Monday, November 25, 2019

the week ahead

My love of cows continues
The weather here in Aurora Colorado
Unpredictable (apparently)
Forecasters can't ever agree, and are mostly wrong. The thing is we've had 70F days, then the next day 0 degrees and foot of snow. We've had 9 snows in the last two months and more to come today, this time a lot of it, of course starting with a layer of ice then almost a foot before this storm passes.
We have seasons.... but they last a couple days here, two warm days, then frigid, then hot, then cold. It is too difficult to plan anything as the weather interrupts it.
I realized I've had too much chaos growing up, so I do not like unpredictability now. Extremes I mean... like 70F to 0 in a day.

we finished one year of Great British baking show, and moved to another. A lot of my series had finales for the season, sad. Hallmark seems to skip right over the wonderful idea of Thanksgiving and is becoming all Christmas all the time. Oy. We are back to Time Team, Pottery throw down, and hope they continue to put Agatha Raisin episodes up. We saw one new one. I love survivor this time and have hopes for Elaine to win. I am enjoying the Voice since I will no longer support dancing with the stars, and am amazed at the talent out there.

I am now firmly in the Jodi Thomas camp, and reading more of her novels. Lyrical, character driven, kind, she makes me want to write better.
I listened to many Jude Devereaux books on disc while sewing but have moved on to a new to me series of mysteries set in Wagville VA, which is fun to hear on disc.
The next book in line for nightime reading as Mornings on Main is finishing up, is the latest Rhys Bowen mystery.

I've shared some great tutorials lately on my paint party Friday posts, and the Sewing Saturday round up posts. I want to try the tree shaped napkins, the hexie ornaments, and make some hexie mug rugs for gifts. I need to layer and baste, then quilt this year's Christmas quilt. It's flannel and so cozy.
I need to find my sock needles, and make dh some sleeping socks as his are wearing thin. 

we explored another part of Colorado last Saturday. We drove up and met a fellow "I Like Thursday" blogger and her wonderful husband for lunch. Luckily it was hot in the sun, so we sat on the patio of a good restaurant, looking at piles of snow but warm enough in shirtsleeves. We decided it was so much nicer than our part of Colorado, and people were nicer, the views were nicer.... but we need to be near work. It was good to get a new perspective, and really good to be with smart, kind people who have fun stories to tell, and care about others.

I write.
I write fiction and I write about life, and will be starting a new series on people I meet that leave fingerprints on my heart. If you too enjoy meeting others, and write about it, I'll include a link to your posts too. I'll be doing this on Tuesdays. Remember it's not a person's fame that counts, it's the connection between spirits that count, and I'd love to read about your experiences.

To Do
clear off some horizontal surfaces... find a home for some things, recycle some, wash counters
start a pattern for the tree napkins
cut out Christmas hexies to try the ornaments
baste the lap quilt
my laundry, Milo's bed, rugs
mop the wood floor
wash the glass window on slider
start clearing out fall decorations and dust mantel
turn on the tree
tidy up library books
make cranberry sauce
finish brushing Milo, trim his nails? pluck his ears?
convert DH's discarded long underwear top into a coat for Milo(poor little house elf)
take in chair cushions, ceramic pumpkin, and rug from storm
 paint my nails(while it's warmer) to save them from harsh weather

we may do take out the night before for Thanksgiving... sad but it's just us. The storm may preclude even that so we have a turkey ham to make. I need to make our traditional yams (baked til caramalized, then mashed with butter and maple syrup, cinnamon and salt) , and our traditional zucchini casserole (made with mayo mixed with parm. cheese and other stuff)  to go with. 

people who do the right thing, respect others, and do their best to encourage others to grow.
thank you

stay warm and cozy
Linking to


easyweimaraner said...

it seems we have the same weather guys... for tomorrow they say here, rain and dry... cool! or cow-l :O)

piecefulwendy said...

Our weather isn't quite a fickle as yours. Not sure I would enjoy that kind of craziness. We have a storm brewing here, supposedly arriving tomorrow night, just in time for holiday traveling. We don't have to travel, so I'll just tuck in and enjoy it. Fun post to read, LeeAnna!

Sara said...

The sun is shining here today but the wind is howling - and bringing in snow for most of the rest of the week. If we believe the forecast. The hubbie left this morning for work in Iowa and I'll be pretty upset if he gets snowed in somewhere other than home. Thanksgiving is at my daughter's house an hour away, but if the weather is really bad we may stay home. I'll hoping to at least set up the Christmas tree this afternoon but lights and ornaments may have to wait.

Sue said...

Your weather is crazy! North Carolina is mild compared to what you have been experiencing. We're fans of the Great British Cooking Show, too. Have you watched the cooking show Nailed It? It's good for a laugh, as nobody takes it seriously. As always, love seeing a pic of Milo. Poodles are wonderful companions, aren't they? We have a white minature.

Julierose said...

We are going back and forth between raw and wet and warmer and wet ugh!! So far no snow here...
I hope your thanksgiving Day is comforting...hugs, Julierose

MissPat said...

I saw on the news that you were getting another snow storm today. It's crazy early for so much snow. We've had temps in the 40's and 50's the last few days, so I've been able to finish up most of the outdoor stuff. I could always find more to do, but I'm satisfied that the necessary things are done. Discovered buck (deer) destroyed fencing around a tree last night and broke several branches rubbing his antlers. We're due for high winds Wed night and maybe some rain. Staying home just the two of us for Thanksgiving, turkey with the usual fixins. Stay warm, keep creating.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

We're still waiting for our first rain of the season. Some say it'll be at the end of the week. Still we aren't doing anything about stuff outside that should be covered or hauled into the garage. My excuse for ignoring the task today is that it's too cold. But, I did get laundry done and we went to the grocery store.
I hope Elaine wins Survivor, too. :-)

Jodi said...

I am so not ready for this yucky weather! I haven't watch Survivor in years. I too am sad all of the shows are doing their mid season finales... but for now I can get caught up on some Netflix shows! Have a great week!!

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

We are disappointed our shows have done finales already. We have been watching The Voice from beginning and really like a guy named Will on John Legend's team. He has Aspergers and is so excited to sing and has a great range and soulful approach. I bought nail polish yesterday for the first time in years! (wow have prices gone up). I'm going to my son's where there will be lots of people so I may even wear makeup.(heehee). What is a turkey ham? We are going to get a 3 day storm also-cold and rain. Hang in there and keep warm. Happy Thanksgiving.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Today's snow is certainly eye opening. A good 10" and drifts. The neighborhood is quiet watching the white stuff accumulate. I can't get the car out of the garage even if I wanted to get to the hospital today. 😟 Poor Sam, went through all that bathing/grooming for naught. Stay warm and keep making beautiful quilts!

Driven Quilter said...

Welcome to Colorado. "As a feller says. If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it'll change." Hope you learn to like it here.

Dandy Duke said...

Oh my goodness - those are weather extremes! Mom can't wait to make the pumpkin pie and the cranberry sauce tomorrow!

Angie said...

LA - we are in Ohio for Thanksgiving and a family baptism, and there was freezing rain over the weekend. The next day we drove across the state for a football game and to meet up with friends - yikes, that was scary. All the overpasses had black ice. We saw so many accidents! I will take snow any day. I have been enjoying all the visiting time, but I am glad that this afternoon I finally got some "me" time, including this chance to catch up with my blogging buddies! Happy Thanksgiving, friend!

Danice G said...

Oh I love the mystery quilt. Very pretty. Yeah, our weather people cannot seem to agree on the forecasts nor get it close to correct most of the time. We are getting thunder storms and lots of rain. Some cold weather. Sending happiest Thanksgiving wishes.