Saturday, November 11, 2023

creativity this week


quickly while I can download a photo, this is my creative week

Using the Fig Tree pattern "Twirl" 


that is a mini size  quilt, I pulled my bag of little fall scraps, cut out all pieces, and then  the making of blocks is fairly fast, unless you get an angle wrong and have to unstitch and restitch! 

which happened !

It was fun to use the pattern and just sew without much decision making. the stems are black fabrics from my scrap bin, the tiniest scrap adds color and line to a block! (RSC)

I finished a pair of  hand knitted socks, and am starting a hat pattern soon

this pattern, but you start with smaller needles on the brim and that makes no sense to me at all! Plus I need to learn a new to me stitch of yarn over knit 2 tog and knitting on the way back.

tutorial on yarn over K2tog  

Tutorial: Yarnover, Knit 2 together (YO, K2TOG) - YouTube

no paintings, no drawings, 

my calendar doodle

 I tried out my new pen, kind of watersoluble, marvy LePen flex. thin fiber tip, full of ink

barely keeping our house afloat while DH fights a virus.

 The medical staff said it's not flue or covid, but it must be very virulent. It made it past the masks we wear at all times away from the house, past gloves and mask worn to open packages. It's going on 10 days now and all heavy work, cooking, dog care and laundry falls to me. I have my own ongoing and new afflictions and it's exhausting as I worry all the time and am quite lonely. So... making stuff, even at night, has taken a back seat. 

real leaves, holding on
 I finished two audio books... started another I didn't like (again set in WW2)  and started a third. I play video games, and stare at tv without hearing it. Google has made blogging and computer work disagreeable and I don't have a full answer yet. Any suggestions as alternatives for answers, videos blogging and email?   

It felt good to see the fall fabrics against the blues, and felt good to mindlessly sew a bit, and I'm glad I was able to put some images in this post! It's a big thing, don't know how long it will last...

linking to:

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts 

finished or not

off the wall Fridays


Sara said...

I'm so sorry to hear your husband has been so sick. I wish you both find some healthier, happier days ahead.

Your autumn leaves look so good against that blue sky. Around here in the fall, the sky gets this blue color that seems unique to the time of year. I don't know if it really IS a different blue or just looks that way against the dried corn fields and leaves.

Auntie Em said...

I really love the Autumn leaves project you are working on.
It sounds very tough to have to carry the weight of the household due to your husband being ill. It's good to have so many creative outlets to pass the time, but it can still feel lonely like you said. Hope things get better soon.

Helen said...

Sometimes life just piles it on.
When you're feeling lonely, you just feel free to send me an email. I'm glad to chat with you!

Sandy said...

Love how colorful the leafy quilt is. Sorry to hear about hubby, wondering if it's RSV, as I understand people feel pretty lousy with it; and it takes some doing to get over it. Hope he feels better soon; and you as well.
Sandy's Space

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Audio books are my salvation. Like you I listen to several every week. They are on when I work in the studio, pick up the house, get dressed in the morning and ready for bed at night.

Germs are no fun. Hang in there. This too shall be history. Meanwhile those leaves look like a delightful diversion.

After years of using Blogger I gave up and moved to WordPress. Solved some problems, but created others. Staying in touch is so much easier and quicker than my youth, but so much more complex, too. Hopefully, you will find something that works for you.

MissPat said...

Wish I was close by and could help out in some way. Take care of yourself, Drew and Milo and let the rest slide.

nestki said...

I just love your fig leaves! I'm so sorry this is such a rough time for both of you. Along with you I hope that your husband turns the corner tomorrow. Thanks for posting in spite of everything! Rest as much as you can.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm glad you were able to get some pictures on the blog - your leaf blocks are lovely and it's fun to see them! I'm sorry Drew is so sick - hope he turns the corner this week. Take care of yourself, too!

Jody said...

I am sending both of you healing energy and love! I hope that your DH and you are soon feeling better, and in your case, I hope they figure out what is going on and can get that turned around.
I love the leaves mini quilt, what a fun little piece.

Here's to better days ahead!

sonja said...

LA, i hope your hubby starts to feel better very soon.
your little autumn leaves are sweet, will make a charming quilty!
stay well !!!

Vicki in MN said...

So sorry you are dealing with illness in your house. Hope all is well soon. I love your Autumn leaves, fall colors are so beautiful. Hang in there and play just a little bit every day even if only for a few minutes.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

So sorry to hear about your husband--I hope he gets to feeling better soon. Sorry also that the burden has fallen to you, but know that you are not alone although it might feel that way. Hugs dear friend.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I love your leaves, so pretty! And the background fabric is perfect for falling leaves ;) So sorry about your husband, I hope he is doing better now. Take care.
Thank you for sharing and linking up, and sorry I'm way behind visiting.