There is a movement called InkTober to encourage people to draw. I am trying to do a sketch a day, but am happy for any day I get to it, know what I mean? This counts for four, right?? lol I divided the page into fours for little vignettes that seemed less threatening. I am not trained in drawing so I'm insecure about my skills. I tried to take a class at the community college but it was held in the art room and the chemical smells gave me a migraine so I dropped out. Learning on my own by doing...
"Cardinal in repose" |
From my porch I see the bird feeder, fountain and rock wall. Not composed like this but I see them so I did my own composition.
"Mums in Repose" |
The chair was hard to do with perspective.
It's woven, and I made an attempt. The mums were swirls of color... to get the gist...
taken from a slightly different angle |
"Poodle in Repose" |
The hardest one was my first sketch of Cole
I tried to just draw what I saw, and not think about it more than that.
I captured the gesture
This is a re-enactment as I didn't have my camera at the moment but you get the drift.
Hope some of you are also sketching. Doesn't have to be museum worthy to be fun. It's a way of really seeing something, unlike a photo which takes a second to click. You have to take time to see.
Jan can't draw a straight line with a ruler so we get to laugh at her attempts to draw. :)
You're quite my inspiration these days, LeeAnna. I have seen a few other quilter bloggers diversifying, and I've jumped on the bandwagon too. I'm off for a few days, and instead of packing sewing projects this time, I nabbed someof my daughter's knitting needles and a beginner book. I've drug my half finished canvases out, and am cleaning up my art room to rediscover inspiration. Although my mind isn't entirely Quilt Focused, I find all the disciplines crossing over for me giving me new ideas. Thank you for all your creative posts!
Julie @ Pink Doxies
oh, THANK YOU! What a great thing to share, a love of different art forms. It's about time for me to drag out some wool and resume sock knitting! Another way to see color and touch fiber.
All that and you sorted your art room??! Cool. LeeAnna
Love your drawings, I tend to draw what I see or how I want to see things, my perspective I suppose, recently I found myself reading Art Before Breakfast by Danny Gregory, I'm not following his book but I am trying to draw a little bit each day from things I see rather than things I imagine which is a challenge but I love it and it brings back memories of 7th grade art class way back in the late 1960's. And this week after reading some of your post I am off to buy some new tubes of acrylic paint and maybe even some pottery clay.
Hi LeeAnna!
You draw! That's great! Better that leaving all that creative material just lying around! Imressionism was quite the art movement!
I've been thinking a lot about your post about 2's the last few days! Have to go there and write a bit!
Take care,
Hi LeeAnna!
You draw! That's great! Better that leaving all that creative material just lying around! Imressionism was quite the art movement!
I've been thinking a lot about your post about 2's the last few days! Have to go there and write a bit!
Take care,
Love your repose drawings! And the recreation photo! Oh my! I cannot draw a bit. This would be a great exercise to become more comfortable with doing it though.
Sketching us fun if you just let go and don't worry about how it will be perceived by others. It's called practice, not perfection. Everyone can draw but they need to take the time to look. I took an online class once and they had me start with sketching a simple object like a mug , paying attention to where the light hit it, the shadow on the mug and where the highlight was on the mug. Where the shadow was on the table. It was really eye opening. Thank you reminding me of that. I need to sketch more
You are one talented and creative woman. I'm pretty sure any thing I sketch will look like a kindergartner did it!
You are making drawing look like a lot of fun. I love your little cardinal on the bird feeder. I hope you turn one or two of your sketches into fabric pieces at some point.
A sketch a day doesn't sound too impossible, and yet there are all those other "one a day" things I don't faithfully do . . . Still, I'm adding it as a goal.
Good for you for sticking to this. I have never heard of InkTober... but it sounds cool. Your poodle sketch is great.
PepiSmartDog: WOW - we love the idea of InkTober - have never heard of it before. PLEASE - next year remind us during September and we'll spread the word.
We really like your portrait of Cole - very stylish indeed.
Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. We love your posts and always enjoy reading them each week. Hope to see you back in our hop this week too. *waves paw* :=o)
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog (All Things Quilty and Artsy). I had not heard of InkTober, but like the idea. And I love your poodle sketch!
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