Saturday, March 20, 2021

sewing saturday..... bunnies and a challenge finish


and it's Saturday again, which means it's time for this week's sewing round up! (fingers crossed I can make the computer work once again to do a post) 

I made three sizes of bunnies this week, from the free newsletter pattern at Shabby Art Boutique....but she announced this morning that the site crashed ( a lot of computer problems going around) so you can't find the pattern there at the moment. 

I used scraps, including one gorgeous little calico in green for Rainbow Scrap challenge this month... 

I've made many dolls, and having the right turning and stuffing tools makes them fast to make. Instead of following her directions I put arms and legs on with buttons so they could bend and move

The real fun came in finding ornaments to show personality. To me it's mama a 10 year old and a 5 year their easter finest

Mama had to have pearls (a mismatched older clip earring) and tulle trim on her skirt, the 10 year old had a carrot dress and ribbons, the youngest has a doll (a pin made from a bunny and antique quilt scrap bought long ago at an art festival) 

What lady doesn't want pretty new shoes for Easter??

even if you kick them off while relaxing on the sofa

bits of lace saved from other projects, old jewelry, pieces of felt, fabric markers for faces... and they are so sweet in the family room

Next up... the Project Quilting challenge this week, the final challenge for the year, was Ad Intra

which seems to mean look inward... or interpret something within you. At first I thought, well I'll copy Munch and his work The Scream... with a self portrait, but decided though that was my life at the moment I didn't want to look at it. After discussing it with Joy, I remembered a quote I have loved for a long time...

I seek peace, and safety so that kind of reflects my heart... I found a google image and printed it onto fabric, and started from there. It went through a lot of iterations before I settled on these fabrics and layout

Starting with the poem I glued the fabric onto peltex pulling it to the back and couching a green sparkly thread over the edges

It stands out from the background and held on by 4 gold ball beads

Originally I wanted this background but it kept looking so busy 

now that I see it here, I kind of wish I'd used it... but making art is a series of decisions... some can be undone, some are behind you and part of the past.

Sometimes there is no right or wrong decision, you make one and live with the consequences... right? 


So much is going wrong in our lives at the moment that I feel shell shocked and often paralyzed. So making any choice is good for me.

Of course I used metallic threads to quilt in and put sequin stars on with tiny seed beads. The top fabric was pulled to the back and glued down. To finish it I pressed the edges in on a pretty fabric I wanted to use on the front too, laid it on the quilted piece to cover the raw edges, and invisibly sewed to the turned top edge. 

don't look at the threads not pulled out from previously sewing the top fabric
What a lovely back!!!

ahhhhhh.... I want to live there. 

When I printed the quote, I also printed on the same fabric this quote

so, for what it's worth, it's finished and sitting on the mantel. I used a quote I've loved for years, I participated, I got it done in basically one day, and miraculously I made decisions. It's small, but when I was done I realized it reminded me of Cape Cod, a place I feel VERY drawn to... a place where I felt peace one weekend long ago. 

Deep Peace To You

Linking to

 scrap happy Saturdays


The Joyful Quilter said...

OMG, LeeAnna!! That sweet bunny family is SEW adorable! And handmade shoes, too??? You did a fantastic job will all the accessories for the each one.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda... didn't! I can see the appeal of the "fabric that got away", but the one you chose for PQ12.6 works, as well. Congrats on ROCKING Season 12 of Project QUILTING!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your bunnies are adorable, and have so many fun details! And the challenge piece is lovely. Definitely a quote you would want to look at every day!

PaintedThread said...

Very pretty!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those bunnies are so darn pretty!

Unknown said...

WOW ! Your skill of creating is abundant. Great work

Cathy said...

Oh my! The bunny family is so clever and adorable beyond measure! I love your PQ challenge too (great idea, fabric and execution!), but keep coming back to chuckle at the bunnies.

Mary in Boulder said...

You're having a real surge of creativity, despite your challenges! What fun bunnies and what a soothingly beautiful and ---yes, peaceful-- piece for Project Quilting.

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
from bunnies to deep moments in thouoght, so many creative sides coming out in fabric :)
Love the Monet inspired fabric !

Duke said...

Your bunnies are just too cute!

Laura said...

I really like the way your mounted the printed image and words for you PQ 12.6 art quilt. So very effective. Your little family of bunnies just makes me smile (which is a good thing!)

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Love your bunnies. Thanks for sharing where you found the pattern. Wishing you Deep Peace.

JanineMarie said...

I like the choice you made for the background of the quilt with the quote. It’s calming, something we need so much right now.

Ann said...

Your bunnies are delightful and tempt me to try them but I don't have any of the tools. So I will enjoy yours instead. What a lovely piece of art you created. There's enough problems in our days so I'm glad you made something that makes you happy and peaceful rather than The Scream.

Ivani said...

the bunnies are so cute, lovely details, you found perfect ornaments to them.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I always enjoy seeing what beauties you are creating. You never disappoint. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

dq said...

Cute little bunnies sitting on a cute little quilt! How fun!

Sandra Walker said...

That bunny family--! I really need to finish the one fancy doll I made - she just her hair and the bird painting that sits on her hands...maybe a few other details like buttons on her vest. I absolutely love your PQ piece too. So beautifully done. Be sure to look at it a LOT and take yourself there in your mind.

MissPat said...

The bunny family is so cute. I have a lot of bunnies, stuffed one inside and real (hungry) ones outside. Your PQ12.6 piece is amazing. And done in a day. You've had a good run with those this year. I'm glad Joy talked you into joining. Sorry you are feeling challenged. I hear more snow is on the way but maybe not in your area.

grammajudyb said...

I think your PQ12 projects have all been amazing. This one is so special, and then you did bunnies too! They are adorable!

Susie H said...

Love the bunny family! Just where in the world did Peter Rabbit hop off to? Lol

My name is Erika. said...

Lots of beautiful stitching! I am loving those bunnies.

Rebecca Jo said...

I love sewn bunnies... put them everywhere for Spring

Shannon said...

Oh I love the bunnies! Especially the mama with her sunflower hair clip!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Those bunny dolls are adorably cute! Love seeing them on the sofa.

Carol Andrews said...

Beautiful PQ finish and such sweet bunnies LeeAnna

PersimonDreams said...

Love you PQ piece and your bunnies are so adorable! Thanks for joining in the PQ fun ;)

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

And peace to you as well! What a lovely art piece. Thanks for sharing it and those adorable bunnies on Wednesday Wait Loss.

Angie said...

OMG, LeeAnna - those bunnies are adorable. Makes me want to get all dressed up and go to church, which I have not done for over a year!

Judy Hansen said...

Hi Lee Anna, your bunnies are so cute, and it must have been fun to dress them and even make them shoes! The second project you showed us is lovely. Just what I need to read in these unsettling times. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Monday, Judy