Thursday, March 13, 2025

I Like Thursday # 442 brought to you by the color green

 welcome to this week's list of likes 

                                                  this week brought to you by the color green...

allergens are threatening to take us down this week, and I go to bed with stuffy sinuses and wake up with them even worse. I often hold my warm cup of coffee up to my forehead and along the tops of my cheek bones (between sips) and they start to drain quickly. Do you do that? 

before showers make up or hair fixing  looking rough there Lana!

I love these hand dyed (cherrywood fabrics) fabrics and there are three sets of them to show on Saturday's creativity post.... stay tuned! 

blue to turquoise to green

quote (I am still learning) from Michelangelo

j'apprends encore

I want to fly away from it all 

ever have a night when you can't sleep? watch this for ideas 

awe, love this

(still reading and watching tv but nothing stands out this week)

The conversation starter this week: 

in honor of St Patrick's day, what is your favorite shade of green? do you have any clothes in that color? accents for the home like pillows, duvets, etc?   

close up of a quilt banner that hangs in the entry

for years I have joked that lime green is my neutral in quilt making, and I love the brightness of it, even have a shirt that color, and a silk sweater

isn't the edge of that silk sweater pretty?

Next I like turquoise or aqua, then a blue green forest green sort of color, and have a soft pendleton wool sweater that color. I wear aqua t shirts in the summer and they look great with a tan.

 Where is my portable typewriter in turquoise, after 4 moves? it's M I A 

I love this painting on foam core done for an art opening at my  then boyfriend's gallery. They were going to throw it away! 

good greens in this!

I love our two dark green loveseats. I got them at an estate sale at a mansion in Maryland. I love how they sit, how they look, and the lines of them. Both poodles also loved these sofas! Here is Cole... now I'm missing him and Milo again. Is it true it's better to have loved and lost than never to loved at all? 



Milo's memories

Milo was a sommelier in another life. When dh opened a bottle of wine, Milo dropped whatever he was doing, ran over on high alert, and barked as it popped! Then demanded to sniff the cork and give it a taste. (he generally approved of the wine) 

He also was a big believer in no one bullying anyone, including the kitchen table. When it shifted out of place and dh would start to push it back, Milo again dropped everything to run over and bark his outrage at pushing a table around! 

Sometimes when he saw a bath coming, read the signs like the Daddy putting on swim trunks in the dead of winter, he would run to my side and push against me, growling at the approaching Daddy, 

"Mama, don't look now but growl with me to tell him we will not be pushed around like a table, or manhandled into the shower just to get nearly drowned. Growl mama! tell him! " 

I would pet his curly stinky head, and get up from my chair, and walk with him up the stairs and into the bathroom in solidarity, a sort of Bataan Death march with much head hanging, and dragging of feet. 

I love you Milo...  always


I'd love a bite, thanks mama!

gone but never forgotten
please visit these fine people to read their list of likes and answer to the prompts


Tigger's Mum said...

Some fine greens there Lana. I read somewhere that human vision can distinguish more shades of green than any other animal. Green is clearly important to us as a species. I think I live all greens but favour warm green over blue/greens.

easyweimaraner said...

we love green... and we send potp and healing thoughts to you... yesterday we met people with two poodles at tiktok... I loved to watch them, but I cried for your beloved pup...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like green but I can't wear it if it has too much yellow in it because it makes my skin look sallow. So only dark forest green for me! I love that final photo of dear Milo -- "gone but not forgotten" is the perfect caption for it!

Helen said...

You know I love all things green!

Sara said...

Yes - I also believe it's better to have loved those furry friends. I use pretty much every shade of green in my quilting. And I wear most any shade of green - except those leaning toward yellow. We've had a brown winter with also no snow at all, so I'm looking forward to the change to green outside, even though it will immediately trigger my allergies.

Angela said...

You have such great Milo stories!

Babajeza said...

I love your Milo stories. I love all shades of green, but haven't worn it. I think I must change this habit. Green is beautiful. Thankfully, it's spring! All the best, Regula

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It looks like I am not alone in loving green! That video of the hopscotch is so fun. Perfect for the city where lots of people walk by. And great Milo stories - he was a poodle with great personality!

Duke said...

Milo had such personality! I love green too but I don't wear much of it. One of my favorite colors for a trim color is sage green.

Cloudia said...

Pretty green! We love you Milo as always, aloha

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Beautiful greens - I absolutely love your sofas! I have sage green and moss greens in my home and I also have sweaters in that color. I'm half Irish, after-all! Your little painting is very sweet.
Aw- my heart hurts for you missing Milo. I have so many that I miss and I know that when I cross over I will be greeted by a zoo! My daughter and son-in-law just lost their precious German Shepherd in a tragic accident. Our dogs are true members of the family and it is always such a loss. Sending hugs x Karen

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I like green but mostly likely it would have to be a jewel tone because I'm not so fond of the muddy shades like olive.
I know how much you miss Milo because I feel the same about our Odin...they leave such a huge hole in your heart, don't they.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I like green lots too. I have several favorite shirts that are green. Sweet Milo, I know you miss that joyful soul. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

PaintedThread said...

Ooh - love those fabrics.

Miaismine said...

Your warm coffee cup against your forehead and cheek bones is a great idea! I’ll have to try that. I’ve not heard of cherrywood fabrics, looking forward to Saturday’s post! What a fun dance post! Oh my! Who would throw away such a beautifully done painting? I love that window view.
Love your loveseat.
I think we never stop missing our loved ones…right?
Milo certainly had attitude…hugs to you.

Jill Harrison said...

oh I hope you are feeling much better soon. We had a lot of rain last night and the green in our gardens and parks has a bright sparkly fresh look about it after a hot summer. Green really is a new life colour I think. Feel better, enjoy your weekend ahead. I am joining you at Thankful Thursday linkup.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I'm going to address the green in my next post, LeeAnna. You did a splendid job here. Sorry you are feeling badly. I did love your Milo chat...definitely never forgotten and always to be remembered with such love.

Sandy said...

Hugs for the Milo stories and your memories. I like teal to wear, though I do have one green dress and sweater appropriate shade for the holiday.
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The Joyful Quilter said...

Those Cherrywood fabrics are delicious, LeeAnna! Lime, kelly green, forest? I love most shades of green. I wear them, I decorate with them, and especially love to quilt with them! In particular, I enjoy spending time in my Shamrock Surprise jacket each March. Thanks for sharing those sweet memories of Cole and Milo with us.

Annie said...

I would normally say I don’t like green having spent 7 years at school wearing bottle green knickers but I do love turquoise if that counts. The fresh air at the weekend was wonderful….very healing and the Spring flowers always make me feel good.
Annie x