Thursday, February 27, 2025

I Like Thursday #440

my fabric cutting tablescape

time to remember the little things we liked about this week... for me the shamrock out of fabric I made for a challenge to use our birthstone color, mine is emerald and I like the emerald ring dh bought me. 

( I showed whole photos of the shamrock on Sat's post )

what's this? can you guess? 
answer, the sun peeped around a plant and hit the back hallway. I noticed during lunch one day

 still happy to be learning French   

En Francaise : Je suis reconnaissant  (I am grateful) although it's testing my memory and recall

ps if you're studying another language, youtube has videos of stories read in other languages to help you learn.


they looked great 

tried a new to me recipe for sour cream orange blueberry muffins 

they have NO flavor of either orange (despite OJ plus zest) or blueberries so is it frozen blueberries? 

still good for breakfast with a bit of cream cheese!

DH got me four pairs of Alpaca wool socks to help my toes heal from reynauds complications. I love how loose they are, their warmth, and antimicrobial nature. 

STILL laughing... if Americans spoke like the French.... 

we watched a great movie last weekend


I was able to read some blog posts this week, and ran across this totally lovely way to make "note" of the good things in life by Melva. I might have to do it too. Ordinary blessings jar. 

New Free workshop on creatiuvity and healing  (online)

I signed up for this but don't know much about it. Presentations on topics I feel are important, starts in March goes on a week I think

 Our Prompt: do you compliment your mate/partner and does he compliment you? What kind of compliment feels best to you, and to him?

 I admit, I don't compliment enough, and sadly hearing a compliment is rare. Because of this prompt I did ask what kind of things did Drew like to hear. I like to hear how smart or clever I am, I love to hear a compliment on my appearance, clothes, or art. I would like people to see my integrity or kindness in dealing with others. 
Isn't it odd how we will replay a complaint in our heads but not compliments?

We were approved to adopt a puppy mill rescue, so now we wait for the right dog and the right time for me physically to handle the housetraining, and well general training, I did see a wheaten on their site, 8 years old, so sweet. 

one day.

I am grieving Milo still, more than ever. I hug his shark toy every night before bed 

now please visit these fine folk to see what they liked this week

Saturday, February 22, 2025

my creative week -- SAHRR, PQ and RSC (acronyms week)


Welcome to this week's creativity round-up! I have four projects to share this week so on with the show!

Starting with project quilting's prompt, "inspired by your birthstone color" For me it's 


I started with collecting inspiration photos online, and printing them onto one sheet of paper. 

see the images printed out there on the table?

if I had more than one week for this (and didn't start 4 days in! lol) I might have done the emerald city, or a palm frond. I cut out 3 paper hearts, taped them together, and cut the shape out of a precious hand painted piece of green fabric. 
I stitched that to a backing of emerald colored solid fabric, some peltex stabilizer. and quilted it with 
emerald rayon thread in free motion leaves

ironed on crystals in a copper leaf shape, and spiral, adding a word on a disc. See a bit how beautiful the painted fabric is? metallic shiny green on dark green. Subtle yet deep. 
I thought about hand stitching this green trim around it, after it was done.... not sure if I want to yet...

quilting lines

it's hanging over the fireplace now for St. Pat's day

While working on this, I also considered how to add a row of quarter square log cabin blocks for this week's stay-at-home-round-robin quilt...

again printing out inspiration photos to hang on the design wall

deciding to use the repro feedsack fabrics again but not liking this layout. 
this one is okayyyyyy but.....

I like the stages up to the slice blocks and this one. It's too busy for a small quilt right now. I'm considering remaking the log cabins in the same size strip, and limiting the number to simplify the lines. Later maybe.... I'm having trouble keeping up with two challenges a week plus the rainbow scrap challenge

I had pulled out blue triangles to sew up some wonky geese blocks, to warm un my creative time

then sewed tiny blue scraps together into this mug rug
the shape is also wonky.... I backed it in a blue scrap gifted to me long ago from a bee mate
and decided it's prettier on this side! The fabric is full of images all on top of each other, but this fussy cut one illustrated how cropping an image often looks better. See the bit of woman peeking in from the left side there? It's always a challenge free motion quilting on this older machine as the feed dogs don't properly drop. 
still, glad to have a machine at all at the moment

Thursday, February 20, 2025

I Like Thursday # 439


time for an I Like list! Thanks for coming by, and on with the show... 

above is a little painting I did this week, like a paint doodle. No goal in mind. I love colors, all of them

we had more normal weather this week, really cold and lots of snow, none predicted. We still toss out veggie peels, for any critters. They don't hibernate here since temps can be 60F one day, then drop that afternoon below 0 . 
I saw my bunny and squirrel this week on our porch. So sweet, he tried to dig down into the old mums pots. Then later when I checked the front door was locked before I went to bed, I peeked out to see it snowing, and a raccoon was sitting by the street drain looking in. Oh no, I thought, it's so cold and snowy, and he has to find food.  Poor critters all around us. 

I tried a new recipe for cherry cupcakes.... very dry, and kind of tasteless but the icing tasted good, 

they don't look good but we ate them


next in the series....

listening to on audio

mysterious family drama with possibility of ghosts. Great reader.

love hand embroidery and finished this, more pics on last Sat. post

still Learning French on Transparent language online. I often feel like this

Oh la la!

want this

and this

prompt: do you give yourself the same compassion and understanding that you give to your family and friends?

I'd say no although the older I get the less I need to please people I don't know. Growing up I was picked apart for being slightly chubby when the other kids were all skinny. I felt like I was not good enough and often pointed out my faults before others could say them. 

My family was not nurturing, no compliments or "I love you" s  The mother was a bully too and her opinion was the only one so I was quiet at home too. I am trying to change the automatic self talk now, (finally!) and tell myself,  what I'd say to a friend, like   that's clever! You can't do it all! It's okay to do nothing! You are a good person creative and have integrity. I believe in respect and that differences are great, so I might as well say that to me, right? 

found this on short videos....

people judging you? finding fault? listen to this way to view it

 I LOVE new clothes, and sales on clothes, so I now have this roomy boucle cream colored sweater by Anne Klein at macy's on deep discount... I have one in pink and now this, and feel cozy and cute in it! it has sparkles in the wool too. 

I am working my way through the retirement system and although the online forms are horribly messy, I had to stop midway twice and call the state, once getting no real help but the second time getting someone who sent me the forms to use and gave advice. Both times I had to wait about 45 min on hold to get through but maybe now I believe I can finish and receive benefits! I have a little hope! 

please visit these folks to see what they liked this week.... and let me know if you wrote a post for me to include

Saturday, February 15, 2025

my creative week including embroidery, sewing piecework, and a painting


still trying to live a creative life, and this is a mention of this week's work... glad you're here! 

the pic above is my latest finished embroidery. I learned to make tassel flowers, very wild and 3-d

more about the embroidery in a minute, but first my stay at home round robin nest row was slice into a block and insert a new fabric. It was a hard pain week so I took it easy on the creative front. I did a sliced insert in an X thinking it would look like a trellis... well.... 

it's too many lines too close for me but maybe this sewn row will fit in later?? 
I used one of my Mary Englebreit prints
I made some blocks to try them out using my blue floral scraps (Kim are you listening?) (she inspired me with her flower pics at
I like it! Imagine it with lots more floral fabrics! 

I inserted a pretty iris scrap in the center, and tried out some borders 
and it's okay but what about this larger scrap? 
this one just needs a pretty pink floral border I think. (It's easier to work small right now)

back to my latest embroidery (a kit from Buscilla gifted to me from DH
I re-learned how to do a woven flower, filled lazy daisy stitch, 
I blended two shades to grade the ombre colored purple stem on the right
top-- light purple 3 strands, next two light one dark purple strand, next two dark purple and one lt purple strand, then 3 dark purple strands. 

tried to put my initials on bottom but it' a blur
I finally got out paints and a brush to make DH (Mon Mari) a V-day card... 
simple but says it all

Thursday, February 13, 2025

I Like Thursday # 439 food is love, quilts are love, music is love


welcome to this week's list of likes.... starting with another V-day quilt, this one is hanging on our upstairs rail

another one is on my Family room glass table

it is made with valentine fabrics from my collection/stash

I love Valentines day, the focus on love the way it should be. Connections not divisions, acceptance not judgement. Here is a lovely song

another song, from Kiss me Kate, I was  in the chorus in a production of this play, a singer/dancer and loved this song. It's not an easy one for my alto voice but I find myself singing it often

I love being in my small studio space making things, and I like the things finished! (not everyone likes to finish things for some reason) This week I finished the project quilting prompted piece

my socks are finished

my latest embroidery nearly finished  using two techniques I've had to relearn, Learning is good


big fluffy flakes that drift down un like the usual sideways snow!!


there's not much and it often melts with the first (high desert) sun but we've had several overnight snows this week. It's cold, 1 deg F when we went to bed. I like cold, I like wearing layers and sweaters unlike other people around us in Colorado who wear winter shorts all the time.  I have LOVED my cozy leggings by cuddle duds like I'm wrapped up in the softest blankie. 

they say soft things are soothing when you're anxious. I think it's true and why babies pet their blankies. 

when I was a child we had blankets with satin bindings, and I remember rubbing that satin at night.

Fine dining

 I feel  rich, we have fresh grapes that are sweet and juicy, fresh cherries, and fresh citrus that also is juicy not dried out!

we tried a gluten free puff pastry (it's what the store had) to make caramelized onion appetizers but it's a fail. 

we got a new coffee maker

and so far we like the taste of our coffee just in time for it to skyrocket in price because of our new regime's tariffs. The idea is the water must be really hot to truly make a good cup of coffee. I like it strong with a good amount of milk. It's good to really feel awake again!

we did something we don't usually do, we bought collard greens and cooked them. We only do that at new years usually. We LOVE them with some pepper vinegar so why not all year?

I read somewhere that spinach helps you regrow hair, and I lost a lot with that virus that sapped me.

just because

I've been visiting Karen for years, and she always provides so much cozy beauty in her cottage. This post is full of love, red, hearts, heartwarming pictures... go see 

On Speaking French

I'm working my way thru Transparent languages offered through our library. 

Je suis perdu  ( I am lost) I also get their Italian word a day notices because I really want to speak Italian but we are considering a move to France first. 

liked this

our prompt: What is something you have always wanted to try but haven’t yet?

well there is being fluent in another language. I'm trying,  actively trying to learn French (oh why don't they just pronounce all the letters? )  while keeping up with a word a day in Italian. 

I'd like to return to some crafts like rug hooking with wool strips. I'd like to write a novel and started one but my pain stops concentration. I want to do some screen printing with my kit, and learn bead loom weaving.

 I'd like to have a farm with miniature donkeys, miniature goats, miniature cows and a standard poodle.

I'd love to stop my medical phobias but that's just practical not a desire really

Milo's memories

from Feb 2019  Milo was stylish... he knew if he got a kerchief, we would be going somewhere!

please visit these fine folks and let me know to include your link if you wrote an I Like post