Thursday, May 9, 2024

I Like Thursday #401 Birthday celebrations, good food, and a list of likes


Welcome to this week's list of likes... and Milo is illustrating the prompt for this week

no it's not my birthday month, but a poodle can celebrate anyway
More about that later

talking to friends

I was lucky enough this week to chat with Cindy, Lane, Diane in Texas, and Joy. It makes such a difference, being with friends.  Zoom and FT are fine ways to visit... almost like being there

TV and streaming

Brokenwood is back, Murdoch is back (ACORN) we're watching Midwives on PBS, and I'm enjoying Traitors (on Peacock) Australia

The Amazing Race season is coming to a finish this week, so what will replace this as a must see show for us? 

Want to learn

I want to learn how to sing harmony. I like to sing, but have an alto voice. I haven't found a good lesson on how to harmonize, they all say, sing a third or fifth note up. I can't just know what a third sounds like til I go up a note, then another and by then the song is in the middle! Crikey!

I also want to learn to roll my R's in Italian. Not one decent instructional video for that either. 


DH went with me to urgent care twice and to an emergency visit with an ENT at UCHealth in the last two weeks. I am phobic of hospitals and doctors and rubbish in an emergency. He was steadfast. 

 watching on youtube

OMG   I wish humans were as welcoming as these sheep...

Fine Dining

tried this recipe, dividing it in half because we had one can of beets, and it was like old time good...

note we don't like cornstarch and use arrowroot to thicken... delish but not photogenic 


made a new to us recipe for thumbprint cookies... very buttery shortbread texture and so good
 Made some garbanzo bean soup, and homemade bread too this week. Don't like to cook, DO like to eat


recipe from Jenny Can Cook

60 Funny Birthday Wishes For All Your ...

The prompt this week is : how do you celebrate your birthday? 

Growing up, I always had some kind of party... at home of course, with pin the tail on the donkey kind of games and 25 cent prizes for the winners. A store bought cake with decorations sat on the dining room table from that morning... it was considered fancy rather than a home made cake that would taste better! I always blew out candles, and asked for one of those greasy icing flowers of course. 

As I aged I had sleep over parties, and when I turned 13 I think, I had a movie party with three girlfriends. I wore a mini skirt and fishnet stockings for the first time, where my fat squeezed through the squares and gave me a rash! I had a newsboy corderoy hat, my hair was bobbed, I wore blue eyeshadow and white lipstick. 

Vintage 1950s For The Birthday Girl ...

I was engaged before I met my husband, to a lovely man who made a lot of effort for my birthdays. Once he set up for me to have time off work, bought us plane tickets and a hotel stay in NYC to go to a major wholesale craft show. Once he set up a surprise party, and it was one of two I've had in my life. 

My Canadian boyfriend set up the other surprise party, and for the first time, I had intuition hit me full on while I showered I saw lots of friends gathering and laughing. Unmistakable. I was stunned, got ready didn't say anything on the way to the friend's house for dinner. Surprise! I often now have those intuition moments and do not discount them. 

My husband and I always took a trip, or did something special we'd never done, on my birthday weekend. A trip to NYC with show, shopping, carriage ride, dinner at Tavern on the Green. Trip to Newport RI, Poconos, Mystic Seaport. 

Biggest Lie: Hysterical Belated Birthday Card with a Retro Image of a  Woman, with Envelope. C6956BDG: Greeting Cards:

Now that I can't leave the house safely because of allergy to vaccines, I make my own cake. If I'm lucky my generous but gift impaired husband might have purchased a gift. Life is what you make it, but sometimes you can't make it into what you want. It's my birthday in a few days, and I'm glad I'm able to make something of the day. 

When I was born, my birth mother gave me to the adopted mother. The doctor told Mary not to get attached to me as I wouldn't make it. I was teeny at 4 lbs, my liver didn't function, I was too weak to eat. Then I grew...  As the story goes my birth mother wanted the best for me, and she felt as a single mother she couldn't provide that. Sad. (the placement wasn't a nice one as it turns out) but one day, I'd like to meet her family, maybe even my birth father (who was Italian) family, and belong somewhere. 

So birthdays... where you celebrate the fact that this glorious person was born in the same time period as you were... are special to me, how about you? I don't think, I'm so old, I save that for when the body fails throughout the year lol. I think, well, here I am. Why am I here and how can I add goodness to the earth's family. 


Milo's moment

well y'all I dodged a bullet this weekend.

Grrrr you will not win hooman
 First daddy tried to poison me with some kind of medicne 

(Daddy: a heartworm pill is to keep you safe, we have early summers here now)

Milo: whatever. Then Daddy tried to drown me in the shower

(Daddy: it was just a bath, Drama King! You smelled like pee)

Milo: it's my signature fragrance... not worth manhandling me and putting soap all over me just to rinse it off with a power hose

Daddy: it's the same shower we use... oh my dog

Milo: then Mama tried to skin me alive with that noisy machine

Mama: The shaver. Just the shaver, just like I use on Daddy's hair. Scissors and a shaver. Same. 

Milo: just because you pin him to the chair with that cloth over him and vibrate his head the same way doesn't make it right. Haven't you noticed when you shave him, I am always there to supervise? In case you cut off an ear? sheesh, my worries are many.

Mama: well you smell much nicer, I can now see your eyes, your fluffy hair isn't tangled, and you're cooler. Isn't that good? 

 Milo: oh don't try to get out of it... I made it out alive this time... 

well, I admit I'm cooler, but  I also look more Blue
Mama: love you and you're so handsome

Please visit these peeps to see what they liked this week


               friday smi


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like you've had some wonderful birthday parties over the years! Glad poor Milo is okay after those horrible ordeals -- I laughed at his "signature fragrance," lol!

Enjoy your upcoming birthday!

Helen said...

For someone who claims not to enjoy cooking, you sure do seem to be awfully good at it!
I hope you find many reasons to smile on your birthday this year.

Sara said...

Happy birthday!! You have some lovely birthday celebration memories. Hope this one brings some smiles too.

Birthdays - not my favorite thing. If I don't actually suggest and plan something, then it doesn't happen. My husband buys extravagant flowers every year for my birthday, but just sets them on the kitchen counter and never actually says Happy Birthday. My 70th was in March - same scenario. No mention of the birthday, no mention of "let's go do something special" to celebrate. Just brought home flowers and set them in the kitchen. Job done!

Angela said...

Gift impaired! Great descriptions of my hubby too. I might add I am not a lot better though. Your Milo stories are the best!

Kathleen said...

Happy Birthday, Leeanna. You do share so much beauty on your blog with us....thank you. I think you cook a lot for someone who doesn't like to. I am such a slouch. I would love good tasting cookies...but don't indulge as I put on weight thinking about it. Milo is definitely a drama king....but a handsome one and yes, a little blue these days.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Pretty lilacs, and yummy looking cookies - you're making me want to bake! Milo, personal hygiene is very important, lol. Be patient with your pawrents! Happy May birthday, LeeAnna!

Cloudia said...

Oh Milo! Glad you are okay. You are certainly having a nice week. Aloha

Lea said...

No matter what else is going on, Milo is the best!

Sally Langston Warren said...

Loved the sheep video and the idea their farm is for rescued sheep! The cookies look delicious. I may try to make some tomorrow with raspberry jam that I gave my husband on his birthday. It still sits unopened in the kitchen. Did you use the almond flour and extract? I have never used almond flour. I was curious about the instructions to “spoon and level” the flours. I didn’t know what “spooning” was so read about it. I have never used that method. What a difference that would make! I have always just used my measuring cup to scoop out the flour and then leveled it with a knife. Apparently that packs too much in the measuring cup. Live and learn! And Happy Birthday!! May you have pleasant surprises!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Birthday from all of us! Your food always looks so good, I would take the cookies and the bread thanks. Milo, dang, that was quite the time you had but you do look most handsome! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

grammajudyb said...

Enjoyed catching up on your recent posts. Love your pink house pincushion! So creative! Happy Birthday this week! What kind of cake will you make for yourself? My favorite was always a chocolate one. Lately though I’m fond of anything lemon! Maybe I overdosed on chocolate? Is that even possible? LOL!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

You always have the best food pictures on your blog. I love seeing them. I hope you have a great birthday. Let us know what cake you end up making. I hope Milo surprises you with a wonderful gift!!

veta said...

wow.. adorable milo and yummy food. it seems you are having a good time.

Lisca said...

I love the food you cook. Be it bread, or cookies or garbanzo soup. It really looks yummy.
Birthdays? As a child my mum decorated the room and also my chair at the table. I would be able to choose what I wanted to eat. There were birthday cards and several presents. And then we took sweets to school too. Did I have a birthday cake? I don't remember.
When my husband was alive, he would buy me a beautiful birthday card and write a lovely (sometimes funny) poem in which he expressed how much he loved me. I would get it in bed upon waking up. Then usually (work shifts permitting) we would go out for a birthday meal somewhere.
I've never had a surprise party.
Poor Milo has 'suffered' so much! But now he looks (and smells) wonderful!
Have a great weekend,

Tails Around the Ranch said...

So sorry about your ongoing health issues but glad to hear you're staying in touch with friends via technology. Poor long-suffering Milo...Wilson shares your bath/grooming distress. He's definitely not a fan either. Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day weekend, LeeAnna and hope your 'boy' provides a lovely celebration. Hugs and tail wags.

Annie said...

I always sorry to hear of your health problems and hope you are able to enjoy your birthday. Milo you are such a handsome boy…your mama obviously loves you very much.
Annie x

PaintedThread said...

I used to sing soprano, but more recently alto, in which I had to learn how to sing harmony. I found it really difficult (but when I was able to do it right, it was rewarding!). I cannot roll my Rs, no matter how hard I try. Likewise, I can't whistle loudly using my fingers. My dad tried to teach me many times, but I could never get the hang of it. Ugh for urgent care. Yay for DH! Mmm... homemade bread. Hey, Milo! Blue is a good color on you.

Michelle said...

Growing up my mom made sure I had some type of party for my birthday. Now it is a quiet affair and I am just glad to have another one! lol Singing harmony made me think of an NPR article about shape note singing which has intrigued me! I also love learning new things. Milo is looking so handsome. Nothing like the companionship of a dog. Thanks for linking up and have a great week!

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