Saturday, February 25, 2023

My Creative week includes... peeps, pineapple pinks, birds and hexies! (and a painting)

Welcome to this week's creativity round-up! Let's get started with a wee chickadee...

I have several items to share today. The Stay-at-home-round-robin (SAHRR) is coming along... and that's what the bird is for... a "square-in-a-square block" but I will start with my rainbow scrap challenge blocks in the scrap color of the month, PINK!

I'm still trying to learn to easily use the Gylene Fitzgerald pineapple scrappy ruler. I decided to stop trying to only use 1.5" strips, wasting too much for my taste, and instead cutting squares into fourths to add each new row. I have lots of squares of scraps too.

It's fun to see what shows up in these, and to play with colors. Hers were done very randomly but I am trying to explore the color of the month in RSC so mine are more uniform... wonder how that will work out later in a big quilt? I expect to mix the blocks all around at the end

so far, two colors, dark blues, and pinks

Next SAHRR is a Spring Theme, and I'm basically playing along but not always in a row. This week the challenge is to do square in a square blocks. I liked the floral ones done by the leader but wanted to put my spin on this block. 

I started with this free pattern for Peeps! I loved peeps growing up... marshmallow plus more sugar... I liked them going stale as they were chewier. Being allergic to corn (and corn syrup) I no longer enjoy eating them, but sewing them is a different matter...

they are just going into the quilt somewhere, not the block for this month... but cute!

Pattern source:

I returned to my friend Linda's book of paper pieced blocks for the birds...

I printed one out full sized, 4.5" unfinished, and one reversed, one smaller and one of those reversed

then had fun finding fabrics in scrap bins to use. I knew any square block could be turned into a S-n-S block with triangles... so some of mine look like they are landing, some are flying to the next worm

I cut a blue sky square 5.5", cut that in fourths for the setting triangles, then trimmed down the block

I still wanted to try one more idea, fussy cutting some precious mousy fabric, trying not to make swiss cheese of it... but wanting to use it... fabrics are generally printed once, so when they are gone, they're gone. I also had a stash of sort of solid colors bought on extreme sale at Joann one year. Set's of 5 colors many in pastels which I didn't have. I'd say they came out to around $3 a yard, and my pieces are all fat quarters (four pieces to a yard) which you can't beat! Gotta get deals when you see them!

and I wondered how would the SnS block look with all different colors around it...

cute! but... I carefully cut around motifs the wrong orientation, see?

which meant I'd have to do another row of triangles to put them into a quilt border...

they are too cute to waste, so I found some pretty floral fabrics to set them with...

I tried fussy cutting the motifs on the diagonal, to see how they'd look set with just the pastels, and those blocks are now sitting alongside the peeps. 


Live and learn by doing. 

sadly the pastel solid colors kind of recede... 

right now it's all on the design wall, and it will be quite a fun puzzle to put all these rows and blocks together into a unified quilt for spring. Whee! 

Finally, I started a little hexies project last year, focusing on RSC colors of  the month. I have three big petals of 47 hexies each, sewn so far. I basted lots of them around papers, in prep for the next colors and this is how I keep them together... with methods used to corral loose threads on spools

and this week I arranged two more "petals" of hexies, ready to hand stitch at night in front of a good show on tv

I'll end with a quick morning sketch like I use to start the day... some shapes drawn with a brush pen 

Kuretake brush with brush and ink inside in pen form, and black pitt pen in bold.

a tiny self portrait drawn with quick lines by the brush glued on the page completes the thought

"what shall I make today? "

linking to these parties:

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts 


Sara said...

Every block you shared today just makes me smile and think spring. But I'm IN LOVE with those Peeps blocks!!! Just bought my first package of Peeps this morning while grocery shopping. No one else in my family likes them, so I never have to share. And I'm sad that you can't enjoy them anymore.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I'm in awe of your creativity, LeeAnna. SO many glorious projects here.Your RSC blocks are beauties. Love the way you've corralled your crackers in a sleeve. Neat.

Joanne said...

Those birds are so cool !
Yes, they looked at first like crackers to me as I was scrolling :)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your birds are so fun, and perfect as the square in a square blocks! Love the peeps and little mouse blocks, too. So Spring-y and happy!

quiltingbydawn said...

Lots of fun things happening here! Love the birds and your colorful, pastel square in a square blocks!

Helen said...

So many spring-y things going on in this quilt!
My favorite are the bird squares.

The Joyful Quilter said...

A post full of sweetness, LeeAnna. Those birdies, the PINK Pineapple blocks, and the florals to surround your Square in a Square mouse blocks, they are all SEW darling!! FYI... I cut my focal print the wrong direction, too. Whoops!

PaintedThread said...

Wow - lots of of cool stuff! Love those birdies. And the peep bunnies.

grammajudyb said...

I thought the same thing as Jocelyn. At first glance I thought your orange/yellow hexies were snack crackers. That is a great idea. Oh boy do I like your little mousey fabric Sq in a sq. Both versions. And although I dislike Peeps, the fabric ones are divine. Oh I almost forgot about your birds! So many things to look at in this post. They are just wonderful. You had a very creative week.

Dawn Hart said...

Wow these are amazing, I'd love to learn quilting but nobody does it on our area, my granny used to do it but I never learnt, I wish I'd paid more attention to what she was showing me as a child now. Nowadays I knit and occasionally do cross stitch when I have the time to do it, which is a bit scarce at the moment xxx

Karrin Hurd said...

Lots of beautiful projects you are working on! Happy stitching!

Janie said...

Beautiful colors and inspiration, wow! Thanks for sharing.

Quilter Kathy said...

The birds are delightful and so are the peep blocks!
And the hexies... and the...........

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

These little mouses are so cute, well done with the square in the square in the square blocks ;)) I love your birds too, and the pink pineapples. It looks like you have a lot of work to do in front of tv ;)
Thank you for sharing your work in progress, and linking up!

Kim said...

Your spring quilt is going to be beautiful. Love those sweet little birdies.

Emily said...

Wow! So many amazing blocks! First, those birds are beautiful, and I love that you chose them as your square in a square! That mouse fabric is super cute and adding another round of squares to get them into the right orientation was good--more squares in squares! LOVE those peep blocks! I 've never seen that block before but they are too cute! This is going to be a super fun spring quilt!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

The addition of the florals to the pastels was a surprise but turns out I love it! You are always inspiring. Thanks for sharing with oh Scrap!

piecefulwendy said...

Such cute bird blocks - and all your other projects! I love all the color!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Great quilting. The birds are a perfect pattern for early spring.

MissPat said...

Oh, those Peeps. I hope I can remember them when I get home from FL. I'm missing all the yucky weather up north. 80's and sunshine here.

Ann said...

My sister and I keep planning a joint pineapple project but nothing has come from it yet. Obviously you like the ruler better than free-hand or a paper. We go back and forth but I'm leaning to free-hand.
Love the way you repeat fabrics in a single round. Sophisticated.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

I adore your SAHRR! Every row is so thoughtful and cute. The result so far is beautiful! I look forward to seeing the finish. Love what you're doing with those pineapple blocks as well. So scrappy and fun! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

My name is Erika. said...

It's always fun to see how you cut fabric and then assemble those pieces into such wonderful designs. And spring designs are so welcome right now since we're in the big snow zone. UGH! It's always tough for me when winter arrives so late. Time for flowers and color, which you certainly have in your quilting. Happy March and have a super weekend. hugs-Erika

peppylady (Dora) said...

I see you have fun with color.
I took part in Friday art, if you have time stop in for a cup of coffee.

Gillena Cox said...

Lee Anne you have have so many cute pieces this week. You have been busy. Luv them all. Thank you for linking to Art For Fun Friday

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Oh to have two rooms to stash supplies...very green with envy. Although having my one room has forced me to ditch some of the older stuff that no longer has appeal. As always, beautiful creations. Have a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather today.

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Such beautiful work. You are so creative. Love the birds!