Saturday, March 15, 2025

my creative week

it's about 18.5"  X  23" at this point, with about 20 blocks


this creativity post is brought to you by the color yellow (thank you Rainbow scrap challenge)

and  the magic of little scraps of fabric! 

I even have three paintings using yellow, and my latest purchase to show you so let's get this started!
 With the purchase! 
three bundles of hand dyed cherrywood fabrics, (Hobbyhouseneedleworks had them for a good price) 

while I was getting more fabric to pet, I also got a beading kit (palette pin) two yummy hand dyed embroidery floss colors from Weeks that I've never tried, some more gold beads, and turquoise hand dye

Until now all my cherrywood projects have been done with the bag of tiny strips I got years ago at a quilt store... 

I looked into my yellow scrap box, and pulled out the smallest scraps to use this time. I decided to do 5" blocks in squares and rectangles.
 I cut some whole cloth squares at 5" ,
 made some 4-patch blocks, 
some 9-patch blocks, 
some insane tiny 36-patch blocks (again at 5" )
 some skinny strip blocks, all to use up the really small but pretty scraps. 
Of course I included some two-geese 5" blocks, couldn't help myself! then started to play with design
here is a skinny strip section next to a 9-patch

the block is made of 3/4" finished size squares
all improvisational piecing so much fun

I looked up what the color vibration of yellow does for us... 

What is the healing power of yellow? Yellow crystals are known for their healing properties, which include boosting confidence, enhancing clarity, promoting positivity, and aiding in physical health issues such as digestion and detoxification. They are also believed to support emotional balance and spiritual growth


I decided some medicinal painting and meditation painting was called for too, and I do love quinacridone gold watercolor paint so.... 

I did two small paintings, one abstract, one representational


many shades in this and the other one. Excess is never enough I say!! 

When DH came out of his office for lunch, he said those look like pressed flowers! I take that as a compliment, thanks Hon. The stems were done with stabilo crayons that really melt with water. 

I find abstracts hard to do, but I loved using my daniel smith granulating paints, and my slant brush that made that cool line on the left. I mixed in some magenta flourescent paint and gold paints for drama 

then I got out my new journal covered paint book that I want to use for meditative painting.... and did

repetitive lines 

:it's messy because I was not slow and careful but it helped to still my emotional self after hearing what's being done to the country by this new regime. Sorry, it's true, and often stops me feeling creative. I resent not feeling safe enough now that I'm retired and have more time. So I painted with the round brush, then used a posca (acrylic paint in a pen) to draw lines in turquoise yellow and white on and between them, then put in dots and stars because. 

before I knitted, I crocheted and still love the control I have with that... 

this crochet technique is cool, granny squares done with 6 colors to make a 3-d effect of window panes

bye for now... stay calm and make art


Helen said...

Your yellow tiny piece quilt really is magic! And your yellow flower painting is very very good. I love it.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

oooh - I wish I could pet that wonderful pile of inspiration fabrics! And then I went on to marvel at the itty bitty pieces in that yellow project. I simply cannot imagine working with anything that small. Your DH and I have the same idea in thinking the floral painting looks like pressed flowers.

Sara said...

What would we do without fabric to pet? Those are gorgeous hand dyed colors and I'm sure you will make something amazing with them. Lovely yellow paintings this week too!

Sandy said...

I LOVE yellow. My mother always said yellow is a happy color. The first square/block is awesome. Your flowers are sooooooo cute. I do love yellow, but it's not a color I can wear, don't think many people can without looking jaundice.
Sandy's Space

PaintedThread said...

Love those fabrics. Cool stuff that you're working on!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So much fabulousness in today's post -- that gorgeous little yellow scrap quilt, the "pressed flowers" watercolour, and that ultra-cool dropped box crochet effect!

Duke said...

Love all of your yellow work!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Pretty paintings this week, but oh how I love that YELLOW mini quilt, LeeAnna!!!

Astrid said...

Look at those gorgeous hand dyed cherrywood fabrics! Very pretty colors. Pretty embroidery floss too. Love your yellow mini quilt, great use of those small pieces. Beautiful paintings too.