!

Thee the Labrador in Chicago

Groovy Goldendoodles said...

Happy to hear that the snow is behind you Cole. I think everyone (two and four legs) are ready for a little Spring like weather.

Maria said...

That's right Cole ... Put those humans to work !

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are enjoying spring here, lots of colorful flowers blooming.

The Florida Furkids said...

Hi Cole. We saw you on the Pet Parade today and wanted to stop by and visit! We're glad you survived the dreaded mani/pedi!

The Florida Furkids said...

Congratulations on leading the Pet Parade today!