Saturday, February 22, 2025

my creative week -- SAHRR, PQ and RSC (acronyms week)


Welcome to this week's creativity round-up! I have four projects to share this week so on with the show!

Starting with project quilting's prompt, "inspired by your birthstone color" For me it's 


I started with collecting inspiration photos online, and printing them onto one sheet of paper. 

see the images printed out there on the table?

if I had more than one week for this (and didn't start 4 days in! lol) I might have done the emerald city, or a palm frond. I cut out 3 paper hearts, taped them together, and cut the shape out of a precious hand painted piece of green fabric. 
I stitched that to a backing of emerald colored solid fabric, some peltex stabilizer. and quilted it with 
emerald rayon thread in free motion leaves

ironed on crystals in a copper leaf shape, and spiral, adding a word on a disc. See a bit how beautiful the painted fabric is? metallic shiny green on dark green. Subtle yet deep. 
I thought about hand stitching this green trim around it, after it was done.... not sure if I want to yet...

quilting lines

it's hanging over the fireplace now for St. Pat's day

While working on this, I also considered how to add a row of quarter square log cabin blocks for this week's stay-at-home-round-robin quilt...

again printing out inspiration photos to hang on the design wall

deciding to use the repro feedsack fabrics again but not liking this layout. 
this one is okayyyyyy but.....

I like the stages up to the slice blocks and this one. It's too busy for a small quilt right now. I'm considering remaking the log cabins in the same size strip, and limiting the number to simplify the lines. Later maybe.... I'm having trouble keeping up with two challenges a week plus the rainbow scrap challenge

I had pulled out blue triangles to sew up some wonky geese blocks, to warm un my creative time

then sewed tiny blue scraps together into this mug rug
the shape is also wonky.... I backed it in a blue scrap gifted to me long ago from a bee mate
and decided it's prettier on this side! The fabric is full of images all on top of each other, but this fussy cut one illustrated how cropping an image often looks better. See the bit of woman peeking in from the left side there? It's always a challenge free motion quilting on this older machine as the feed dogs don't properly drop. 
still, glad to have a machine at all at the moment


Sara said...

The shamrock is awesome!!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

you did a great job on the challenge this time!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That shamrock is gorgeous! And I like BOTH sides of the coffee mug rug!