Tuesday, December 31, 2024

endings and beginnings

 the most lovely rendition please enjoy with all the words...


I don't let go easily. I have found over the years that "change" is usually not good in my life. I need security and peace to thrive. 

It feels in short supply at the moment. 

I have always loved the song Auld lang syne, so I decided to research some of the meanings behind the poem and song. It was an ancient Scottish tune, and Robby Burns the poet wrote his poem to go with it in 1800's. The general meaning seems to be, whatever happened badly in the past, drink a cup of kindness to and move beyond it. 

I love these two and their rendition of what are you doing NYEve

 I looked forward to being able to have a voice in elections, and the year I could vote for president I registered to do so. 
I lived in Tampa, I was young in years but old in experiences and a survivor of much by this age. I was and still am a believer in justice and kindness and that a society that takes care of all citizens will be one that thrives and is happier than one of haves and have nots. 

I drove to Lowery Park to hear a candidate speak. He was standing on the back of a flat bed truck, and his words were balm to my soul. He spoke to me that day and I pledged to support his work in making the lives of Americans better through respect for all. 

Jimmy Carter, I will always love you and best I can carry on the principles we both believed in. 

Milo my beloved companion, my court jester, my sensitive intuitive protector left me this year. He didn't want to,  and I had no idea he was dealing with so much illness at age 7. If there is justice in life, I will see him again in Heaven as the body dies but the soul lives on. 
go play now, my baby, and know Mama loves you. 

My health is challenged daily, my emotional health is challenged by the upcoming American changes beyond my control, but I hope to somehow keep up the beliefs that citizens can come together to make all of life better for each of us. I do not believe some are unworthy of being American or being treated fairly, I believe justice and fairness matter. 

I don't go into the new year blindly saying it will be better. Happy New year doesn't wipe the slate clean,  I know it takes work to overcome biases and to be a good person contributing to the whole. 
 President Carter, I am still here and still agree to do what I can as just one person. 

We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles.

Jimmy Carter

I no longer choose a word of the year. I hope to try new things this year, and continue to see life from artist's eyes. I hope to be healed so that I can do things I need to and want to do. I hope to treat people with respect and kindness, to find humor in the every day, to learn and grow. I hope to stay in contact with the lovely people who I am lucky enough to call friends. 

Love, LeeAnna

Thursday, December 26, 2024

i like thursday # 432

 welcome to a short list of likes this week starting with a vintage Santa card I painted from a tutorial

I love vintage 40's and 50's

I love seasonal kitchen towels and flamingos so... had to purchase these two from Khols

tried to make thumbprint cookies my recipe uses half almond flour and it lovely and crumbly, with all natural raspberry seedless jelly

it was ALL good til they spread in baking this time
no I'm not on pinterest obviously but they still taste delicious. Wonder why they spread and ran this time? 

Our Prompt

did you ever receive a gift as a child/teen that you really wanted and were totally excited to receive? tell us about it. If not, have you ever gotten a great gift at Christmas?

I was in grade 10 and really wanted a minnie mouse watch. My sister Patti gave me one and I was so happy, wore it most every day. 

One year I wanted a keyboard and gave a lot of hints to dh who is generous but gift choice impaired. He got one for me and I was so happy to have successfully sent the hints



forgive me, things are not good healthwise and emotionally missing my beautiful boy Milo.  this will be short but sending loving thoughts to you all who mean so much to me. I considered adopting a small dog from puppy mill rescue... they are older dogs who have never been loved, been in a small crate their lives and need love. Maybe not now, but maybe ...

please visit these peeps to read about their likes


Saturday, December 21, 2024

watching paint dry and watching fabric scraps become a star

 the last feathered star for this year's Rainbow Scrap Challenge block is done! I call it "cranberry" color

I'm happy I can sew at all on the janome Gem, it's always a challenge but I think I can actually sew the blocks together on it next week. They are large 

see my finger at the bottom
and a bit overwhelming on the wall in my little studio
cranberry, light green, gray, red, gold, light blue
I hope the 12 blocks together won't be too busy on a quilt top... I want to sew them so that where they meet make another star motif. That means I need to choose color placement on the 3 X 4 block layout. 
then border ideas. What would draw your eye to the centers? 

I just sewed that moravian star into some kind of shape
"sea creature"? 
"warped star"? 
I thought it would be simple... what I learned
my little paper pieces (diamonds) were too flimsy for 3-d
thread basting my pieces doesn't work as they fall into the star body when bent
the stitches all show on photos if not much in real life
I need to read the new pattern directions Sara sent me and glue baste next time

mostly that sewing half together... twice.... then putting the halves together like dh said, does NOT work

I actually painted a wee santa this week... from a youtube tutorial on vintage santa in watercolor and ink
I LOVE him and wish I could paint one for every friend here, but I might go around the edge with some paint still, and transfer the words to the bottom, or glue them and then send out the finished image
tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGamQxy97hE

not feeling up to sending a lot of cards this year although I sure love what I've received from thoughtful people 

a watercolor paper notebook from Angie, and a collection of quotes from Helen

Phenny and Neily from France... beautiful boys
Sally's triplet fosters... look at the one nibbling the box...  craftscaviescontras   blog

Thursday, December 19, 2024

I Like Thursday# 431 Christmas as a child,


just a few likes this week but I do like this IKEA star we put on a timer to come on each night.

I caught site of it's shadow one morning... thought it was artsy!

I tried making sugared pecans this week

they came out so good, easy to make and we sneak in and grab some a couple times a day

Watching online: very intriguing puzzle ... don't blow off the elders' knowledge.... 




I put up just the mantle decoration this weekend, to lift our spirits

Our prompt this week: 

How was Christmas done in your childhood home/family?

example, if you woke earlier than the parents did you have to wait? Did the gifts go under the tree after you went to bed? did your family all exchange gifts? Did you dig in and all open your gifts at the same time or have to go around a circle opening one at a time?

remember silver tinsel  (Ice-sickles) on trees? magical!

Early in my childhood we had a real tree, and I had to go to bed early on Christmas Eve. Not allowed to come out or sneak a peek before the parents got up. My parents had two daughters who were married by the time I was 5 (I'm adopted) so we spent the day with them often. 

My mother ,  as Santa spent a lot of time arranging packages and a couple open things. I remember one year with a tricycle front and center, another year with a big doll, another with a bike. Since it was just me mostly, I was told to just open the gifts and loved, still love, all the little things in a stocking. 

When I was about 12 we got a silver tinsel tree with a light wheel that twirled. 

I remember as a10 year old handling one tubular shaped wrapped present and trying to guess what it was. It was the first thing I opened Christmas morning, it was from granny (who had lots of grand kids and not a lot of money) it was a roll of quarters, I felt RICH. you can buy a lot of penny candy with that after school. 

In Tampa, the wonder bread business held a yearly event of a tour of the factory and free tiny loaf of white bread. I always wanted to go, loving bread so much. The city had a creche and my family took a film of 3 year old me running to kiss the baby Jesus and getting clothes-lined on the ropes. Knocked me flat and the family laughed.

lest you think it was all good times  It was not Hallmark-ville around our house. 

 one parent always fell of the wagon after being given alcohol by his family yearly,  the other parent going thru the motions but openly resentful that she never got lots of toys. From the outside it looked like a good home... 

So when I left to live on my own, Christmas became a decorator's dream with me. I fell in love with tiny ornaments collected on travels, sparkly twinkle lights, a big real tree. I was a social worker and poor generally but kept up the magical sparkling time with foods and decorations. My first dog Chelsea, a big black lab took a bite out of all ornaments she could reach as an older puppy. A chelsea-bite. I cry when I see them surface, remembering that year as one where I wasn't alone. 

Milo's Memories 

Milo loved toys but got overstimulated with more than one at a time. At most I gave him three wrapped so that he could tear the paper off! He would play with it, then go get an old toy and spend time with it. He was a fair and just poodle. 

 The shark sleeps on our bed now. In his toybox is a pea pod stuffie he picked out as a puppy. We went on a Christmas stroll in Frederick MD the three of us. He loved shopping like Cole did, looking at everything eye level and lower, not touching, til he spied that pea pod. He sniffed it, and grabbed it, taking it to the counter to be paid for. He watched the clerk closely, as she took off the price tag. I said no need to wrap it, he'll escort it out and he pranced at the end of the leash holding that toy. He never tore that one up, we still have it. 

Our family is broken hearted without him this year, the first Christmas without him. 

now please visit these folk to read their lists this week

Saturday, December 14, 2024

My creative week in threads


This is the 12th block in this pattern for this year's RSC quilt to be. 

I chose a warm color, a healing color is pink, and this time more intense shades of pink. 

I don't know if it's "raspberry" or just saturated pinks originally I thought maroon or cranberry. 

I do like to play with all variations of a color... here are three warm colors together to compare

intense pink, bright pink, and red. Note I've tried to keep a dotted theme this year for the hexies. I love focusing on a color each month and exploring it with it's neighbors. I have NO idea how to handle these 12 circles. Applique them to a background square, all backgrounds the same? or slightly different? like white/cream/beige/ white on beige/ cream with gold? 
What do you think? 

I finished this little runner too. It's challenging working on that Barbie sized machine, but I persevered and it's all done. Originally I wanted a bright floral around the hexies but none in my stash worked. I hated to cut up this background. It's a mix of piecing and applique to put it onto the background
I machine bound it with a bright colors on red fabric

My friend Sue, Duke's mom, sent me a prism with colorful crystals and Milo's name on a heart. I miss my snoopervisor in the studio, huffing in boredom as he collapsed on his bed, getting up frequently to go bark out the bedroom window next door, nudging me to say Dad's out of his lair and ready to walk. 
taking a break from decision making to pet the softest curls ears ever held. 
It's one month today from when we said goodbye. 

Meanwhile the moravian star continues to not be quite right. I called in my local geometry consultant, the engineer I'm married to... he said make two identical 6 star units and they should go together
they go together but are flatter than I wanted. I then called in the consultant Sara https://mysewingroomsara.blogspot.com/
who has actually done a fabric Moravian star. She made one with 10 star units...and much larger and it looks fabulous. 
I do not want to take any of these apart to pare down to 10 so... in an effort to finish it in some way, I might just put them together. 
Another valuable helper (https://stitchingsapphire.blogspot.com/)wrote directions which my brain can't take in right now, but I kept them for the future. 

If I ever try this again. 
no painting this week. I have begun thinking of what center square will start my Stay at home round robin quilt in 2025. No ideas yet. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

i like Thursday # 430 cookies, quilts, squirrel, and memories of a poodle


Middle of December, we still have some snow left from a couple weeks ago, and this is my list of likes

Starting with a close up of a quilt I made years ago in Maryland. I love looking at it while the tv is on, and I'm in the sit and stare portion of the evening. I actually painted something this week

4 X 6" from a tutorial on youtube

Our prompt :  

If you could eat only one type of cookie this holiday season, which cookie would you be eating a lot of?

easy, sugar cookies! I love the ones cut out but make circles. I like my candy cane cookies sugar with peppermint. I make a variety of cookies (half recipes) in december and freeze some for a cookie platter mix while DH is off work. Recipe below under fine dining.

  What would be the ideal way for you to spend Christmas Eve?

these days of still avoiding risk of illness, taking an evening walk and taking part in the church service in the park with carols. I fondly remember other times when I went to our National Cathedral, spent time wrapping santa's gifts to my sister's kids, playing games with a martini in my hand, wandering the pretty lit streets of Annapolis MD, going to my friend Lane's church service with candles in Tampa, and a really fun time in Baltimore. 

DH, My poodle Cole, and I went to the most lit street in Baltimore with a Meeelion other people and a quirky display. Then on to Little Italy for some treats at Vaccaros to take home. Watching people playing bocci ball, walking around the granite stoops and then finishing down at the Harbor. 

laughing because I love cows and dogs



Caught a pic of my little squirrel friend this week, enjoying the vege we put under the big tree

speaking of food
Fine Dining 
We made a pear crumble this week, and some baileys irish cream sauce for all the deserts! 

I keep it in a clean jelly jar

they got too big because it hurt to stand long enough to do them right. They taste divine

We made stuffed roasted baby bell peppers too

We love a small two person charcuterie board during the holidays, here's one on a crystal star dish
apples, almond crackers, sweet pepper jelly, gruyere cheese, peppers, celery, cucumber, tomatoes and turkey summer sausage from Hickory farms. 

On audio this week:
On TV, Survivor is great, altho they sent home my favorites already. I admit to watching the housewive shows on Bravo and am loving Beverly Hills and NYC at the moment. We are almost caught up on Emily in Paris, and mid season  of Murdoch mysteries (on Acorn)

I like that my podiatrist appt this week went okay. I have apparently got Reynauds where my toes get cold and circulation stops and they get infected. I had been trying to walk anyway and in compensating for the pain I sprained my foot, but an xray showed no break. That was the good news. Gotta keep my fingers warm too, or they blister. I love cold weather too. 

Milo as a naughty puppy....

Milo's Memories
I am barely coping, his shark toy still sleeps in our bed. We remember so many moments from his life each day, and it's somewhat comforting. 
He was a naughty puppy, willing to throw tantrums if told no. On walks he would pick up rocks, I'd take them out of his mouth, and he'd throw a fit pulling at the leash, growling, pulling us. When we moved to Colorado, land o' rocks, he was in heaven. We stopped taking them away until the end of a walk, and I built a small cairn in the house of them. I still have them. 
If he'd been a little boy, his pockets would have been full at end of every day. 
Our neighbor in the rental was chatting with us, and Milo picked up a rock. I grabbed his snout, shook it out saying dammit Milo! you spit that out! the neighbor said, now THAT's a mama. 

please visit these folks to see what they like this week, and share your favorite cookie recipes