Monday, June 10, 2019

the week ahead

Another colorful week ahead! Welcome to this week's Happy Homemaker post!

Weather in Aurora CO this week
It rained and hailed Saturday, which brought it cooler weather (70s during the days, 40's at night)
We've noticed it rains daily here.

beans and eggplant, holding on for life
 My vegetables have not been happy with the sudden cooler nights but I like to sleep cool so I'm happy about it.

To Do
always laundry
always mopping and dishes and straightening up
I really must put down the paints and go back to sewing this week.

Cake on a hot tin roof   which I want to like but is slightly slow and tedious to actually read although reading it a night puts me to sleep. score!
God and the afterlife reading on the back porch. A doctor writes from his experienced research
Forgotten Garden  reading together aloud in the evenings on the porch, when there's time
pile of magazines, which I enjoy but don't like to recycle so they pile up

the sunday story this time came out well I think. It's really short but used 11/12 prompt words
link: courage!

we found out about Agatha Raisin from an I Like Thursday (here on Thursdays) poster, a fun romp of a show, mysteries and quirky characters.
project runway ends this week, what a fun ride full of creativity this has been. I actually agree with the judges so far, but we'll see how the finale goes.
Amazing Race is awesome this time, I missed it on haitus!
Youtube tutorials on painting which leads to midieval and vintage clothing videos lol
I laughed at this woman's show on dressing in 1920

I painted her face because the woman in this entertaining video (how to dress like it's 1920) was so interesting to look at...
what I learned doing that: the woman is much prettier. I see now, from this still shot, that her eyebrows are longer, and more hair shows, but when I painted her it was while watching the video. Movement, the way a person handles themselves, the smiles and tilts of the head, all contribute to how they look in life. When taking a photo, or painting a portrait you get one shot at it. It's hard to capture the essence of a personality in a picture.
When I see a publicity photo of a movie star, then see them moving and talking in a movie, I often think they are much prettier/handsome in the movie.

way, way too much sugar. We got some sour cream cake donuts from the grocery, because I was there. DH shops from a list and will not veer from it. He loves a list, loves to check things off. Unfortunately I see grocery shopping like another creative exercise... what can I combine to make something fun to eat? Then money flows from our account like water.

pj's! hopefully that will change soon, although I never quite know how to dress here. The temps today are in the 70's but multiplied by the sun factor may feel like 90, then walking into the shade like 60, and when the wind picks up like 50. It's a constant putting on, peeling off sort of dressing here. 

Do not ever, EVER, have a yard sale. I am not a good yard sale doer. Nope. I saved stuff from the move (where we purged half or more of our belongings before leaving Maryland) that I decided should not have been moved, and put it out, and people were not feeling it. I made $5. Total.
My neighbors put out sofas, freezers, dive suits, even a standing scale (yikes!) and made moola from it.
Now I must pack it to give away, hoping someone will want the dresses with tags that look awful stretched across my lumpy frame. One woman picked up some nearly new hiking boots, asked about the price, I said $2. She threw (!) them down and turned away in disgust!

What did she want?

my watercolor version of iris
I have been inspired to paint from my friend's blog entries. I saw this quote somewhere along the way, and did a freeform (not drawn first) iris to go with. I also painted two others from inspiring photos shared on the I Like Thursday posts... I'll show them on Paint Party Friday later on.
I sure appreciate my friend's putting great photos on their blogs! And the friend's too!

Linking to
All Seasons 


easyweimaraner said...

I'm also no good yard seller... we had one once many moons ago... at 6 am a couple appeared and came to pick up my old kitchen... it was very familiar to welcome the buyers in a PJ LOL

Sandee said...

I've never done a yard sale and never will. It's too much work and people always want it for nothing. Not worth the time.

Have a fabulous day. I'm off to do more laundry. ♥

Sara said...

I refuse to do yard sales anymore. Too many buyers want to pay almost nothing and are rude about it.

Luludou said...

Nope yard selling is not for me either. $2 for hiking boots, I agree what more does she want??
I now donate anything I don't use - there is a homeless shelter in town and they are always happy to receive stuff.
We are also eating way too much sugar. Trying a new recipe today... instead of mix you put over fruits (crumble - oats, sugar, flour) you put granola over them and hop in the oven it goes - just tasted it - fantastic!

Becki said...

I hadn't seen the Sunday creativity prompts before - I'll have to check that out some weekend when I'm home :) And I had to laugh at your grocery shopping comment: "Then money flows from our account like water." Hahaha....

Rebecca Knox said...

We've got the cooler temperatures again here, too, LeeAnna, and, like you, I'm lovin' it! Makes for good sleeping weather! Sorry about your yard sale experience. Love your inspiration! Hope your week ahead is a great one! Blessings! <3

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Was the same woman playing both parts? I thought your painting caught the essence of the look of the woman with the dark glasses. The lips, the facial structure. Anyway I can imagine that woman looks like the one in the painting.
We're experiencing our second mini heat-wave of the year. I don't like it when there's no breeze, not even a hint.
I love the flower quote. So true. The various flowers around our house don't give a jealous hoot about each other's looks. I do wonder if they sigh when it's not their turn for deadheading and they really, really, want it.

Julierose said...

We used to do yard sales when we were (a lot!!) younger...bu too much of taking things out and putting them back for us now...
I like your painted lady a lot hugs, Julierose

Jodi said...

Love the inspiration. What to watch/discuss..... Have you heard of Yellowstone? On the Paramount Network? I just binged season 1 so I can be ready for season 2 that starts on 6/19. Its pretty good.

MissPat said...

Another lovely iris watercolor. My irises are slowly fading. I wish they lasted longer. I don't do yard sales, either having or shopping them. Just don't need more stuff. I'm glad the painting is giving you pleasure, but I do hope you get back to quilting eventually. Your creativity is inspiring.

Jeanna said...

I have not had a great few weeks food wise although I am still managing to control the sugar consumption. I can't figure out how to keep eating sensible portions when I'm ravenously hungry which increased physical activity is making me. I like Agatha Raisin too. I watch bits and pieces and the occasional entire show from time to time. Love those spunky blonde English detectives.
A yard sale sounds like way too much trouble, especially when it's hot. I was just watching a movie that took place in Colorado Springs the other day. I'm guessing that's nowhere near you.

threesidesofcrazy said...

I absolutely ADORE your inspiration! I love the cooler weather too, but you're so right about it being hard on the garden. Have a GREAT week.

Shellie Almond said...

I really enjoyed coming by! Your art work is inspiring and so beautiful! Your very talented! Your yard sale sory cracked me uo! I have been there! A lot of work goes into setting up and not selling anything! It just a no now lol! I like to go them just not have them lol!
I truly hope you have a blessed week ahaed! I will be back by again soon!

Duke said...

I just love your Iris inspirational painting!

Ann said...

I enjoyed reading the Agatha Raisin books but haven't seen the new series.
I do like adding and subtracting layers - they do it in CA; never in TX. Ah, well.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

What a fun post. I get so tired of laundry and washing dishes. Ugh. It's never done. I do not do yard sales. It's way too much work for nothing- in my mind. My daughter grocery shops as you do- drives her hubby crazy. And, if they take Thomas along in the wheel chair-well, then it's a family outing. LOL. I really like that flower statement. We will be 110 today- I'm barely wearing sleeveless top and shorts. Luckily, I'm staying in today and tomorrow. Stay cool.

Angie said...

LA - I must be one of the few people on the planet that doesn't mind cleaning and laundry. I get a sense of satisfaction from it - yep, it will have to be done again, but for today I can check it off the list and admire my clean wood floor … I remember when we had a yard sale before we moved. We sold very little, and the rest we put out by the street with a "free" sign. It all disappeared within 24 hours! Love your iris and the quote! Hope your week ahead is all you dream it will be!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Lots of people I know (many in my family) have successful yard sales. I think that gene skipped me. Way too much work for low return in my books. I'd rather donate and just get rid of that stuff.

Jean said...

Yard sales aren't really my thing either. It's mostly a matter of timing which we never seem to get right. I prefer to just donate my stuff and save the headache. Hope you had a great week and are finishing up a fantastic weekend. (Sorry for the late visit, super busy week!)