Thursday, August 8, 2024

I Like Thursday #114 Fruit, Synchronized Swimming, gardens and a poodle


welcome to I Like Thursday and my short list. I continue to feel weak, coughing, unable to eat which brings me to my first like

The index card above is my only creative work this week. Done with ink, watercolor, posca pen . I liked the quote gardening always has been an art essentially (robert irwin)

I really like out telemedicine doctor, he ordered antibiotics (gone now) steroids (just started) anti nausea pills, but I worry none of it will help. 

my friend Cindy suggested cherry plums.... which are wonderful. Just like a plum but small. Clean the bunch and keep in the fridge for a sweet treat. I can manage a couple of them. 

this illness has brought back foods I ate as a child when sick... saltines
cherry jello in a pretty dish
turning your mouth red, slippery, turning to liquid and easy to swallow, just like I remember it. 

Milo: I thought I mike like some, but when I got a small taste I changed my mind. Maybe if it was bunny flavored. 

Our 30 year anniversary, and dh's birthday both passed with me unaware.... so sick.... when I remembered he responded in typical engineering speak to my apology. Yep we missed them. Sometimes engineering speak comes in handy.

tired after grooming where I am much lighter

Milo: I knew but no one listens to the poodle! 

Mama: maybe because the poodle only has one volume, LOUD and his words sound the same as 

Neighbor getting mail!  Mailman ! Dog waking by! Squirrel! 

Mama got my leg hair all wonky, she did good to do any of it!

it's pretty hot outside.... glad she cut a lot of hair off
I like the shadows on a hot breezy summer evening. All the shades of green

Our prompt is about the Olympics again... which I've enjoyed 

" Would you like being part of the group of competitors? Staying in the Olympic village?  Meeting people from all over the world? I love that they are kind in competition, and  respect each other. Have you ever gone to view the Olympics?

I've never been to the actual games myself. I love meeting people from all over the world, so I'd be in Heaven in the Olympic village. When I visited Europe alone with a eurail pass, I met new people each day and hung out with them for the day. What joy! In fact the Rhine wine tour I took led to a date. The wine guide took me out alone the next day to tour a castle owned by his friend, not on a tourist guide it was unspoiled ad led me to dream of living there in the 1400's. We had dinner and he got me on the train back to my friend's house early that night. 

Happy Trials

I am happily watching synchronized swimming or whatever they are calling it now. My fave part is when the doors open to 12 women who come out and basically do a floor routine before deftly diving in. 

please visit these folk to see their lists and join us by letting me know in comments

taking a break: 


               friday smiles


easyweimaraner said...

I'm so sorry that you are sick... my mom had this too it needed such a long time till she felt better... hugs to you all ... and we will look for cherry plums... that sounds interesting...

Sara said...

So sorry to hear you are still sick. Hope you are on the mend soon. Happy belated anniversary! 30 years is an awesome milestone. I would probably enjoy being in the Olympic village and enjoying some blending of cultures. I watched that synchronized swimming yesterday and was amazed at how much it has changed.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Dang, I hate it you are still sick and I hope it passes quickly so you can get on being you. Your art is pretty though. Milo, you mean nobody listens to you?!?! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Angela said...

Sending you love and healing thoughts. Feel better soon!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

So sorry to hear that you still not feeling good. Hope this new round of meds helps, and so glad you have a telemedicine doctor that you like. I like your notecard art, and its quote, too! The Olympics have a way of taking us away from everyday life, don't they? No matter what event, it's interesting to see who does it and all they've put into perfecting their skills.

Cloudia said...

I sure hope you feel much better very soon. Glad you have Dr. Milo with you. Three. Cheers for engineering speak! Aloha

Duke said...

I've never heard of cherry plums. I will have to look for them. We got saltine crackers and jello when we were sick as kids too. I hope you feel better soon.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I hope you feel better soon. I'm sure Milo is taking good care of you!

Sandy said...

Love the art. Sorry you're not doing well and hope whatever it is passes soon. I was always a fan of orange or lime jello over cherry. I couldn't swallow pills when I was a kid, so had a lot of liquid meds and or crushed pills...seems they were always cherry flavored, so ruined that flavor for me. Feel better soon.
Sandy's Space

Lisca said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling so rough. Distraction is a good thing. Watch synchronized swimming! I haven't watched any of the Olympics. Not that interested. When I sit down to watch tv, I want to watch something that I like as I don't sit down to watch tv that often.
I've never seen cherry plums. Interesting....
We didn't have jelly in the Netherlands when I grew up, but we traveled to the UK every year, so always came back with lots of packets. We kids loved it and mum kept a few packets aside to use in a trifle (a dessert with a layer of jelly soaked biscuit fingers, then a layer of custard and topped off with whipped cream.) Yum!
Have a relaxed weekend,

Annie said...

I love your piece of art but am so sorry to hear how poorly you are. I hope you’re feeling much better very soon.
Annie x

Kathleen said...

Beautiful art! My gardening is abyssmal but my porch looked great with all the glorious quilts on them today...a perfect New England summer day. I would enjoy the olympic village I think...kind of like a quilt show...interesting people to meet. I never was nor will be athlete - it is ok.

Michelle said...

I have never heard of cherry plums, but they intrigue me. Sorry to hear you are still unwell. I am sure Milo is giving you the best hugs. Thank you for taking the time to link up.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Very sorry to hear you've been ill. It's no fun being sick and not able to eat normally. Hope you feel better soon. Milo looks fabulous!