Sunday, February 21, 2021

Hearts and Flowers....paints, fabric and thread


Hearts and flowers...a while back I painted a heart onto muslin. Recently my local art quilt group met by zoom to discuss color from art quilting point of views.  
I love color, and feel colors... love to see how they react to each other in art. I am not paralyzed by the white page, or starting projects. I often enjoy the use of opposites on the color wheel because it is dynamic. 
I'll share some close ups while talking about how fun and easy this is... first off, I use a variety of  acrylic paints made for fabric with the medium already mixed in, like Seta, Jacquard, and some sparkly ones no longer sold here from England. I start with a plastic covered cardboard sheet, wet the fabric so the first layers will blend and migrate. I use big brushes. I often dilute the ones to blend with a bit of water, and often mix them to make my own colors

I love Seta shimmers consistency for stencils which I layer on after the first bits dry. Sometimes I use subtle darker tones of the same color, mix colors, enjoy a higher contrast and make sure to have dark and light. Yellow green contrasts with the pinks. I let colors dry before over stenciling more. Sometimes I turn the stencil over to rub the paint onto a piece in a reverse stencil!
In quilting, I repeat the shapes with free motion in different threads because repetition of a line or curve is pleasing.
I quilted in some vines, grasses and flowers, as well as outlining some painted flowers. 

When it was quilted I mounded some beads in flower centers, meaning I bring the needle out on one side, string some beads, and go back into the top shorter than the line of beads so they pop up when I pull the thread taut, over and over. 

I have long enjoyed 3-d elements on my quilts and added in a big pieced, and quilted leaf by rouching it to the finished quilt.

it was first quilted, then cut into a big leaf shape and as I hand stitched it to the quilt, I bunched it up, folded bits and gathered them, pushed it so that it would look somewhat like a real leaf might. Note the quilt was finished, and bound before adding this. Beads went on after to catch the light as highlights would on a dewy leaf. 

when I do that I don't go all the way to the backing, I trail thread thru the batting. Note a use of metallic threads and some 2 ply cotton threads to create texture without being attention getting. 

beads along the edge of the leaf were done like a blanket stitch

So, paint play is fun... layering color is fun... stencils and stamps and inks are fun... 

are you ready to play??? 

this one is on the mantel easel to enjoy during February!

and for Spirit Sunday



and this quote by Buddha

your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it 

Linking to

oh Scrap Sundays 
 slow stitching Sundays



Mae Travels said...

Your quilt is really beautiful, especially the rose and pink colors in contrast to the grassy green. It looks so carefully worked: it must have been a very long project.

be safe... mae at

The Joyful Quilter said...

I remember the day you painted that heart. SEW glad to see that it has been finished into this sweet little quilt!!

PaintedThread said...

Really pretty. I love all the texture.

Quilter Kathy said...

A terrific finish! I do love the setacolor shimmer paint and your project makes me want to get out the paints and have some fun! Soon... when the weather warms and the sun comes out!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Leeanna, I just love your heart and flowers. I hope that it's ok if I use this as inspiration to create my own. I'm playing with dyes right now and would love to see what I could do to create a heart and flowers with them. Thanks so much for sharing. Take care.

Duke said...

Wow - it's just beautiful!

Kim said...

Your heart quilt is filled with gorgeous colour, beauty and whimsy. It is filled with glorious texture.

Karrin Hurd said...

Gorgeous heart, and lovely colors! Happy stitching, and hope you have a great week!

Sara said...

Very creative and beautiful.

MissPat said...

I'm running out of superlatives to describe your creativity in making these small pieces like the heart and the Project Quilting snails trail. Your mind (and fingers) work in remarkable ways and you always add just the right embellishments to take the pieces to the next level.

Little Penpen said...

Beautiful creativity!

My name is Erika. said...

I love this! It's a beautiful piece.

grammajudyb said...

You know that I love your creativity! I would like to know if you have any hints for using specialty threads! I’m a bit afraid to try ! I used metallic once and it frayed a lot!

Divers and Sundry said...

I love the texture and depth in this piece.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Such a beautiful piece. Love it!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Gosh, that's beautiful, LeeAnna! I love the way you got the paint to spread out. Your heart looks like it's blushing with much love.

Debbie said...

I am so impressed! Just beautiful, especially seeing the close ups! Thanks for sharing your process.

Christine said...

Beautiful painting, love the meme.

Valerie-Jael said...

Fabulous work, it's beautiful! Happy PPF, Valerie

Rain said...

Your flowers and hearts are beautiful, with such vibrant colours. You really have amazing quilting skills! :)

WendyK said...

Lovely piece of colourful work, I too love colour.

Linda Kunsman said...

Your heart art is so very beautiful Leeanna. Lovely quote too. Happy PPF!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

*wow* is that very nice, i love this work!
Happy PPF, Elke

peppylady (Dora) said...

Interesting, it amazing the different mediums that can go into a quilt. Happy PPF
Coffee is on and stay safe

Far Side of Fifty said...

It is just stunning!

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Love that you shared your process! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss. Beautiful quilt.