Saturday, July 20, 2024

can't share photos on today's post


can't post pictures of my other work  today, google wants control over anything visual and they won't give more info . I'm researching it but for now, no quilting, creating, painting photos...

enjoy this video about cleaning your house, which I won't be doing even if I can't post, lol

I worked on my feathered star block in aqua, my hand stitched pastel hexies and will be ringing the edges with bold red in half hexies, I painted 7 index cards with prompts and like most all of them. 

I finished one of two socks in stretchy cotton/lycra yarn, baby blue . Started the second of the pair. 

I was able to make dinners and lunches with what we had in the fridge, and it tasted good. 

Yesterday I used the over ripe bananas to make a dozen muffins, and a 1960's Aloha loaf of cake/bread that has pineapple, banana, and coconut in it making it so yummy

We discovered the leftover fajita filling was good on brown rice... we saute onions, two peppers in olive oil, lemon juice and fajita seasoning, add chicken strips and mexican cheese. It was good in tortillas with sour cream, avocado, and jalepenos, but was equally good on rice alone. 

we enjoyed the chocolate ice cream we made without a churn, mixed half with vanilla store bought 

so despite my chiro leaving me in excruciating pain this week, complete with numb hands and feet, I was able to be somewhat creative... even if I couldn't solve the blogger issue


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've seen other people complaining this week as well about Blogger and inability to post photos. Bummer -- I hope it resolves itself soon! Meanwhile, sounds like you're eating well!

Susie H said...

OMG! How aggravating! Can't wait for the glitch to get resolved. We'll have so much to see!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It's the cloud. I couldn't post photos, either, but I COULD post scans. I found a work around. Look for "recent" and see what is available to you. It might be that video you shared today, or something else. Copy your photos to a recent document. Once the cloud accepts the image, be sure to delete it from your blog before going further. Now the photos should appear in that "recent" document. You can now add them to your blog. If you are meticulous about your files and folders, once the photos are on the blog, delete them from that "recent" folder. They will still be in their original folders/files. Hope that helps.

Kathleen said...

Oh, these blog hosts are too much. Always changing and trying to charge. I think in the near future I am going to figure out a way to reduce all the costs of my site to I make little to nothing from any of it! Anyway, sorry about the results from your chiropractor...hope it is feeling better by now and doing what it should.