Friday, September 4, 2020

paint party Friday


I know it's paint party Friday but it's been one of those weeks.
Many times I turn to paint to soothe my soul, watching colors blend and spread, brightening the world, but the stress was at the tipping point. 
(flooded basement from water heater breaking, last week AC breaking both requiring people to enter our home during the pandemic) 
I admit mostly I turned to sewing this week, and to connecting with friends. But...

mums were available for delivery from whole foods and we now have three pots of them. 
Mums are Fall to me.

I painted a small image with tombow markers and pigma pen. Even a small insignificant piece like this required thought and decisions... how to write the font?what color pens do I own? Water or not? I did a background color of blue, and green after it was finished and washed it out with water brush. 

On "chooseday" I did a post for a link party about drinks we're enjoying... T is for Tuesday. I got out my tea container for a quick pic and on impulse tried to draw it...

it's merely a gesture drawing, but... it's a lot because I never thought I COULD draw. I like this simple capture of the image, sort of like a pictionary game. 
just the facts ma'am...
I also want to explore altering perspective, kind of like cubists.

 do you ever feel like you're quilting/painting/reading while Rome is burning?

Physics 101: Doesn't Matter, Had Quantum Mechanics - School of Fail -  homework class test 

Linking to


easyweimaraner said...

we loe it a lot!!!! the mums picture rocks!!!

Barbara said...

A happy little Mum painting!

Valerie-Jael said...

Sorry you are feeling down just now but glad you could find some comfort in painting and drawing. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

Martha said...

Hope the coming week is better for you. Love your works of art :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Love the Mum and love the doesn't matter too!

Christine said...

Nice art and enjoyed the meme!

Sara said...

Glad you are able to use painting and quilting as a stress relief. I'm hoping things improve for you. I was happy to see the AC installation guys and the cable technician we required this summer, all came equipped with paper booties, masks, etc. So I was comfortable with them entering my home and not spreading Covid. I'm trying really hard to stop being paranoid. But we did just RSVP a "no" to a wedding invitation for later in September. And we are still avoiding crowds. My quilt guild is meeting outdoors in a park again tomorrow, and I'm comfortable with the setting and the precautions. Hang in there!

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Your cartoons remind me of Gary Larson with The Far Side who I am a fan of. . I rent and have just a few things that need fixed but refuse to have anyone come to my home unless it’s an emergency. So sorry you had floods. UGH.
I like the mum painting-it’s cheery. Hope you have a better weekend.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Lovely to see those Mum's I've purchased quite a few plants whilst grocery shopping over the past few months much easier that queuing up for the local garden centre. Wonderful things for lifting our mood and your card is delightful. Everyone can draw, it's all about believing in ourselves.. Take care & happy PPF Tracey xx

Kokopelli said...

Oh no, water in the basement is NO FUN! Mums are fall for me, too, but I love their colors. Still need to get one or two bushes for my garden. Happy PPF!

Gillena Cox said...

Your pai ting of the sign Mums us really pretty, happy to hear that painting takes you through these dark days

Thanks for dropping by my blog


Tails Around the Ranch said...

Funny and clever cartoon. Well done with the drawing.

MissPat said...

Oh, gosh, I'm behind on my blog reading again. So sorry about the flooded basement and the water heater on top of the AC malfunction. Hope the mums cheer you up a bit and I love the little mums painting. I haven't bought any new plants all year except for the annuals and hanging baskets I got from the boy scout fundraiser and they were delivered. I haven't set foot in a garden center or nursery which is a first me in decades. We had our driveway sealed this morning and it was supposed to be mostly sunny all day. An hour after they finished it was pouring rain and I spent an hour scrubbing sealer splash off the white garage door. Plus it looks like some of the sealer ran off the part of the driveway that has a slight slope. The contractor did call me though and said they would come back and redo that part if necessary. Ugh. Now I'm off to read today's post to see what sewing you accomplished this week.

DVArtist said...

You always have such wonderful post. Have a great week.

Ira said...

Art of any kind is a stress buster. Lovely piece!!