Saturday, June 8, 2024

doing what we can to celebrate color... sewing bits of fabric together, watching paint dry, interpreting a theme


The block above came from this book

on the sewing front, I needed to see color sewn to color, repeat. I got out the blue scraps that are exceptionally small and started sewing...

the log cabin logs finish at 1/8th inch


I thought, I love foundation piecing, why not just do some really small (2") blocks, mindless right? I didn't count on the intensity of dealing with such small seam allowances and strips of fabric 1/2" wide. I completed two blocks and moved on. 

sewing to paper is a good idea for me now, can't use a rotary cutter, but I need to move on to 4" blocks maybe... so it can be zen for me

I took my smallest scraps and made some more blossoms in blues


One day I'll form a garden. Next I need to add in greens around these...

 Mostly I am able to do the painting/drawing artwork a day on index cards... so here are the 7 I did from week one... and here is the link to week two prompts:

the prompts were from top right clockwise: lavender, zinnia, patisserie, tree, gradient, portal, owl  

I want to paint, to draw, to bead, to embroider, to sew... to be creative.

I have not done much of anything, (being distracted by nerve pain)  and just know I want to do it all 

I did watch a video on how to insert a spiral metal wire join on watercolor papers to make a flip book... I hope to do that with my icad pages as I draw paint on one side, and write on the reverse. I would like to have a way to keep them together and flip from page to page. 

 I tried to remember how to do the boat shaped coaster taught last week on Zen stitch... couldn't but this is what I did make, it works but is well, odd looking. But 

it works and could be a little bowl to hold stuff

I cut out one of my RSC blocks to be basted while watching tv this week. It's a way to handle fabric, and see the pretty color... 

linking with these fine folk:

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts

finished or not

art for fun Fridays 


Duke said...

You are always so creative. Love your artwork and the log cabin has always been one of my favorite quilt patterns!

Sara said...

The NEED to be creative is strong. I'm glad you are able to do a few things in spite of the nerve pain. Those tiny blocks are so cute! And no doubt you'll end up using them in a bigger project someday.

Helen said...

I love the postcard of lavender!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Beautiful! Blue is my favourite colour!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Ooooh Leeanna, you are such an artist, I love these blue blocks and I'm sure that you will find a creative way to assemble them into a joyful quilt. Pretty cards too, the owl queen is so cute! Thank you for sharing, and I wish you a peaceful week. Hugs

Tigger's Mum said...

I really love that blue log cabin in triangles - fantastic arrangement of colour and patterns.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Always love the blue quilted favorite color. That bowl cozy will come in handy when it's back to soup and chili weather. I love the set my daughter made me for that. I got so sick of burning my hand after microwaving and they make better sense than trying to wrap a potholder around the bowls.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Those blue blocks are simply lovely! Yes, even with foundation paper piecing small blocks can be a bit fiddly. They sure turned out pretty though! Have a lovely week. I hope the pain subsides. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

Christine said...

Nice work!

Granny Annie said...

Nice awry of artwork!

Gillena Cox said...

Bravo! luv all of it. Thankd for linking to Art For Fun Friday


Gwyned Trefethen said...

Being creative is like breathing. I'm glad you are able to do both.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Some great creativity there.

DVArtist said...

Fabulous art. I love everything today. Thank you for your support and joining FFO.