Angie, at letting go the Bay leaf, posted this quote today with a powerful article about her trip to Aspen. (https://tentoesinthewater.blogspot.com/)
It's a tweet by Barack Obama

I respected and appreciated John McCain for his integrity and his concern for the citizens of our country. I did not vote for him but could have supported him if he had won. He put the needs of the citizens of America at the forefront of his life's work. He put himself in harms way to fight for his country.
He was able to withstand the onslaught of insults hurled at him.
I did not appreciate the current president's statements to and about Mr. McCain while he was alive. Could it be his attempt to feel superior? Laughing at and disrespecting disabled veterans is ugly.
One cannot rise by stepping on others.
It's not good to try to steal the limelight, better to earn it.
It's important to understand and appreciate the contributions of American citizens, especially those who risk their lives to fight for our ideals.
What ever you think is your business, what I think is my opinion. I respect integrity and doing the right thing.
I have been inspired today, by a good man, to bravely state my opinions without trying to hurt anyone else.
I like this quote by JK Rowling written for Dumbledore:
“Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.”
It takes great integrity to choose to do what is right.
I am sad that a man of integrity has left this world.
Well said.
LeeAnna - thanks for the shout out in your post today. You know, I dithered about the content of my post this week - but the tweet from President Obama cinched the deal. I am glad it meant so much to you and that in turn you will inspire others with this passionate post.
Well put, friend. I too needed to post a few simple thoughts of our loss this weekend.
I totally agree with your sentiments. America has lost a great and a good man...who loved our Country and did what he believed was best for the Country and not for his own glorification (like some I could name) hugs Julierose
Thank you - I agree!
You said it very well. We have lost a good man of integrity and character and honor.
Thanks for the quote from Barack Obama. His intelligent and compassionate insights always bring tears to my eyes.
Right on!
I respected John McCain even when I didn't agree with him. He will be sorely missed in a country that is being taught to equate political debate and investigation with mass entertainment. Someone is creating the modern equivalent of the coliseum to keep the masses happy. That same someone is a draft dodger with no respect for our country. All loyalty belongs to him personally - another feature of Nero.
McCain and Obama worked across party lines to forge compromises for the betterment of all Americans rather than just oligarchs.
Thanks for writing this post. I'm going to link up to it and I have more to add later.
Such a true hero in every sense of the word. I voted for Obama, but also would have been fine with McCain as a President. I was completely unable to accept Sara Palin as his running mate. He made a mistake there and, I believe, she cost him the election. However, the man was everything our leaders should be, and more.
While I rarely agreed politically with Senator McCain, I never doubted his sense of honor and duty. The differences between him and the current leader are beyond wide. The tweet by the former president who I enthusiastically supported twice is what a real leader looks like. Not a petty small minded cretin who refused to name the good senator in a recent bill signing named after him or one who as soon as statute allowed (midnight last night), raised the flag from half mast to full mast over the White House (tho I note he has since been pressured to lower it again until internment). All Americans should be outraged, especially veterans who make the greatest sacrifices for the country.
Very well said and quoted, I can't think of anyone else who brought people from opposite political views together as he did. And can I say what a hottie he was.
As far as the arrogance and stupidity of anyone saying a POW was a weak failure because he was caught let alone someone whose wealth got him out of serving, shame on him and all who support that kind of ignorance.
Amen, my friend. I admired McCain even though I did not often agree with him, (i.e. Sarah Palin). He was an honorable man and we really need honorable men (and women) right now.
Wonderful post and oh so very correct!
PS. Did you know the American Legion had to contact the White House to get them to lower the flag?
I never got the impression John McCain plaid a lot of partisan politics like the others in Washington. It didn't appear he sunk a low as others on both sides of the aisle in pushing a personal narrative at the expense of common sense. I didn't agree with many of his positions, but he always struck me as one of the few in DC with any integrity at all.
So well said and so many thoughtful comments. We lost someone very special in John McCain. Our current POTUS is a disgrace to our country. I'm so glad he was not invited to the funeral.
Well stated, proudly written!
McCain showed us how to be honorable when he defended Pres. Obama during a campaign rally. I shake my head in sadness when I see the example being set currently by our leaders.
Great post. Yes, we need more integrity and bravery and willingness to serve our country without thinking of what we can get out of it. Thanks for your thoughts. (I came from "Fret Not Yourself"s post today.) Hugs, H
Your country is not mine, so I usually feel like it's not my place to comment, but he seems like a great loss. I admire you for standing up and speaking out when you felt it was important.
I read about John MCain. I respect and appreciate him for his integrity and his concern for the citizens of his country. He is a true inspiration for everyone. October Calendar Printable
I feel the same. He was an impressive man and his passing was untimely. We need him in our corner, still.
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