Thursday, October 17, 2024

I Like Thursday # 422 Smiling pears, art, and dragons


now that's a "guard-dog"
welcome to this week's list of likes... starting with Halloween decorations on houses! This guy was moving and blowin' in the wind!

I LOVE pears, especially ones who wink at me while smiling! 

The moon was making a spectacle of itself this week...


My camera isn't good enough to show the face but the man in the moon was also smiling at me!

painting love

 I love paint, watercolor dances on the paper, moving seamlessly, blending. 

kind of Halloween like 

I like hand stitching 

4 out of 10 made so far
More pics of art on Saturday's creativity post

 helpful video short

stressed? heard of the breathing method 4-7-9" Here it is in a quick video easy to follow


Our prompt this week:

 do you like to carve pumpkins? do you have a pic of one you did? Have you ever been to a display or contest of carved pumpkins? 

I don't like to carve pumpkins. (Messy) I always feel as if I'll stab myself with the knife! lol

I did not grow up with parents carving pumpkins or decorating at all. I was given a dime store costume and had a GREAT time trick or treating in my neighborhood. I still love costumes and dressing up, decorating and special foods. I like seeing carved pumpkins on neighborhood porches. I once saved a Martha Stewart magazine of ideas. I did a pumpkin quilt, and put felt pieces on it for the face that could be moved around. 

Milo's Moment

Milo: M o m m m m .... I was just having a moment with my old chicken... I brought him to my day bed to snuggle. Sheesh always with that camera! 
Mom: you were just so cute lying there, holding him in your arms snuggling. That chicken is worn out though, and you have a new one....
Milo: SO WHAT?  You don't get rid of toys just because they are missing a few parts, their stuffing, their squeaker... I have a warm heart! 

Besides the new chicken is for chasing by the daddy, this one is for parts, now, leave us in peace, 
won't you??

now please visit these folks to see their list of likes this week

Saturday, October 12, 2024

watching paint dry this week.... stretching my creativity


For my quilt making update, I did baste the three layers of this quilt (my Portal) together. I safety pin the layers, backing is a lovely fall print, batting is warm and natural, the top was made a bit ago. It's the back breaking task I dislike the most in quilting. It's ready to machine quilt now! yea! but....

... my beloved Bernina 1630 sewing machine began failing just as this was ready to go. I have replaced the motherboard in it, twice,  at Hinkletown Sewing in PA. They charge a couple hundred, the other stores charge thousands. I am no longer near Hinkletown... WAH!!! 

so... no quilting for me for now. Do you quilters love your domestic machine? what is it??? help! I'm not paying 22,000 for the new Bernina y'all, but I need to be able to quilt my own quilts!

Oh and my personal color of the month for RSC is gray, so I started the EPP circle this week by hand, 
I didn't have a gray dotted fabric for the hexies so I'm shopping from my small stash of gray scraps! I like the different values and patterns here though! 

I'll share some of my paintings instead...

I love how this came out... a close up

I like the moody nature of it, the way paint blended when wet, the idea of little birds

and the moon! clap clap clap! whee!

The next technique was taught in Sketchbook Revival by Linda Germain... take a magazine... cut out a 3" square from the bottom of a kleenex box to use as a crop to view the magazine pages...
I feel I learned so much from just going over the pictures this way. Finding angles, composing the photo differently, noting the parts I like the best. 

Oooo the curvy lines, the colors turquoise with coral, with gold

until you find 6-8 images. Trace and cut out the cropped part of the image
you'll be drawing then painting just this image in your sketchbook. 
the teacher said to leave room for your drawing. Then turn the image to the side or upside down and just draw the lines you see inside the square. Turning it changes it from, say, a vase to just lines. Fill in any details you like, then paint. 
AMAZING! and fun! 
Have I mentioned Sketchbook Revival is free online, Karen Abend brings together about 30 artists to teach us each  year. A close up...
magazine on top, my interpretation under that

I'm doing it again since it's so fun! 
This workshop got me to use supplies I had but haven't tried yet, like gouache. I am a watercolorist and gouache is a water based paint that is opaque. Like acrylics without the plastic binder to give me migraines, and flat not shiny. 
I was afraid to try them! wha??? 
Are you ever nervous to try a new tool like a specialty ruler, a different kind of paint, a technique? 

The teacher squeezed a large amount into cups to mix into new colors. I don't have that many plastic cups, so I just used a few yogurt lids as a mixing palette...
worked like a charm. I've used the same lids all week on many other lessons, because that pink morphed into coral, and orange, the greens and purples and yellow morphed into that mossy color. Just a drop of water from my brush, and they are ready to use again! I LOVE the effect they give. 

Oh I have just watched the lesson video so far... afraid to go whole hog into them but I will before the time is up... 

I draw and or paint a thumbnail of each teacher on my page too. This was a lesson to make bold random abstract marks first, then add blobs of paint, then collage on top, then paint, write or whatever you think of....
looks like a hot mess from here but in person you see the tree, the vignettes of flowers and sun etc. Yep, that pink/coral flower was from the leftover gouache on the lid, along with the purple. I cut words into a flower shape, glued it down and daubed gouache over it. 

Not fine art but lots of fun, and it was very different from the teacher's work. 

Michaelangelo said, "I'm always learning" 

I did more lessons to share, that I'll save for another post later, some will go on Thursday's "I like" post

Thursday, October 10, 2024

I Like # 421 hayrides, art, poodle in a jar

even a tuna sandwich tastes better on a pumpkin plate!

 welcome to this week's list of likes. I like tuna, I like pumpkin plates! On with the show...


I'm in the middle of a wonderful art online course (free) so will spend a moment sharing a few pics of my recent paintings. This is a sort of halloween-y magical vase... swirling with gold and watercolor paint   

a close up

a little bunny in watercolor


a close up, more on that Saturday

Our prompt this week is: have you been on a hayride? tell us the stories! 

I've been on a few and liked all of them. One in particular was in Tenn. during my college year at Lee College. A lovely young man from the Honduras asked me to accompany him. So sweet, kind, cute. We snuggled into the hay sort of reclining to see the stars.  Gently swaying a bit, the scent of hay fresh and clean, the sky unbelievably clear without human lights. 

We chatted about our lives, our college experience (a Christian college) and our hopes for the future. We held hands, and were silent. Others around us did the same. I think we were all in AWE of the beauty that night held. It was peaceful, and I've had not too much peace in my life. We shared the moment grateful to spend it together. 

We never dated again for some reason, and I only spent one year at that college, returning to finish my degree at the university of S. Fl. so we lost touch. He rode back to school with me after the Christmas break, and I remember we had some kind of sugar shortage going on so he brought us a large bag of it!

Just because it's lovely


want this from pottery barn

Skeleton Serving Bowl 

I went through many hurricanes growing up in florida, but I am concerned about my friends  in this one. Here is a solution one man did to protect his home. 

Watching on TV
so many fun shows, usually on the same night! I love TV at night to help me calm my nerves. 
Dancing with the stars, Big Brother, Survivor, some new dramas like High Potential, The golden bachelorette, Murdoch Mysteries on Acorn, and not watched but will Emily in Paris has returned!

Milo's MOMent

Hiya... I like almond butter! 
Mama gave me the font of all good tastes this week, the nearly empty jar of goodness 
I was so excited, I didn't think twice, I didn't play hard to get, I ran over and unfurled my long tongue and 
nom nom nom   
All I could think in the nutty haze was "don't pull it away!" and "I wish my tongue was longer!"

now please visit these fine folks to read what they liked this week!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

I Like Thursday # 421 flowers, fruit, corn mazes, drawings


it's Thursday! Must be time for the list of likes this week. Actually I lost track of the days and almost forgot to write, so this may be short! 

I like Fresh fruits and vegetables. The majority of our meals are vegetables actually. I am so excited to have fresh pears and peaches ( which turned out to be sour) and if the weather ever cools off, I'll bake those bananas into a confection. 

the weather, 90's on Monday, 70;s on Tuesday, 90's on Wednesday, 70's on Thursday... psychotic right? I miss the way temps would cool off when Sept hit. 

(we're acknowledging the poor East Coasters who got hit in that hurricane, many losing their lives and homes. Sad... I dealt with so many hurricanes in my life)

I cleared off the dining  table this week, and put on the fall tablecloth. I love it. I also changed the kitchen towels to halloween ones that are so cute! 

Leaf Peeping
I liked the color showing up this week, Bold dark red, and white puff's

A bit of art

I have been doing two workshops, one is now over and one is in full swing. Last week I said the thumbnail photo I shared would be on Saturday's post but I didn't do a Sat post. Here she is 

There is a new offering this month called Ink-Tober where you are encouraged to draw every day. In honor of that I'll share one of my drawings from Sketchbook Revival. ( still going, free, best thing!)

I was amazed as I never thought I could draw this. All pencil, no paint which surprised DH when he saw it he thought I painted it.  I think I like drawing very much with each skill I learn. I like a soft lead. 

I want to make this pecan bark, when it cools off enough to run the oven
to "rising appalachia" sisters who harmonize so well, 'resilience'

 prompt this week

do you like a cornfield maze, tell us about a time you did one and where it was

to be honest I don't think I've been in a corn maze. I don't think I'd enjoy it either. We used to go to Stowe VT every Fall and walk the long path up the mountain. On a beautiful clearing, near a river, we'd see remnants of a corn maze, near cows munching on green grass, and it was charming.

Milo's moment

somebody should fetch that ball

I can't believe I'm saying this, but....(poodle whispers) I NEED A BATH

I can't even stand my own smell and I itch, but Mama and Daddy had back pains this weekend so guess who got forgotten

Mama: Milo! you are never forgotten, but we can't do the work right now... we'll do it in a couple days

Milo: do what? did you hear me whispering even with your old human ears? 

Mama: Oh we are aware of the need for a bath, believe me

Milo: Mama! you're so funny, come here and let me hug you!


visit these folks to read their lists of likes





Thursday, September 26, 2024

I Like Thursday #420 fall scents, berries, videos and a poodle


welcome to I Like Thursday today brought to you by analogous colors Blue, Yellow gold and green

on with the show....

Watching on video:

 When dogs and cats work together

I LOVED every part of this outfit, plus the music!

I had to listen twice it was so beautiful....  

The prompts are back, this week it's: 

what is your favorite fall scent?  would you rather have a pumpkin spice drink or apple cider?

I always like walking into a store and smelling the cinnamon pinecones this time of year. I love pine and think of Lake Placid days when I smell it. Funny enough, colorado has pine trees but no scent

Apple cider tastes clean and simple to me, don't like pumpkin spice drinks at all. I like the most, apple cider donuts along the road in apple stands in the North east this time of year. I've tried to reduce cider to make my own but they never taste of cider.

What about you?


this week dh calls me over to the slider to see a hawk in our back yard. We do find bits of half eaten critters in our yard now and then, now I know we have large birds of prey (this one was large in person) creating our own nature show.

growing things

I love the bright orange berries on bushes in the fall. I like this composition with fence and berries

it was covered in them two days ago but birds... 
I like aspen trees, but why is this tree frowning? lol

I also liked the fall display of whatever these are called, the sharp tall ones turn orange/gold/brown/and pink this time of year.

I love that dancing with the stars is back, survivor, golden bachelorette who is 61  with 15 suitors who are also of age, and every one of them charming. New shows of merit to me, "High Potential" where a woman with a high IQ helps solve mysteries while being a single mother.
 Also  "Brilliant Minds" where a man with a neurological condition is a doctor who diagnoses difficult cases. It's touching, and encouraging, and well done.... two thumbs up for me, missing the good doctor and new amsterdam. On PBS "Moonflower Murders" combining a love of books, with mysticism and a mystery. 
Fine Dining 
I tried a new to me recipe for candied beets. beets being good for you plus I love them. They don't photo well though they tasted extremely good. 


I am now doing two overlapping free workshops in art... and it's a lot to keep up with. I'll share all the photos eventually, mostly on my creativity post Saturdays but here is a taste:

Milo's Moment

Hiya hoomans

Mama:  On our morning walk this week, I was reminded of the old phrase, "if you aren't the lead dog, the view never changes"   
Moooooom  come on!!! There's a smell up here I can't miss!
there are worse things than looking at my tail!

Mama was watching the talky-talk (The Voice competition) this week and said, 
"I didn't know Snoop-dog was so sensitive! ) 
I said, mentally you know, that all dogs are sensitive mama!

please visit these folks to see what they liked this week.