Tuesday, May 19, 2020

we are the world

I usually try to entertain and uplift but today I'm so sad.... please love others enough to save them... we are all important and worth saving

if you still don't believe this is a "big deal" just look at that baby in the video... sick and reaching out to be held in the hospital

if you can wear a mask in public, do it. Everyone can wear a mask in public.
if you can keep your distance from others, including family members who live in other places, do it.
You can TOO do it, yes you can,  as it's passed quickly from person to person and one never knows who a loved one has contacted.

If someone is coming toward you on the sidewalk, veer away don't just keep walking within one foot of them because you don't think you can get this. Or give it.
And stop making nasty comments at me while I veer away in my big game of frogger.

The virus is contagious days before symptoms start, that's so the virus can live and continue, it has a survival instinct too.

I've heard people say they are pro life but they are okay with thousands dying a day from this

I also know most people who come here, are doing all they can to help...


Dandy Duke said...

So sad to watch and that baby reaching out :-( I can't imagine going out in public without a mask on. It's such an easy thing to do.

easyweimaraner said...

we do everything to protect us and others... I think that is a thing nearly all can do... for their families.. and for the families of others...

Elkes Lebensglück said...

I can understand that you are sad when others cannot do the simplest things, namely to wear the protective mask, the distance was. Saving all the people there by following the rules ... The suffering of the people who have to die from it lonely and abandoned without having their loved ones with them is bad ...

Sara said...

Yesterday I found myself not sad, but angry when friends have "blown off" the need to be cautious yet. It's such a simple thing to wear a mask for the few minutes in a day that they may spend in a store or other public venue. And they whine about their "rights". I just don't understand it. Hang in there!!

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
It's such a shame what's going on there. Do those people think about all those working in the health care profession..they would like a normal day's work with proper kit as well. and the amount of dying...a pandemic..horrible.
I hope you can find something to give you hope and inspiration.

Rebecca said...

It was probably here that I heard about "Some Good News" on YouTube with John Krasinski. But if not, look for it. The "Hamilton" fan little girl episode is amazing!

Ann said...

So sad. It's like Al-Anon though. Some people are addicted to stupidity.

Angie said...

LA - oh my dear, how much I wish I could give you a hug. It is such a depressing situation, and the right thing to do varies from region to region. The only true answer to all of this is testing, contact tracing and the vaccine. Until that is in place, we are all making choices every day that involve risk. Hang in there - we will get through it!

MissPat said...

The so-called freedom of these people to not wear masks and swagger with their guns through state Capitols means my freedom to have "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" will be forever constrained. The only way to really protect myself will be to self-isolate as much as possible. Not the way I envisioned living the rest of my days on this earth.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Unfortunately some have turned this into a political thing about their rights rather than a choice to take care of yourself and others. I'm with you, LeeAnna - we're wearing our masks and staying a good distance away!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

That is a profound video. Hang in there-I've decided I can no longer control the actions of others and just go about my masked existence. If they don't like it-it's there problem, not mine. Stay safe.

Jollygirl said...

Thank you for posting this. I keep telling people this is serious, we need to wear masks, we need to follow social distancing, etc. So often I get the response that I am over reacting.

Meditations in Motion said...

I am WITH you! When I wear a mask, it is to protect YOU, not myself. I expect you to extend the same level of courtesy and compassion to me. Don't stop telling people!

Debbie V. said...

It is very sad, but we can't allow it to take away what life we do have. Your posts have helped me think good thoughts and I appreciate that. I am doing all I can and I encourage others to do the same.