Thursday, March 4, 2021

I Like Thursday #234

 It's Thursday, welcome to this week's list of likes.... but.... my computer crashed, went black screen, may not be able to be fixed but for sure I'm losing everything on it according to dh... 

so I had logged this much in during the week... let's leave it at that and maybe I can eventually post again


hamnet on audio.... about Shakespeare's childhood, married life and kids.... getting depressing so I moved on to on audio

by Elin Hildebrand  a mystery about a friend group in Nantucket 

and ebook

fine dining

 I like to try new baking on the weekends now, and lemon blondies looked easy... I like that you only use one bowl to mix it all... I only wish it made double the amount!

I have a pic of mine but they looked like those... I will say they improve with being in the fridge over night!!

 I wanted to use our eggplant this weekend so I found this really simple way to saute garlic eggplant on stovetop... OMG Drew said that was the hit of the meal, and we had our fave roasted sweet potato casserole with orange peel and lemon salmon! I'll do this every time now

blogger won't let me embed the video but this is the link simple garlic eggplant 

I really like the way this woman, Miranda Valentine at Mahalodotcom teaches recipes  

These fine folks also keeping lists

Quilting Patchwork Appliqué

unable to post this week 


easyweimaraner said...

love the lemon blondies and i will look for castaways....thanks for two uper inspirations

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Sorry for your computer, it's not fun to loose photos and everything else. Your recipe looks good!
Thank you for adding me for my monthly post ;)

My name is Erika. said...

Lemon blondies sound yummy!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Lemon blondies sound great! Not so great your computer crashed :(
Hope it can be repaired!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Dang, we're so sorry about the computer, really sorry, been there, lost that.

grammajudyb said...

Oh no! My worst nightmare! I’m sorry about your computer! The lemon blondes look yummy! I’ll definitely give them a try! My sweet cravings have been intense lately! Hope your week improves and computer issues get resolved!

Divers and Sundry said...

That lemon recipe sounds good, and it looks like that's a good Youtube channel to follow. Thanks! I've also saved the Miranda Valentine cooking playlist to go through later.

I'm sorry about your computer. I think I don't save stuff often enough...

Sara said...

Oh bummer on the computer crash! I had that happen to a laptop a few years ago and a tech was able to rescue some files onto a flash drive for me. So maybe there is hope . . . Your recipes all sound so tasty!

Shannon said...

I'm so sorry about your computer!! That's so awful- I feel like so much of our life is on the computer now, and at the very least our documentation of it. The blondies loook delicious!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love Elin Hilderbrand, but don't think I've read that one. Will have to put it on my list! Those lemon blondies sound yummy! Good luck with your computer - that can be so frustrating.

Duke said...

The lemon brownies look and sound amazing! Bummer about your computer. I hope you can get your photos back - somehow.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Lemon blondies? Oooh, sounds totally delish!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Cheers, LeeAnna! :-)

Carol Andrews said...

Lemon blondes sound good but your eggplant sound yummy!

sonja said...

love to watch Jenny cook. she is a hoot!! i would stir in some dry coconut shreds into glaze, perhaps.
hope you can salvage from your computer. blogging has become our diary and a source of sharing. be well!

Rebecca Jo said...

Lemon blondies... sound so SPRINGY
UGHHHH - I'm so fearful of my laptop going KAPUT... I'll just panic

piecefulwendy said...

I'm so sorry about the computer woes. I missed posting today - completely forgot this week, so will shoot for next week. Those lemon bars look yummy! Your package is on the way, in case you didn't see my earlier email.

PaintedThread said...

Lemon blondies - interesting. Backups are your friend! Bummer about the computer. Eggplant and garlic. Yum!

MissPat said...

Condolences on the computer crash. Everyone's worst nightmare. I have a Chromebook, so everything is saved to the cloud. I love lemon bars, so I'll be giving these a try and I also love eggplant, so I'll check that one out as well. The sun is shining today (windy and cold, though) and I just saw two bluebirds out the kitchen window (seems pretty early for them to be here) so things don't look too bad here.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, no - sorry about the computer crash! Hopefully you can salvage some of it. Lemon blondies sound amazing. I have had the same craving for lemon this week! So glad winter is almost over. x K

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sorry about your computer, but glad that you found a way to post your list for the week, LeeAnna!!