Saturday, July 6, 2024

watching paint dry and stitching small scraps of fabric... creativity this week


Let's start with aqua/turquoise scraps...  the color of the month at RSC.

I love this color range, and got out my box of scraps, organized them to size and shape, and used them. 

I sewed some free form geese, used abstract piecing, sewed some squares and rectangles. Then put them together int the table topper above. 

in this pic of the flimsy before it was quilted,you see the one I did in blues last month compared to this one

It's 13" X 21" and fits on my bedside table. I quilted it in metallic threads. Mylar halogram thread by sulky, and sparkly metallic by madeira. 

I picked scraps and clipped them to papers for thread basting my EPP monthly blocks

I chose a dotted fabric for the hexies to join them. I love seeing them.

One large painting done this week: 

I like the boldness of it, despite being watercolors.

The index card prompts for this week.... 

and some close ups

Parfait on the left, sepia on the right. The cards are cheap 4X 6"paper

I painted the face, then drew inked lines over her to interpret the word pixel

steampunk was hard, I looked up steampunk poodle, flamingo, cow, art, betty boop printed them cut them out and collaged them. 

castle... I googled paul Klee's castle with sun and did my interpretation of it.

Bonsai... how to imply miniature size? Display next to a woman looking at it

no pattern needed for this cool bag, I hope to make

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts

finished or not

art for fun Fr


Thursday, July 4, 2024

I LIke Thursday # 409

today it's hard to just list likes as if nothing is happening. Do you know what time it is?

America was formed :to create a Democracy,   no longer ruled by a king,  created so that government was separate from religious belief in order to make it safe for all to worship God the way they choose, and that citizens bond together because we are stronger when we work in unison. 

Printable Pledge of Allegiance Words 

 NO ONE should pit one group of citizens against another.  In order to gain power  a political party in the 1980's, systematically convinced some Americans to hate fellow Americans. They were not working to make our country better or stronger, because working together and compromise is the way to strength.

They wanted power but forgot by splitting us in half, they gave power to other countries. Divide and conquer. I believe by giving all citizens rights, we give rights to ourselves too.

I am grateful for our military who protects our country for Democracy, and our law enforcement who protects us, for teachers who teach truth in government, for people who teach their children to respect others and follow the laws of our country. 

No one has the right to have absolutely everything they want all the time. We are a country where majority rules based on a free election. 

I never thought when I grew up, putting a hand over my heart and saying the pledge of allegiance, I'd see a group of people bowing to a flag with one man's face on it. Our next door neighbor is flying a flag celebrating the overthrow of our very constitutional government.If a person seeks to destroy our constitution, they should not pretend to celebrate the America founded long ago,especially with fireworks.

America is a place of law and order, and no one, NO ONE is above those laws. 

We fought for independence from a king with ultimate power over us.

No one should be pitting one group against another if they want what's best for America.

 I am grateful that for most of my life, I got to live in a country that protected it's citizens. 

I cannot be more grateful than that today. Thank you for reading my words.

Please visit these people to see their likes for the week

taking a break: 


               friday smiles