Saturday, July 27, 2024

creativity this week


I'm trying a new location to blog, we'll see how it works with photos. This is the Aqua/turquoise feathered star block with close up

and for Joy's table scraps this week, butterfly in aqua scraps

here it is made, with some hand stitching beads

Obviously I made my own pattern, it's so wonky!

(never sew when you are in the pain I am)

with hand stitching beads, sequins. Notice the little black beads on her "hair" for eyes?

I did hand embroidery before the beads went on. French knots, boxes, cross stitch, loops
a couple small paintings

fragile on the left, shell on the righght

that's it for now, hope this works

Thursday, July 25, 2024

I Like Thursday # 412 road trip (with a poodle)

 Road Trip Car Royalty-Free Images, Stock Photos & Pictures ...

still haven't decided whether to capitulate and give google access to my photos so I'm held hostage. The photo above was not taken by me

The prompt this week is Road Trips, do you like them and tell us about one

I LOVE road trips, the car becomes like your rolling house, with stuff, drinks, snacks in it and you decide where and when you go. I especially like to take back roads instead of interstates. 

We stop when we think something looks interesting, we get out and walk around towns, we see things like the Ill. town with lots of BIG sculptures, we stop to shop at quilt stores, we stop to see natural wonders. This takes a bit of research to know what's on the route.  

Road Trip!

stopping lets you stretch your muscles, see new things, get lunches with locals, shop, etc. We've stopped because of a sign that says festival! like the Ramps festival in W. VA  celebrating everything about the vege ramp which is like onion/ garlic. Of course there was a Miss Ramp Festival if I remember right. 

We stopped at art festivals in the adirondaks and music/dance festivals in Maine (where we did zydeco dancing) and Harvest Festivals in VT. as well as many others. 

I like being able to see the scenery changes along the way. I like listening to books on disc sometimes finishing a book on that trip (one of the outlander books was heard on the trip to Lake Placid one year) 

quilt shop - By the Yard®

dh mostly drives so I can stitch on a project, hand over drinks and snacks, research fun things as we go

When I was 5, my mother took a road trip in her big oldsmobile, from Florida to California. It was a crowded car with the woman who often took care of me, my Aunt Marie, My Uncle NC and his wife Eunice who lived in Texas who got in as we drove past Houston, another family couple jumped in near the petrified forest. There were times I sat on laps.

The AC was not working in the desert, and 5 or 6 hefty adults and one 5 year old somehow endured

We spent a night in Las Vegas, where somehow I got away from the mother on a bathroom trip, and stood eye level at a table to watch. All the adults suddenly stopped moving and were statues til the mother grabbed me by the arm ad hauled me away.

we visited Disney land, Knotts Berry Farm, in CA, I think might have dipped down to tijuana where I was photo'd on a mule with a man in a big feather war bonnet. 

Even a 5 year old remembers that epic trip

On the blogging front

can't deal with the photo hostage situation. Google demands I give them access to my personal photos before they let me use them here. I clicked on explain this. 

The answer? just do what we said, click on complete permission. That was it, not what they are taking control over, not what they are doing with it. 

I've listened to the last 2 in the series this week, and have read many of this series but need to figure out which ones I missed. A caterer in the mountains of colorado gets involved in mysteries

The Whole Enchilada - Davidson, Diane Mott

Finished this book and am on book two, laughing out loud while reading


I'm not doing much arting as I'm hurting, cooking if I have to. 

DH cleaned off the back porch of broken bird eggs and dirt. We put new cushions in the chairs and sat one day last week. In the heat/noise/smell of smoke/ that is our part of colorado. Might be time to open the new bottle oflemoncello


Milo's Moments

Not Afraid of Color: I Like Thursday # 280

gosh y'all not a lot going on, the mama's injured back stops all but walks and ear cleanings. I love her and snuggle her each morning when she comes downstairs. I lean against her leg and look up with my big golden brown eyes, and send her thoughts of... 

love and give me a breakfast cookie

she mostly gets it. I can't say as she's fluent in poodlish though... she's trying to learn Italian, and hasn't realized the importance of speaking Poodlish. When I stare at her at night, it sometimes takes 5 minutes to send the message I'm out of water! sheesh! 

To go outside, I sometimes have to bite gently at daddy's arm to pull him to the door. 

have y'all seen all the bite sized bunnies around these days? my pawrents won't let me pick one up 

Have you all gotten your short haircuts for the heat? I did

Not Afraid of Color: P-Pod (poodle pic of the day)
copied my own image online... yea!

One time this week Mama went to bed early instead of keeping me company til daddy finished his shower and came back to let me out one more time. She just crept upstairs, I got up and sent her a message what are you doing;? do I come up now? so I just followed her, opened the bedroom door myself to see her getting on the big bed without me. Can you imagine? I was kinda peeved I'll admit, I stomped over to the chair I use to get up there and Daddy stopped me saying I still had to go out. 

I mean, go BACK down those stairs again? Have you seen how doggies have to go down head first? 

Anyway, that's the news from my point of view

please visit these people to hear their likes this week

taking a break: 

               friday smiles

Saturday, July 20, 2024

can't share photos on today's post


can't post pictures of my other work  today, google wants control over anything visual and they won't give more info . I'm researching it but for now, no quilting, creating, painting photos...

enjoy this video about cleaning your house, which I won't be doing even if I can't post, lol

I worked on my feathered star block in aqua, my hand stitched pastel hexies and will be ringing the edges with bold red in half hexies, I painted 7 index cards with prompts and like most all of them. 

I finished one of two socks in stretchy cotton/lycra yarn, baby blue . Started the second of the pair. 

I was able to make dinners and lunches with what we had in the fridge, and it tasted good. 

Yesterday I used the over ripe bananas to make a dozen muffins, and a 1960's Aloha loaf of cake/bread that has pineapple, banana, and coconut in it making it so yummy

We discovered the leftover fajita filling was good on brown rice... we saute onions, two peppers in olive oil, lemon juice and fajita seasoning, add chicken strips and mexican cheese. It was good in tortillas with sour cream, avocado, and jalepenos, but was equally good on rice alone. 

we enjoyed the chocolate ice cream we made without a churn, mixed half with vanilla store bought 

so despite my chiro leaving me in excruciating pain this week, complete with numb hands and feet, I was able to be somewhat creative... even if I couldn't solve the blogger issue

Thursday, July 18, 2024

I Like Thursday #411 outdoor concerts, books and a poodle tale

 Guide to the Smithsonian Folklife Festival | Washington DC

 google won't let me add my own pics this week, sorry! but I can add words for the moment and a couple online images. The one above is from the folklife festival we won't be attending this year.

frustrated with trying to blog with all these restrictions and issues. Pain level is high, so short post:

reading on ebook, LOVE this author , the humor, the characters

Prompt this week: 

have you ever gone to an outdoor play? tell us about it.... Or a concert? do you like outdoor performances?

Not Afraid of Color: Skaneateles NY with a poodle tourguide
hope this image makes it in!

I've been to many outdoor performances and find them magical and special. Now that I have spinal injuries, I can't sit on the ground or in folding chairs sadly. Over the years, I've gone to a lot of concerts outdoors... 
*  I remember dancing outside to live bands so many events
*  I heard Gloria Estefan in Ybor City (Tampa)  just before she became a National star
* I remember a concert at Sundance with Robert Redford introducing the orchestra 
*As a child visiting NC in the summers, we went to "Unto these hills" each summer in an amphitheater 
*In Annapolis the Summer outdoor theater put on shows that were always fun. Hearing the dialogue amid the sounds of the city beyond the walls, seeing the moon rise, being "inside and outside" at the same time
* in summer, we used to dance in the bumper car pavilion at Glen Echo each Sunday night... live band and contra dancing with little fairy lights, a slight breeze, stars above
* I belonged to a cajun dance group and we had many outdoor dance events
* I volunteered with a fund raising group who held outdoor concerts in Tampa
* wine festivals always had live music outdoor stages, you could listen as you walked around, one craft festival with music in Colorado Springs had a lovely mountain backdrop
*The Queen of outdoor events was in Washington DC at the yearly "Folklife Festival" A several week celebration of other cultures/countries with several venues housing a daylong roster of performances all day into the night. We could participate with dancing to native music, we could dance long into the night with the Washington monument back lit to one end, the Capitol on the other end. I loved the year we learned more about native American cultures (food, crafts, music, stories, dances) The year we learned more about India and I discovered Mango Lassies, the year Wales was highlighted. SO many cultures celebrated. I nearly passed out from heat once at the festival, they held a contra dance during the heat of the day and we danced with hundreds until we couldn't go on. 
we walked across to the American History Smithsonian building, I laid on the cold granite floor til I recovered! 

* remember the excitement as a child, of going to the drive-in movies? Outdoors, but inside a car, as kids we could run to the snack bar where they had playground equipment and a bathroom, we went alone in the dark, that enormous screen playing a move, the stars above. 

It's that sense of being inside while being outside that I love. 
as an adult, sitting at an outdoor cafe, with a musician singing right there, sipping a cool drink
Poodle Cartoon
Milo's moment
Mama! Come quick! bark bark bark. (running to the front door) 

Mama: What is it honey? invaders? 
Milo: it's the growly little truck where an arm comes out and touches our mailbox! 
Mama: oh, the mail carrier.... 
Milo: (running back to the family room) well sometimes he comes RIGHT up to our FRONT door!!! 
oh, shark! my shark must be guarded! I'll carry him in my mouth for safety.... okay sharkie, that is the mailman who is scary and you stay away from him! I'll just move you to the far side of the table for now, but stay back here. 
while I have you in my mouth, I'll carry you on a trip around the table...... oh that's the Daddy he's not dangerous but don't go with him anyway, that's the mommy and she might put you in the washer so stay away from her, that's the talky talk (TV) and it's just loud like those dogs next door. 
Okay, you can take a nap til I need you! 
Mama, I need a cookie to calm my nerves! cookies = poodle punch

Not Afraid of Color: The Misadventures of Milo...Monday Mischief!
Bye Bye for now!


please visit these folks to read their likes this week

taking a break: 

               friday smiles