Thursday, September 17, 2020

i like thursday #211


Welcome to this week's list of likes... I like that our mums survived the snow storm in our garage for two days! Love the colors!
Let's get this party started!!


2) the library stole back my Ebook but it was available just after and I was able to renew it! Yea!

Sad to say, I could not listen to "Crawdads" as life is stressful enough and it got VERY sad with a woman being overpowered... so I moved on to this audio book, wonderful and read by Tom Hanks in a sardonic entertaining way.
3) It's like having him right in the studio with me... I can't wait to go back to work so I can hear this story each day!
I might have to read all of Ann Patchett's books after this
speaking of studio

Quilt making

4) I've had a grand time trying to finish my Fall quilt for the hop next week. Thanks to Joy for reminding me to " get the lead out" since my day to share Fall quilts I've made is next Wednesday!! It needs quilting, along with the Halloween and red quilts


5)I don't want to show too much, the paint post is tomorrow, but I've continued my study of fauvists


6) looks like taking the tomatoes into the garage for two days during the snows kept them going. Can't say anything is thriving but surviving... it's a good thing

7) and my geranium also held on, so I can continue to enjoy it despite the smoke and hot temps that followed the snow. Sad to say, our air quality is very poor and just taking a short walk causes my eyes to hurt. Luckily I have a mask to keep a bit of smoke out.
 8)  Oh and the poodle bush finally bloomed...


 9) we found this great show on Peacock, called Escape to the Chateau about a couple who purchases and renovates a lovely French chateau on a moat! 
 it's lots of fun to watch and we're in season 2 already.
10) also watching Dancing with the stars... covid 19 edition. I said I'd never watch it again after they had the white house press  on last year but here I am with very little to watch and a love of ballroom... I am so weak. Well I dvr'd it and haven't watched it yet...



12) I loved finding this blog, talking about books, movies and elephants... how'd she know me??? she just had a 1927 movie with Josephine Baker in it, and dang if I didn't watch the whole thing... fasciating! 

For laughs

 How cartoons are chronicling the battle between mask wearers and Trump -  The Washington Post

"dog eat Doug" from

13) need some laughs... free comics here

Free Comics - Comic Strips - Online Comics - Entertainment


 Mama: Milo, Milo?? Milo! it's time to tell everyone what you liked this week...
Milo: mum, yum, lick, lick, nibble, humph? 

Milo: well I like that the big cake pan needed a poodle sized cleaning this week! I mean each night I got a bit of blueberry cake when you and Daddy did, but this is a.... SCORE!

Milo: I mean, it took a while but I got it clean! All for you the mama!
Mama: you are a good boy honey! Oh, what about the yard work, you helped Daddy this weekend, right?

Milo: Oh yea! forgot! (I live in the moment y'all) Daddy went out to chew up a tree, so I helped by biting this limb all apart! 
You're welcome!

Please visit these fine folk with lists of their own, and let me know if you did an I Like post too!

Linking to


easyweimaraner said...

wow milo you are the perfect household helper!!! we love escape to the chateau... it is much better than to watch our own escape LOL

Michele McLaughlin said...

LOL @ Poodle bush. Still laughing. You made my morning! Have a swell day LeeAnna!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Good morning! Oh, Milo is in rare form this week. Score on the whole pan to himself! And that stick looks like it needed a good chewing - great job Milo. I love elephants - thanks for sharing that video. Happy Thursday to you, my friend. ~smile~ Roseanne

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Ann Patchett is one of my favourites! You might enjoy the videos on Youtube featuring her too. I enjoy writers talking about writing. Meanwhile, lovely likes today as always. You both are so lucky to have such a helpful and talented dog. :) What is Peacock?

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I haven't read The Dutch House - will have to put it on my list. But to have Tom Hanks read it to you would be perfect! Your geranium looks so pretty! I have lots of little green tomatoes, too - they don't seem to want to ripen at all. Looking forward to the Fall blog hop next week!

grammajudyb said...

Thanks for the recommendation of The. Dutch House. I’ve read a couple books by Ann Patchett. I like your flowering poodle bush! *giggle*,
My tomatoes are surviving too! Just barely! Fun post today! Happy Thursday,

Sara said...

I just read A Single Thread over the weekend, and enjoyed it. I have a couple of Anne Patchett's books downloaded on my Kindle but haven't read them yet. The comic about the dog toys cracked me up - so very true!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a nice bunch of good things and I'm glad your tomato plant survived. Hey Milo, boy did you score the yum. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love hearing about the books you are reading and listening too. I have learned to love audio books lately and I'm still listening to the Heart of Horses. I had to renew it! lol Enjoy your day! Hugs to Milo!

Lisa said...

Love the mask comic! It's both funny and sadly true at the same time. To think the head of the CDC says masks may work better than a vaccine, only to have the President say that "isn't true." I'll believe the experts.

Great the poodle bush finally bloomed! I used to have a half poodle bush (goldendoodle) that was more like a weed, it came up everywhere and got into all the raised beds. Your seems less invasive!

Lisa said...

I forgot to mention... mums seem to be a hit or miss, love or hate flower. I am not a fan. Too many flowers. I like to see a bit of foliage with my flowers!

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

What a fun post-so many great topics. Love the poodle Bush. I’m so glad your plants were saved. Crazy and dangerous weather. We still have smoke and pollution;, too. I need to get some mums- they prove fall is really here. HAHA.
I’m done with “Dancing”. I don’t like watching Tyra and I’m not to interested in the contestants, even though I like dance. However, I will check out Peacock, thanks.

Sherrie said...

Love your full of info. I've added your books to my TBR list. All your quilts are awesome. Really liked the video of the elephant..I've posted my Thursday Likes at my place...
Have a great day!

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,

Cool stuff this always !

pilch92 said...

That book sounds good. Milo is a cutie.

Duke said...

Love your Poodle bush☺ Yes, you are a great helper, Milo!

CountryDew said...

Love the Poodle bush! That's a keeper. I read The Dutch House. Patchett can be kind of hit or miss sometimes but mostly I like her work. You might also try Elizabeth Gilbert's The Signature of All Things.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Thanks for the smiles. Perfect for today.

piecefulwendy said...

We don't have a poodle bush, but sure enjoyed seeing yours in full bloom! Haha! I'll have to check into The Dutch House, too.

Sandee said...

I always love seeing Milo. He's a handsome pup even if he's a poodle bush at times.

Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to Milo. ♥

Tamar SB said...

The books sounds great - so does the show!!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Great post as always said...

Your tomatoes look like our pig tomatoes....volunteer tomatoes in the pig poo pile. Milo you are such a handy boy to have around. Great likes.

Shannon said...

Where can I get a poodle bush? I think that would make anyone's life better!

Joanne said...

Escape to a Chateau sounds like my kind of show!

Carol Andrews said...

Love your post today LeeAnna. Thanks for sharing and my post is live now!

PaintedThread said...

Oh, good stuff. Cute tomatoes. All that sewing! I've *just* gotten back to my OMG. Love the mums. And thanks for the chuckle. Needed that. :-)

dq said...

Escape to the Chateau sounds like a good watch. I might have to check it out!

I understand about not wanting to read something sad. Sometimes we just need a "pick me up" instead.

colleen said...

Snows? Oh, I love that poodle bush!

sandyland said...

Milo the sweetheart

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a fun way for me to catch up, LeeAnna. Lots to enjoy, read, listen to, and appreciate. LOVE MILO, MILO, MILO, but don't tell the boys. They would be offended. Hope you have a great Friday and weekend, too.

Lisca said...

You had me giggling at the 'poodle bush'! Milo is in good form this week and I love reading about him.
How wonderful that your mums and tomaties and wherever else has survived the storm by being in the garage. Great! I am impressed with your geraniums. Mine aren't looking that good.
Thank you for the book recommendation. No I haven't read The Dutch House, but it immediately spiked my interest (as I am Dutch.)
No, not watched the series about the chateau. We don't have TV.
I enjoyed the comic cartoons. So Funny. Unfortunately so true. Masks is all we have so far, until the Good Lord sends us something else. (Common sense would be a start)
Have a lovely weekend,
Keep smiling,

Liz A. said...

I need to start streaming Peacock. We recently cut the cord, and I'm kind of flailing for what to watch.

I've heard good things about Ann Prachett.

Annie said...

I love the poodle bush and enjoy reading about Milo...what a character he is.
Stay safe,
Annie x

Michelle said...

Glad that your mums survived the snow. Also glad to see Milo again! Thanks for linking up and have a great week ahead.

Sandee said...

I love mums too. Beautiful fall colors.

I always love seeing Milo. He's a handsome pup.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to Milo. ♥

Arun Goyal said...

Beautiful blooms.Tomatoes are droolworthy.It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening here at