Saturday, March 6, 2021

Sewing Saturday Project Quilting and round robin


The Seeker 10" X 14"
For this week's sewing round up I have two pieces to share. The first is my Project Quilting challenge piece (the challenge was to be inspired by crazy quilting and finish within one week) I started this Friday and finished the next day by noon. My computer crashed this week so I thought I wouldn't be able to do it til dh fixed it by Friday!

Now, I do not like crazy quilts at all. I did make a challenge quilt once laying odd pieces of silk over each other, hand embroidering them and it came out great! So after I remembered that, I decided I wanted a female who's dress was a crazy quilted silk affair. I began looking at images online, and since I LOVE Klimt I scanned a few of his, and tore a lovely add out of a magazine to inspire the face. 

I pulled out silks, and began sewing them into some water... free form curved piecing of two close blue shades, then appliqued the cut off pieces from that onto the surface, and used metallic threads to do machine dec stitches 

I found an upholstry sample sheer and that became my background, loved it!  Quilted it first onto peltex and a lovely tree fabric for backing. Next I added my water square. 


To form her dress, I laid odd pieces of silks onto paper, and started stitching decorative machine stitches. Like Klimt I love gold so I took some flimsy gold lame, folded and stitched over it to have three gold squares on the stitched dress

Pretty! fun to design too... this reminds me to work more often using my silk stash!

Next I pulled out a piece of tan fabric, and drew on a face. I knew I wanted it mysterious and 3/4 view, turned toward the viewer. Prisma pencils and markers, light hand with colors. When I put it on the background with thread, I sewed a bit around one edge, then stuffed it and finished sewing, just to give it a bit of dimension. 

It's so much easier to make a piece if I have the face done first.

When I stitched the dress to the background next, I pulled and distorted it, adding in a 3-d quality I like. 

Next the binding... I cut into a favorite brown with gold fabric at 1 inch. Fold in half, cut the edges with pinking sheers, folded it onto the quilt and sewed around. Then the extras... glass fish, a real branch I found once on a walk, an old insect button with glass, the leave on the left is a stick pin given me when I lived in Canada

a little metallic butterfly and three golden roses. 

I'm calling her the Seeker... and she took up pride of place on the mantel

So... this time it didn't turn out like my vision... I saw it as much darker with less facial features, more indistinct but you know, it's like the saying, get out of the way and art will make itself. I'm thrilled to use my specialty fabrics again, and wanted something like this to use that modern sheer on. 

next I worked hard this week on putting together my Stay at Home round robin...

a thousand little pieces! This week the challenge was to add pinwheels... I put four in. After moving rows and pieces around the design wall, I settled on this layout, and then had to make it all go together and fit exactly. Whew! It's bigger than I thought, and will be even bigger once I add on those border pieces by Jane Sassamon designs, on the right. Right now it's about 44" long by 30" wide but will get bigger. Oh and I made the iron and fabric bundles

so those had to be fitted in too! (from Lori Holt's book of patterns)

all in all, a successful sewing week!

Linking to

off the wall Fridays
can I get a whoop whoop Fridays  



design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts


The Joyful Quilter said...

Both pieces are SEW wonderful, LeeAnna!!! If you don't want the SAHRR to be any bigger, why not just use that fabric for binding and call it done?

PaintedThread said...

I love, LOVE that seeker! Amazing work. That round robin is pretty cool, too.

Sara said...

I'm loving what you've done with your SAHRR quilt. So cute. I just can't figure out how to add those last 3 clues to mine so it is stalled for now.

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
Love how you turned fancy fabrics into a beautiful work of art ! Yes you will have to use " the good fabrics" more often :)
Your sewing themed creation is growing beautifully ! Using patterns out of a book that we have bought...classic !
We can be creative when there is no Internet. We seemed to manage for years :)

Duke said...

You do such gorgeous work! Love the Seeker!

grammajudyb said...

Your Project Quilting is splendid! Your artistic talent blows me away! I love how your SAHRR is coming along too! You had a vert creative week!

MissPat said...

Both of these projects are fabulous and show the dimensions of your creativity and artistry. I hope you baked something extra special to thank Drew for fixing the computer.

Quilting Gail said...

You have a wonderful SAHRR!!!! I love your centre and then the extra blocks (iron, tomato and fabric bundle) at the bottom. Lovely!! Thank you for linking your SAHRR and I hope you return on Mar. 29 and show us your completed top with the neat borders!
Happy Quilting! :-)

Danette said...

I love how your Seeker turned out and she looks quite crazy!

PersimonDreams said...

I really like how it turned out! What a cool entry! Thanks for joining in the PQ fun!

My name is Erika. said...

LOVE the seeker. She is gorgeous.

shebaduhkitty said...

I love Klimt and your interpretation.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Successful indeed! I too love Klimt and adore your Seeker! Your Round Robin is turning out so wonderful too. Thanks for sharing both on my Wednesday Wait Loss link up.

Divers and Sundry said...

You may think the art is making itself, but it's your talent that's bringing that to life ;) Gorgeous!

Betty C said...


Unknown said...

Absolutely inspired !