Saturday, June 22, 2024

living the creative life sewing the blues, painting on index cards, knitting with scraps, and more


welcome to this week's creativity round up... some of this some of that... The work above is my hand sewing for TV time and I added in some solid fabric scraps to the charm pack. I love the colors!

living the creative life... so many decisions... I considered the background in sparkling blue for this blue garden of roses piece. It's just pinned to the wall to think about... what do you think of it? 


I chose scraps for my feathered star RSC project in blues... got the foundation piecing accomplished despite the ongoing physical limitations... My wall of blue scraps so far this month...

 chose the tula pink background bits, cut them with scissors, since this picture was taken. There's always next week to finish the big block.

The Blank Quilting Corp ...

 I knitted with scraps this week, cotton/nylon socks

love the colors!

I took a free online workshop this week with Tam LaPorte... I did what I could, not much sadly.. but

one teacher talked about painting one line of color, then pulling that with a brush of water only, to create shadows. I tried it first with my sketchbook... hmmmm. Then as she was doing an elaborate portrait of a man, I tried a quick easy one in the sketchbook...from my imagination, surprised it came out a man...

I'm interested in what makes someone male or female in portraiture... again drawing a line of color, pulling it with plain water

I'm still doing the index card a day prompts... one this week was "gold" so I pulled up Klimt art online and was inspired to do this. Above is the first part, no gold paint yet...just pencil, watercolor, inks

I wish you could see the depth and sparkle... I use finetec metallic watercolors in three shades including copper for the wall paper over ink drawings

imagine if I'd done this on decent watercolor paper... I just think I will

I'm a bit behind, couldn't sit at the table, but got 6 days done... and only one failure... the top right prompt was "alternating" and I don't like mine, but... win some lose some. 

I loved how terrazzo came out. I grew up with terrazzo floors and pretty durable but don't fall on them.

This took on more dimension when I inked a tiny black line along the colored quartz bits

Ivy started with blobs of red/brown yellow (wall) and blue-green for leaves. Inked in white bricks, black leaves bringing it to life

"Rannunculus "  was fun, mixing color on the card with tombow water soluble markers, then inking over with black and white pens, adding some watercolor grass

"beach" started life as a watercolor horizon study.


 I grabbed a piece of copier paper to clean my brush, and noticed the colors were nice. 

I tore it up, layered it on with elmers glue, til it looked like a beach. Tearing the painted paper leaves a white line which helps with texture and depth.

so that's about it... I never thought I could draw or paint til I took free online classes, and PRACTICED in a sketchbook.   Let me hear a whoop whoop from my fellow paint lovers! 

linking with these fine folk:

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts

finished or not

art for fun Fridays 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You've certainly captured Klimt's style! And metallic watercolours? I've never heard of such before but yowza! what a great effect they make!

Sara said...

I always enjoy watching your processes - and how many different layers and techniques you mix in. That is what makes your art really come alive.

The Joyful Quilter said...

So many good things in this post, LeeAnna!! The background sets of your BLUE roses perfectly. Art-wise? Your week was a HUGE success! All of the ICAD entries are awesome. Am I allowed to choose a favorite? I adore your (paper) scrappy beach scene! The collage exudes tranquility.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

You truly are living the creative life, LeeAnna. Love your enthusiasm and output too. Each post is jam packed with lovely things to ogle and admire.

Karrin Hurd said...

You always have such a lovely assortment of beautiful projects you are working on!

CathieJ said...

Your painting is really great. Maybe someday I will take a class and learn. I think I have that same blue background fabric somewhere in my stash. It looks good with the garden piece. Enjoy all your crafting.

Kim said...

I always love the look when black ink is added as outline and definition to water colour paintings. Those Ranunculus are fabulous! And, as for your happy, little hexies, so pretty. said...

It's the pits when you want to work on a project; but, your body has other ideas.You sure accomplished a ton with your art and stitching. For your roses, the blue background is too dark in my eyes; but, I'm having cataract surgery in a couple weeks so maybe I'm not seeing well!

Melva said...

Your blue scrap pieces a nice. I think the blue background is too dark for your scrappy roses. It needs something brighter, IMO. Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Lovely index cards this week. So loving your blue roses project! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

Kathleen said...

So many good things last week (and I will get to this week soon. I like the blue border but am thinking the blue border needs a separation to "show off" the flowers. What do you think? Love the paintings and fun that you found this unsuspecting creativity until you started doing it. Oh, and the torn paper on the beach scene is perfect!

Gillena Cox said...

my my you certsinly had a blast. i vannot say i have a favourite this week. your fabrics abd art are all amazing.
Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday
