Thursday, October 3, 2024

I Like Thursday # 421 flowers, fruit, corn mazes, drawings


it's Thursday! Must be time for the list of likes this week. Actually I lost track of the days and almost forgot to write, so this may be short! 

I like Fresh fruits and vegetables. The majority of our meals are vegetables actually. I am so excited to have fresh pears and peaches ( which turned out to be sour) and if the weather ever cools off, I'll bake those bananas into a confection. 

the weather, 90's on Monday, 70;s on Tuesday, 90's on Wednesday, 70's on Thursday... psychotic right? I miss the way temps would cool off when Sept hit. 

(we're acknowledging the poor East Coasters who got hit in that hurricane, many losing their lives and homes. Sad... I dealt with so many hurricanes in my life)

I cleared off the dining  table this week, and put on the fall tablecloth. I love it. I also changed the kitchen towels to halloween ones that are so cute! 

Leaf Peeping
I liked the color showing up this week, Bold dark red, and white puff's

A bit of art

I have been doing two workshops, one is now over and one is in full swing. Last week I said the thumbnail photo I shared would be on Saturday's post but I didn't do a Sat post. Here she is 

There is a new offering this month called Ink-Tober where you are encouraged to draw every day. In honor of that I'll share one of my drawings from Sketchbook Revival. ( still going, free, best thing!)

I was amazed as I never thought I could draw this. All pencil, no paint which surprised DH when he saw it he thought I painted it.  I think I like drawing very much with each skill I learn. I like a soft lead. 

I want to make this pecan bark, when it cools off enough to run the oven
to "rising appalachia" sisters who harmonize so well, 'resilience'

 prompt this week

do you like a cornfield maze, tell us about a time you did one and where it was

to be honest I don't think I've been in a corn maze. I don't think I'd enjoy it either. We used to go to Stowe VT every Fall and walk the long path up the mountain. On a beautiful clearing, near a river, we'd see remnants of a corn maze, near cows munching on green grass, and it was charming.

Milo's moment

somebody should fetch that ball

I can't believe I'm saying this, but....(poodle whispers) I NEED A BATH

I can't even stand my own smell and I itch, but Mama and Daddy had back pains this weekend so guess who got forgotten

Mama: Milo! you are never forgotten, but we can't do the work right now... we'll do it in a couple days

Milo: do what? did you hear me whispering even with your old human ears? 

Mama: Oh we are aware of the need for a bath, believe me

Milo: Mama! you're so funny, come here and let me hug you!


visit these folks to read their lists of likes






Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your little chubby bird one in pencil is amazing! I like drawing in graphite too. Working in greyscale has its own challenges and rewards.

I've been in a big corn maze once. It was okay but not something I need to do again. We've got a huge corn maze that runs every year outside Edmonton. This year someone got murdered in it. Kind of puts a damper on things.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Pretty colors in your fall bushes there! I liked those singing sisters, too. Hope Milo has had an opportunity for a bath this week!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I like your little birdie art too! Hey, I've never been in a corn maze either and I'm okay with that. Milo, I hope you get that bathtime soon pal. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Cloudia said...

Oh Milo! I love your mama's birds and organic bananas and resilience. It's such a pleasure to visit you folks. Aloha!

Tigger's Mum said...

Poor Milo 😱😉😎 I love the wee birdie. Great use of pencil lots of textures and bold marks.

grammajudyb said...

Oh man! I’m sorry the peaches were sour! Colorado peaches are usually so yummy! Gorgeous flame colored leaves and white fluffy things! Fun art this week too! I made zucchini bread! It was dry, but Mr Busy likes it, so I guess it’s ok!

PaintedThread said...

Neat plants near you - colors and texture! Bummer getting sour fruit. :-( I'm thinking about going to Davis Mega Maze this year... we'll see if I make it!

Kathleen said...

I love the little bird you drew -truly amazing. Sorry Milo stinks...hate when you can't get to the things you need to do. I miss great peaches...hard to find here in Maine (probably not if you get to farmer's markets but I rarely do).

Helen said...

I LOVE your fall red leaves! You did a really good job with the rainbow hair lady painting. I didn't do the black underneath, didn't see the point. Also, I'd never seen the kind of pencils she used to smear on the color. Great job on the bird sketch. That teacher was very good to guide to a good little drawing. I haven't finished my bird yet! I will!

Annie said...

I'm only just getting to my blogs so I'm sorry for my lateness....It's been one of THOSE days here!!
Your bird is gorgeous...such talent. Give Milo a hug from me even if he's a bit smelly. Millie is going for a hair cut on Tuesday so she should come home looking/smelling sweeter.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Okay I know I'm late been gardening most of the day. Poor Milo he must be feeling it if he wants a bath that much. Daisy and Alfie went for their haircut and bath and say they would have been quite happy for Milo to take their place Lol! They are a pair of scruffs. I have picked the last of our apples today, you would love them. I grow the best English apples, Coxes Orange Pippins, they are very fruity though slightly tart to the taste and scrummy. Have a good weekend. Hugs angela xXx

Sara said...

I've never gone through a corn maze, although there are a couple of them in our area this time of year. We've done a different type of maze with the grandkids about 3 years ago and it was a blast. I have a big bowl of Honey Crisp apple in the kitchen, and am thinking an apple crisp might be on the menu this weekend.