Saturday, October 21, 2023

Creativity round up this week, Owl be seeing you....quilting, painting and Ink-tober


I finished up the painting workshop and although I didn't do all lessons, I feel like I learned so much.

(quilters, the fabric art is near the bottom of this post in case you're wondering! Lots to show)

The painting above was inspired by Tamara LaPorte. She urged us to let go the idea of perfection and acknowledge parts of ourselves we might believe to be undesirable. 

I chose to interpret on this whimsical bird, these three things about my body, plus a roundish shape.

Big Feet... I grew up in the top percentages for height til I stopped growing at 5'7" so my feet were always bigger than my friend's. People pointed out this flaw, as if I could change it, and used it as a way to put me down. Must humans do this? no, no they don't have to find ways to make others feel less than

Open mouth, I grew up holding everything inside and being a "good quiet girl" and when I started acknowledging my opinions the pendulum might have swung past the middle! lol  I might now be too quick to express myself but I try to temper that with tolerance and acceptance of others. Kindness. 

I feel my arms are a bit short, I have trouble sometimes reaching parts of my body or objects in back of the fridge. It causes a bit of trouble now that my spine is injured, for instance reaching to tie sneakers sometimes causes my vertebra to slip a bit. 


 Why do we give people power to make us feel less than? Why do we compare ourselves to others? 

I think it's a waste of time unless it's something you can change or want to change. It can get in the way of leading the most powerful life. 

I do not say brag about these characteristics, I say accept them as part of you in this life. Right? 

Ink-tober has encouraged me to draw more.... mostly on little scraps of paper so I feel free to learn

the prompt this day was "plump"

Seems to be more acceptable these days to be a bit plump... but when I was a teen the model Twiggy was  the it girl...

Prompt was pentangle acropolis

I am always surprised how easy pentangle videos make elaborate patterns easy, in little marks that add up to a big design. I tried to use my stick pen and ink (gold) on this one... a fail but it's all good

Joy asked what made this a pentangle... well a pentangle teacher did it in small steps, repeated lines.. black ink? Not sure.  This time the repeated lines turned into a flower. I like! 

In fabric this week:

scrap pile to pull from

 I wanted to use my neutral light scraps for RSC's prompt this week. I chose skinny strips, probably trash for most sewists, and as I like to do, sewed one to another, over and over til it grew into this

8" X 10"

pretty on it's own but I wanted to do something more with it. I always like pieced backgrounds but hate to cover them up with applique! I pulled this book off the shelf

what cute birds! kind of  fall-like

I dug through the fusible backed fabric scraps to build this...

Hee hee! my friend Diane called it curious bird. It's primitive in style, which I like but don't often try that style. It's now quilted (no photo yet) in plain straight lines, to add some texture but no distracting lines. It's on peltex stiff stabilizer so it can sit up on a desk or mantle on it's own. 

I only need to finish the edges, and suspect I might do a hand buttonhole stitch in embroidery perle cotton, maybe with some beads on the edge. 

It took a few hours to design and make, a fun afternoon spent listening to my audio book. After I finished the hand work on the binding of Kaleidoscope. 

all the stuff on the design wall show up on the photo too! grrrr

I cannot aim the digital camera right ever. This is very square, around 50" square 

It's pretty heavily quilted, and only needs a sleeve to display in in the family room for Thanksgiving

lots to see, places to look at when not looking at the TV below it. It was a challenging quilt, starting with designing it on paper, careful piecing and organizing, being careful to keep sections oriented correctly. Each stage was lovely and now it's done. Feels good to finish doesn't it? 

I love the connection between us.... please leave a comment so I know you were here, or email me at and tell me what you think

Linking with

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts 

finished or not

off the wall Fridays


Gwyned Trefethen said...

I thought I detected Tamara's style with your whimsical bird. She gives the best lessons and you do them proud. But oh, that kaleidoscope quilt. What a stunner! And it's ready for Thanksgiving. Most impressive.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I think you're perfect just the way you are! Nobody should say anything to make someone feel bad. I was always taught to grin and bear it. My mother was raised to be a quiet housewife. I always hated that. Love the kaleidoscope quilt. Stunning!

MissPat said...

Oh my gosh, LeAnna, your Kaleidoscope quilt is amazing. Was that from the Ricky Tim's class? I was intrigued, but knew I would never finish it, so I didn't even try. It is gloomy and cold here, with temps tomorrow night near freezing, so the end of another garden season is here, with so much left undone. I love your owl, too. Very cheery and bright.

Helen said...

I adore your quirky bird.
I'm a forever-fan of any project that uses up every little thing. The little black bird end piece project is great.
And, the kaleidoscope quilt... just wow.

Sally Langston Warren said...

Your kaleidoscope quilt is gorgeous! Starring at it, I can almost see the colors start to move to their next shape, as kaleidoscopes do. Your colors/fabrics used are perfect.

grammajudyb said...

I’m in awe of the kaleidoscope quilt! It’s fabulous! The owl drawing is so cute, I love his/her big feet and round body! Can’t wait to see the finish on your swirly breasted black bird! I know it will be just right!

Sara said...

Your owl is so whimsical and cute! And of course the quilt - so pretty. I love how the touches of blue really make the other colors pop. It's like the unique blue of an autumn sky when the leaves are turning gold and orange.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

all your projects look great! Looking forward to seeing your curious birds completed!

PaintedThread said...

I really like that kaleidoscope. Great colors.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I'm in love with your cute and darling owl! How pretty she is, and I love how you draw some of your very own characteristics. It's great to accept ourselves as we are, everybody is perfect. Love the curious bird too ;)
Congratulations on finishing the Kaleidoscope quilt, it's a beauty!
Thank you so much for sharing your art!

time4stitchn said...

So happy to see your Kaleidoscope quilt completed. What a joy and an accomplishment. And I applaud you on being so honest about yourself in such a public manner.That takes a lot of guts! Kudos to you! Your product, your rainbow hooter, is such an wonderful piece of whimsy.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Love your Kaleidoscope quilt! So pretty and perfect for the season. Jennifer

Susan said...

Nice! A beautiful kaleidoscope finish!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Your are full of creativity. Love your art and the fabulous kaleidoscope quilt.

Claire said...

I like kaleidoscope a lot. And I'm curious. Do you find all the painting classes influencing your quilt design?

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

You are right - why should we pick on others, and why do we let what they say hurt us! Deep thoughts - I love them.
Your owl is amazing!!! What talent you have - and that quilt
I am with you it is hard to get the perfect photo - but wow - what a stunner
Hope you have an amazing week!