Monday, April 6, 2020

monday's chuckle and a question

Just so we can mingle and get to know each other.... the question of the day is:

what was your favorite childhood board game?

I guess I liked monopoly a lot, and yahtzee
I also loved, and still do puzzles starting with those big wooden ones as a 3 year old, and moving along to today's online jigsawplanet puzzles of thousands pieces.

our family was big on card games too, go fish for me, poker for the adults

what about you? Any fun memories of board games as a kid?

Linking to Awe Mondays

I mostly like BALL games!


Libby in TN said...

We would have marathon Monopoly games with our cousins in NY when we visited Gramma in the summer. My favorite board game as a kid was Elsie in the Barn (based on the Borden cows, I think). And we played a lot of Parcheesi.

Sara said...

Very cute video. I liked playing Monopoly and Life. Also played a lot of Chinese Checkers. As for card games, we played a lot of Rummy when I was growing up. But as a adult I love to play Hand and Foot or Pinochle.

Dandy Duke said...

We always loved to play Scrabble.

Shannon said...

We loved (and love) boardgames! We've been playing scattegories and pictionary via zoom (I'm still trying to think of a way to play bridge via zoom), but as a kid I think my favorite boardgames were Journey Through Europe (a geography game) and 221B Baker Street, a Sherlock Holmes clue kind of game.

Pat .F in Winnipeg said...

I don't have much memory of anything except Clue and jig saw puzzles as a child, but once I had children and an avid card playing mother-in-law a variety of card games took over. The above comment is the only time I've heard of someone playing Hand and Foot outside our family. We used to gather every summer for two months at our lake property, and every night was a marathon of card playing, with as many as 10 participants of all ages. Both of my children learned to use counting and numbers with endless games of Cribbage with "Grandma". It remains my husband's favourite game as taught to him by his Grandfather.

LA Paylor said...

oooo I played Cribbage a lot as a young adult. That was fun.

Sandee said...

We didn't play games when I was growing up. I do love card games and puzzles on the computer.

I always love seeing handsome Milo. A huge Awww.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

Laura said...

I'm a yahtzee fan. Played it alot with family and especially my maternal grandparents.

Judy P. said...

I really enjoyed "Sorry" and "Clue" if there were three people.

Unknown said...

We really didn't play board games or cards when I was growing up. I loved doing puzzles, and sometimes my father and I worked on them together. After we were married, my husband and I played card games.
Nancy A:

Vivian said...

Scrabble! I played with my Mom a lot and then when we would visit our relatives down south, we would play our cousins (both of whom were retired teachers) while there too. Recently while Corona stash cleaning I found the stash of Scrabble fabric I bought a while back to make a quilt. Guess I better add that one to the "quarantine quilting" list!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Mostly we played outside with all the neighbor kids. Lots of dodgeball, baseball, active things and then we set up tents where we played 'school' most of the summer. What in the world were we thinking about playing school--we were on summer break?! LOL

sonja said...

Mostly we played outside. i had a dog and a shetland pony and 35 acres to roam around. i remember i had a friend across the old boston post road and we yelled in a language that gave each word a k or c as a sound..."co co can u come cover?"

LA Paylor said...

after seeing swiss family robinson, my friend and I began putting st on the end of every name. Every now and then she calls me LeeAnnst

MissPat said...

Growing up we played Clue and Monopoly games that went on for days. Loved to do jigsaw puzzles (still do). Card games were Crazy Eights, and in college I learned to play Euchre. I learned enough poker watching my parent and their friends play that I would sit in for a hand when someone had to use the bathroom. And in the summer we played games outside and rode our bikes for hours and nobody ever knew where we were. As long as we were home for dinner, it was all good.

Shannon Mackle said...

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