Saturday, March 22, 2025

My creative week with a finished challenge piece and a finished top for another challenge


For this week, I'll start with my entry into the Project Quilting prompt to "button it up" 

I pulled out the button box for inspiration and the yellow scrap box. I knew I wanted to make a sculpture of sorts, a 3-D box maybe....

starting with this small piece that looks painted

Three pieces of peltex stabilizer cut 3" X 5" and placed them with a small space for folding. 
glued the fabric over edges 
For lining, I put a slightly smaller strip then pulled the yellow fabric over to cover the raw edges and quilted it. 
folded it into thirds and stitched the side together with embroidery floss. Traced the bottom onto peltex and cut out the triangle shape, covered it with fabric and hand stitched the base on. 

not easy

now for some button embellishments 
A button, then a bead over that, then fringe of beads through the first bead
Whee! movement and sparkle

sun button with a dangle
third side, heart button with gold bead on top

I spent quality time with my friend Cindy last Sunday via FT. 
We both stitched on our projects as we visited, almost like a bee... I originally thought I would do a small hand project and add beads... 
an 8" square scrap, batting, and then I stitched scrap strips on with embroidery floss...
until I realized you wouldn't notice them on a print so I never sewed them on

and batting wouldn't be stiff enough to make a box. so I went ahead and put on a binding

now what to do with that? 

Also this week I got my Stay at home round robin top together after a lot of designing and changing it.

I just realized the finished quilt is due really soon, so Hopefully I get it layered and pin basted this weekend and do the quilting enough to finish it. It's challenging to use that older Bernina that won't do free motion well. 

It really is so cute with the prompts from Quilting Gail and her talented crew... 
It would be done if I felt more physically able. Still it's a challenge and that's a good thing! 

I put my bunny parade on the mantel for Spring... each one made with felt, stuffed, and hand embroidered on each side... they make me smile. (whole mantel shot on Thursday's I Like post)

cute yellow chair at IKEA!
all the yellow was for rainbow scrap challenge this month who's color is YELLOW. 

wish me luck getting the SAHRR quilted this weekend! 

the bottom fabric didn't work... 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your button and bead embellishments are marvelous!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I made a box once and swore I would never do another, so I admire yours. I'd say you met the challenge very well. As for what to do with the other piece...I'd use it as a mug rug. Your SAHRR piece turned out wonderfully. It makes me think of a pretty floral garden.

Tigger's Mum said...

You did beautifully with that box. I had patterns for hexago Al ones but it really was su h a faff to put them together (that had cardboard inserts). I love your round robin - bright and light.

Duke said...

Love your triangle box - actually, I love everything that you create!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

When I first saw your PQ 16 - 6 entry I thought we had both settled on book covers. What a treat to see you made a container. If anyone can get a quilt layered and quilted in a weekend, you can.

Sara said...

Wow! Wow! that little yellow box is amazing! The SAHRR turned out great too. You have so much talent.

Linda said...

You do such exquisite sewing LeeAnna. Love the yellow "triangular prism", errr, box! That fabric you chose is beautiful, and I love the embellishments. Your sashiko-ish stitching makes that cute little quilt just stand out.. And what a charming SAHRR - hope you are having a good time finishing it up.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Always such a treat to read these creative posts of yours, LeeAnna. I enjoy seeing what you make and how you have all the interesting gear too. That little quilt is just the cutest thing ever. xx, J

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

That Project Quilting box is so cute! Great way to respond to the prompt. Love your SAHRR finish. So pretty! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.