Tuesday, December 17, 2019

together tuesdays #3

please enjoy the most touching rendition of this christmas song I've ever heard, while you read my words:

So I mentioned connections between people you don't know, and connections between budding friends. This week I want to talk about connections between species...

For several dogs now, my husband will ask periodically
"what does he/she want?"
Invariably, the dog in question turns to me, looks deeply into my eyes and tries to tell me.

Most of the time my labradaughter Chelsea wanted to eat. She was a refrigerator retriever. Don't get me wrong, she liked to play too, but mostly she was hungry and enjoyed food.
Chelsea came to live with me about two years before I met my would be husband. She and I had a bond formed by us being a family of two, and by a mutual love of food and playtime. I loved her so much, and often sacrificed my own play time to spend time with her after work.

One time after we moved to Maryland,. we took a little neighborhood walk to look at Christmas lights. Chelsea was not one to lag behind but on this walk she was behind us. We lingered at one display, and when I turned to see what she was doing, Chelsea was patiently waiting to move on, but had a big complete burger in her mouth. Who knows how she managed to find a whole hamburger but she cracked me up with the bun-smile.

Cole-buddy was our first spoo (standard poodle) and he and I were bonded tightly too. He was not a snuggler like Milo is, but he wanted to know where I was at all times. We had a strong mental bond, and I felt I understood him very well. He used telepathy to send messages to me. Clearly.

Oh how I loved and still love them both. I know I will see them both in Heaven, as spirit to spirit it wouldn't be right without them. I don't know why humans think they are the only spirits that are important.
Milo's special friend, the ring toy
Milo is more chatty. He likes to bark, but his bark is often the same whether he's chasing off a dangerous mailman or welcoming a friend in to play. He communicates with touch more often.
baby Milo

He looks deeply into my eyes, more than any other dog I've known. He reads my mood better too. If he senses I am mad at him, he turns tail and heads for his kennel. If I laugh, he wags his tail happily and jumps around. He is at once a dog who circles around before lying down, and human in his ability to sense what another human needs.

Maybe because he doesn't spend time searching for the right words, he can communicate through touch easier? He likes to touch, he leans, he plops down on feet, he stands guard of me while I type. Ever patient, he's content to stand by me, with my arm draped over him. When he's had enough loving, he gently licks a hand to say he's going to go do something else now.

I have liked friend's dogs and cats over the years, but now and then there is a special bond with one. A Maryland neighbor had an eskimo named Tazzi who "roooooo-ed" every time she saw me, according to her pawrents, only me. How I loved her! She dug out of her fence and dug into ours many a time.

When Cole buddy left us for Heaven, as I walked for miles alone and mourning, orange cats took up with me. I wrote a story, I never tire reading, about them called Litter of extroverts (here) They would join me for long walks, meow loudly at me from down the street, run up and pet me. They sent a strong message of connection and that I was lovable.

I am a bit intimidated by horses, but feel a strong affinity for them. We used to walk in a neighborhood with stables, and I'd stand and watch them for a while each time. I don't know if we had a connection, but from my side, I tried to send my love to them.

Is that the answer, sending love to another? It is non verbal but when I've felt it, it's been strong and unmistakable. I suspect many humans are reluctant to put that out there for some reason.

I've met people who put out such strong messages of non verbal love that I've been drawn to them, wanting to just be around them. Haven't you? Oh I am aware that it's not just toward me, that they were just secure and kind enough to put it out there to all, still... I felt it. I felt special for the time I was in their presence.

Why do we hide that part of our natures? what do we fear in showing true love, the kind that connects us but doesn't expect anything in return? My dogs have all had that ability.

Certain dogs are even used to soothe human spirits, and certain cats know what people need. I watched a mama monkey caretaking her toddler monkey, and she put out love that the baby didn't notice.
Do we miss love sent to us sometimes too?
How do we make better connections with those around us, animal, human, nature... do you suppose if we ask the universe to help us to recognize the love sent to us through others, that we'll heal?

now, this little video is a way that one family shared their music by caroling, it's a great message.

Linking to
all seasons


easyweimaraner said...

we agree... dogs and cats sometimes can understand what we feel... and they do the right thing what we need that moment...

Sara said...

Our cat has become "chatty" in his old age. He never used to meow much, but now he communicates in all kinds of odd squeaks, squawks, and meows. And of course we talk to him like we know he understands.

Rosemary said...

Thank you so much for sharing ... a special thanks for the wonderful videos ... Oh, Hold Night left me in tears. Lovely!

Jeanna said...

Well I had something to say about all the dogs I've known and loved and how the refrigerator retriever should be a breed recognized by the AKC, but the last video has got me bawling like a baby. Maybe I weep for the abandoned violin shivering in the upstairs closet.

LA Paylor said...

awe, our hearts feel deeply! I cried too, at the love shown and shared.

Rain said...

Hi LeeAnna :)) What a beautiful post! I loved reading it. I know what all of my pets want. They let me know and I totally understand them. Jack gives me those long loving eyes. He's so smart, when he wants something, he'll just stare at it and when I say the thing he wants, the tail goes nuts! I have a deep connection with animals, all animals..I think that sending out love is akin to the law of attraction to be honest. I try to send out love and positivity every single day, to anyone who wants or needs it and I truly feel like I get it all back in return. So nice to read this today, thanks! :)

Tails Around the Ranch said...

There's nothing quite that deep look into your eyes by your poodle love to touch your heart.