Saturday, July 1, 2023

watching paint dry, and fresh hand embroidery techniques


Welcome to this week's creative offerings... The image above is from one of my embroidery workshops, and it was a full week of lessons, 9 a day for 5 days... the embroidery summit. I couldn't do them all of course, but tried to print patterns and watch techniques from most. 

I seriously hurt my back/spine alignment, trying to finish the binding hand sewing on this quilt last Sunday. It's done when the hand work is done but it's bulky and heavy to work on so... can't do much now.

I let the index cards go for the most part, only able to do so much this week. I managed to do 3 cards

the prompts were " tranquility"

4" X 5" and thin paper, are just a bit challenging

the next challenge was "postage stamp" think about what you'd do to interpret that... I am grateful for Katie Porter in congress, for her explanations, and her smart way of  trying to help citizens have better lives. She's the adult daughter of a well know quilt teacher, whom I also like very much

the last prompt I tried was"unexpected"  I chatted with dh about that... it's not the same as surprise, or shock,  so what represents unexpected? He said, snow in late June would be... so...

a calendar page, sun with snowflakes... 

Now for some examples of things I tried on the embroidery lessons... I brought down some supplies to have next to the computer where I was watching the teachers...

I like the DMC variegated floss set my friend Cindy sent me,  but admit I like perle cotton best and I have a set of colors from precensia (on amazon) and some DMC balls that I like too. 

this teacher had us cut applique circles of fabric, and use running stitch to tack it down. I used silk scraps so this has quite a sheen in person. I put in two buttons and used a bit of green scrap to work on, it's all learning... with the cutaway scraps of silk, I tried a machine embroidery piece, took 5 min to do on a scrap of black felt

white cotton thread, some hand daisy stitches in yellow floss and a couple french knots. 

I often try lessons on the jeans from DH that I've cut up into various shapes... this was just practicing stitches in pattern

this was a reminder of woven rose... I tried lazy daisy for leaves, then stitched one long straight stitch inside each one... I like the effect, hard to see here but pretty way to use more color

this was an attempt to try something like sashiko... not a fan of stop and start of this pattern. I might make bags out of these or might piece them together into something quilt like, for now they are useful to try one little motif

It's not pressed, but this lesson was in making an olive branch

my favorite lesson was in various weaving techniques. The stem was effective, I love the texture of the flower center. It's done of a bit of denim, and some weaving stands away from the fabric very well

you weave the petals onto a straight pin joining them at the base to the fabric. The technique for the leaves was very different from anything I've done.

This is supposedly a style from hawaii of happy whimsical things, this time flowers with faces... onto watercolor paper.

you pierce the paper from your pattern creating a place to stitch but...

not fun

not fun nor easy to find the holes while holding your big piece of paper, then sometimes the thread pulled through as you worked, and not such smooth lines...

after stitched I painted the background with watercolors

very primitive to me, but I see doing my own thing on paper would be better, and I tried it... that's what learning is, 

I enjoyed watching a lesson on hand embroidering around a  photo printed  onto fabric.... I see myself doing that pretty often actually. I've done machine embroidery around printed photos but I liked the look of big flowers sewn to them. There's a winter scene with really texturized trees I want to follow up on too. 

I finished one petal in browns, one in oranges, now this in blue/greens


All in all, worth the time, and it was free. On to other sewing when my back improves, for now, I'm sitting in the family room, hand sewing small hexies for a fall star as I catch up on season 5 of the Outlander on netflix....

Happy arting y'all. 

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts 

finished or not


MissPat said...

I was listening to Katie Porter's book, "I Swear" on e-audio, but still have 2 hrs left after the library snatched it back. I started it after you mentioned her a while ago. Wish we had a few more like her in Congress. Maybe we wouldn't be going to HdoubleL in a handbasket. Sorry your back is giving you fits. I've been suffering aches and pains lately, too, and the smoke from the Canadian wildfires is back, making it hard to breathe.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

WoW! you've been busy last week and great results too. Hope your back is better soon, it's very difficult to do anything when your back aches. I am so in love with the sunflower, it's gorgeous. Wishing you a very happy weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

The Joyful Quilter said...

That was a FULL week!! Sorry to hear that your back is bothering you again. Here's hoping it's feeling better soon!

grammajudyb said...

Love that sunflower! You find the best videos. I've never done clases like that. Not even exactly sure how, but you sure seem to learn lots of different techniques and such. Hope you get some relief soon.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

What a lot you have achieved, even with a bad back. Some really interesting techniques there. Something for everyone to try and most of all, enjoy.

Denise :) said...

Wow! Lots of fun projects in the works! Love that sunflower ... they're one of my favorites! I'm so sorry about your back; I hope you're feeling better, soon! :)

Kathleen said...

The embroidery projects are interesting. I am so sorry that you hurt your back, you are always creating, so I know it is hard to slow down. Take it easy and I pray it gets better fast for you.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Lovely stitches, these applique circles of fabric are fun too. The sunflower looks fantastic, great texture. Take care of your back, and have fun sewing hexies.
Thank you for sharing your creative week, and linking up ;)

Miaismine said...

I love the 3D effect of your sunflower embroidery! I’m so sorry to hear about your back! That kind of pain is very painful! Your three index card drawings are so pretty! The tropical one calls to me as we will soon be going to San Diego. An artist friend of mine has mentioned that “minis” are more challenging.
So mush creativity in one blog post is inspiring! Your “learn and discover” projects can certainly turn into another project.
Thank you for sharing such a colorful, inspiring post!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Sorry to hear that you are in pain. Hope a few days recovery will help! Love all your creative embroidery and drawings. The stitchery on the denim reminds me of how we would decorate our jeans when I was in high school. We need more Katie Porters. She's got it all together and does her homework. The wildfire smoke is an awful thing to live with. We had it for three summers here in WA. Sometimes it was so thick we had to stay inside. This year we have clear air, but I can sympathize with those who don't. It's so bad for your lungs, and my heart breaks for the forest and animals and all the people who are affected. Wishing for rain...Stay safe. x K said...

So sorry to learn of your back pain. Ongoing pain of any sort is so hard to get past. I hope you find relief soon. What an interesting set of embroidery lessons! I love the stem and the woven center and woven petals. . .very interesting technique!

Susie H said...

Hope by now your back has improved and that the quilt was worth it. Pain is NOT fun. I really love your whimsical flowers on paper. Your paints really brought it to life!

Sara said...

So many interesting techniques to try. That woven piece is awesome! One of my grandmothers taught me lots of embroidery stitches, but sadly I've forgotten most of them now. It's wonderful to be able to access video lessons for nearly anything online.

Ann said...

I'm sorry your back is out. That's painful. But how nice that you can still do some handwork.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

So sorry about your back! I hope you are feeling better soon and can finish that quilt because it's so lovely! Those embroidery classes look so interesting--love what you created, especially that sunflower. Yum! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

Gillena Cox said...

Happy Friday.
Your fabric art is always amazing. I think pretty soon i would try to stitch up some art inspired by your work.
Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday.
There will be a linky on Sunday for Sunday Smiles


DVArtist said...

OMGosh this sunflower is so flippen amazing. You impress me so much. All of you art this week is excellent. Thank you for sharing it with FFO and have a great weekend.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Sorry you're in pain but glad you can still pursue your artistic endeavours!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your embroidery is cheerful and fun!

My name is Erika. said...

I really love that sunflower you stitched Leeanna. It has lovely texture and the center does feel like it is a seed pod. It looks like you've had a great artful week. I'm down with a cold and feeling a bit under the weather so I'm keeping this comment short. hugs-Erika

peppylady (Dora) said...

I just finish and embroidery block and start anther one.
Coffee is on and stay safe.