Friday, March 17, 2023

My Creative week, part one FOMO plus two paintings


FOMO   9.5" X 16"

This is my project quilting offering for the last prompt of this year... "fear" what do you fear? 

crikey, let's not take a month to list all my fears! I settled on "F (ear) O(f) M(issing) O(ut). 

I love an event, a parade, a fair, an art show, a tour of museums, etc... going and doing. I am also imuno-compromised,  born with only one kidney, and have survived some deadly viruses like Meningitis for example and have lifelong effects from it.

 I am allergic to the vaccine for covid. 

my life now consists of trying to stay safe, which means avoiding all people who don't "believe" in it. 

I'm not about to share here all the real fears I live with, having survived a rough childhood that left scars, and accumulating a lifetime of injuries to my body, but I will share this quilt! 

I started by cutting up some fusible backed fabric scraps and forming letters, then choosing a background (black on black party fabric) and others

from my stash of lovely fabrics. The bottom one is a cherished Caryl Bryer Fallert print. Some fussy cutting and some additional shapes cut from that fusible scrap bin, and voila! A quilt made in one day.
cut a circle, then cut into it round and round, back out makes a spiral!

I love travel, seeing places, meeting people from different cultures, learning... so I chose a travel fabric for the reverse (back) of my little quilt....
I'd love to go to Paris, Japan, India, England, and Italy. South Pacific and see pyramids too!


And now for something completely different... I took an art journal class that took me out of my watercolor-painting comfort zone!

the finished picture...

started with writing my thoughts all over the paper (I took a photo of that for myself) then proceeding to cover it with layers of paint and gesso... 

Here I decided to use a stencil and a water soluble pastel crayon, to put a bird on it!
draw with crayon inside stencil, then drag a water brush to blend the color inward

then proceeded to totally overwork the whole thing! I do like the addition of "sing your song" to remind me each of us has something unique to offer humanity... don't hide it

then I thought, let's try another one, this time using a glue stick instead of the gel medium that gave me a migraine... ack.... just let myself go, follow the feelings... 

torn bits from adverts or magazines, a torn napkin, some sheet music, a lovely face. Then, in the style of my current teacher online, cover it all up with layers... oy.... against my artistic nature... 

again, completely over worked, trying every idea from gesso through stencils, to markers, to gold watercolor paint.

I've decided if I don't like the picture, I do like little cropped images of it. After all it was a learning exercise. I learned I don't like all that mess! I don't like chaos. I do prefer painting with watercolor but I used the acrylics I own, and made an effort to control them. 

Do you like to challenge yourself to use supplies that are unfamiliar? Are you always able to turn that into art that feels like a reflection of you?

see the napkin from the start?

I learned more about how to paint fast since acrylics dry so quickly in colorado, I learned to paint with a palette knife, how to etch into gesso, and got to use my stencils. Thank you to sonja, my painting friend in Hawaii, for sending me a packet of organza butterflies, I used them in both pictures. 

I have another finish to share on Saturday, my stay at home round robin is done! And a small very intense hexie project taking wing. Please stop back by to tell me what you think! 

project quilting

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts 


easyweimaraner said...

the travel fabric is wonderful!!! I would love to have such a dress ;O)

Mari said...

For a "fearful" quilt, it's really quite cheery! I love all the letters and those black diamonds really make it sing. Happy weekend!

Dandy Duke said...

You are such a creative and talented lady! Happy St Patrick's Day!

Sara said...

Wow! The piece with the bird really is pretty! But the FOMO piece - just made me smile! It's fabulous!

I must admit that I haven't challenged myself much in the last couple of years - creatively or any other way. And I feel so bad that you are not able to do so many of the things you enjoy.

PaintedThread said...

Love that quilt - it's so creative! The colors are great, too.

Gillena Cox said...

OMG today's post is amazing. Thank you for linking to Art For Fun Friday


Kathleen said...

FOMO is a great PQ finish. Love that funky travel great. I do hope something changes somewhere for you that you can begin to do more. I can't even begin to understand your second group, but you always make beautiful things.

DVArtist said...

Ohhh I am so excited with your art. Your are so talented and cleaver. Thank you for joining FFO and have a lovely day.

Quilting Gail said...

Your FOMO quilt is great! And I absolutely love the travel fabric you used for the back! What perfect symbolism!
Thanks for linking to TGIFF!
quilting gail

The Joyful Quilter said...

ROFL!!!! SEW true, LeeAnna!!! :o))
Lovely art journal pages, too.

Helen said...

First of all, the FOMO quilt is fantastic! I love it!
Second, I love the process of your two art pieces. I'm also taking an on-line "class" this year. I'm wondering if we have some of the same teachers. The whole idea of layering seems to be a big thing. While I do like how end products look, I'm not a fan of covering up what I liked in the first place or working on some layer that I know is going to be covered up. Oh well, learning new art things has been good for me.

My name is Erika. said...

Your journal pages are amazing Leeanna. The first one is really magical and full of spring fever. And the second one for some reason makes me think of traveling to see nature. In fact, these pages make me want to go make some journal pages right now, but since the hubby fell asleep early, I'm watching Next in Fashion on Netflix. I'm not even a fashionista but I am loving it. I hope you have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

quiltingbydawn said...

FOMO! We use that in our family and friend group often as some really have this fear and 'need' to be included, involved in everything! We laugh about it often! Your mini quilt is perfect.
Your art work is always so pretty! I have learn to take some time to try new arts like a bit of watercolor, creative handwriting, and collage. I've watched classes on YouTube to get out of my comfort zone.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

My husband is also allergic to the COVID vaccines, and so your FOMO piece really speaks to me. May you continue to surround yourself with people who respect you and your health.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I love love love your FOMO quilt, this is such a happy little quilt, perfect to ward off fear. The two pieces of painting are absolutely stunning, the first one is so beautiful, I can ear the little bird singing his song ;)
Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational work, and linking up.

PersimonDreams said...

I love both your quilts! How cool!? FOMO is real!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love that FOMO piece!!!!

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

So brave to share what you fear and to face it head on. Love your little quilt so much! I also adore your watercolor. So much movement and beauty in that piece. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

grammajudyb said...

We were just discussing seedling starts at our stitching group. Two of our members are also Master Gardeners. They have already got cabbage, peas and other cool weather seeds started indoors. Gardening in high plains desert and the Rocky Mountains is not for the faint of heart! It takes gumption and perseverance and dedication! Much different than Maryland , I would presume. Even difficult than South Dakota or Iowa. Just keep giving it a go, you’ll find your way!
Did I tell you show much I like your SAHRR? Also the FOMO is so creative!
Hope your week is rejuvenating for you! Take care!