Friday, July 24, 2020

paint party Friday 3 improv landscapes

welcome to Friday's celebration of painting!

this week I wanted to put color on paper, then turn it into a landscape...a dash of this, a dot of that...
they are all 4" X 6"
and more vibrant in person... it's the process that was fun. Color running into color, metallic gold throughout for shimmer, then details turned it into a landscape
for perspective, I offer my finger

after walking one morning, I wanted to capture the light on the golf course with morning glories in white dotting the landscape. This came out of it
 yesterday I was looking at some studies of how things in close proximity take on the same vibrations, and the image caught my eye, so I tried to paint something to capture the word vibration
It grew, and got crazier and I just kept adding more! Back to the dots, paint, ink, tombow markers, posca pen!
Silver gel pen spirals
and I realized it would be easier to do in acrylics... only that's not what I do...
 I took it out to the patio, to see it in natural light, and began to see it differently. I began to see mountains, and native American symbols, I added in the white posca dots.

It's wild, and colorful and uncontained! I began to really like it, and think about printing it onto fabric.
For those of you who don't follow me for my fabric art, here is a detail shot of the finished painted lady I worked on this week... she was painted long ago with oil paintsticks on muslin
see the star and flower beads in her hair? bugle beads on the top and bottom?
I'll show the completed work on tomorrow's fabric art post.

So I am still intrigued with vibration. We all vibrate, studies of NDE's tell that the more spiritual (not religious) you are, the higher your vibration level. Purple is the most spiritual color and violet vibrates at the highest frequency. Colors vibrate at the same rate as a musical note scale.
I need to learn more.
Do you have a favorite color? It says something about you... I used to love purple most, then moved to coral, and now seem to love turquoise a lot. I also love dark pink...
Linking to
TAD with Rain 


easyweimaraner said...

I would like to sit under the tree with a book while listening to the little river..

Barbara said...

Oh, I love your landscapes! A splash of color turned into something recognizable is so much fun. I also love your fabric art lady! Beading is the finishing touch, but I will return to see the completion. Will it be on your regular blog or a special fabric art blog? Help, I’m not sure what that means! Yes, I have a current favorite color, purple and shades thereof. I didn’t know it said anything about me, but I have noticed over time that my favorite color changes. I’d also like to learn more about this!

Sara said...

I love saturated vibrant colors. But I especially love red. Ironically I just looked at the shirt I'm wearing - and it's pale blue/lavender/light grey and white. Those are all colors I rarely gravitate towards. LOL

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Love how you are getting that art "done" not just thinking about it. Fascinating about that vibrating idea. Must read more about that.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Love your landscapes-they are welcoming. The “vibrations” are so cool. I thought there was a movie years ago showing sounds translating to colors? Maybe I dreamt it.

Valerie-Jael said...

Back again to view your fabulous paintings, what a riot of colour and fantasy! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

Christine said...

Lovely paintings! I enjoyed your previous link too!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

wonderful paintigs!!! I love this works!
Greetings Elke

The Joyful Quilter said...

When viewing your paintings, I mistakenly interpreted the golf course as a meadow. I absolutely love that painting (and so does DS2!!!)

MissPat said...

I like the first landscape, but am really intrigued by the diamond shaped one. I'm a purple lover.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Some reason I like the little white flowers and the fabric pieces is quite whimsical.
Coffee is on

Duke said...

Love your work! It is always so beautiful.

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
more is more! yes...put it on fabric !
great to see your finger in the photo :)

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Lovely paintings. I worked in the studio yesterday and played with skies and sunset behind mesas. Love those purple, pink and orange sunset colors and will do more soon. Have fun with your paints!

DVArtist said...

Very nice. I love your PC painting. It is full of excitement.

denthe said...

Those small landscape paintings are so sweet. And that vibration painting looks like you had loads of fun with it ;-) Interesting theory about vibrations. I don't really know anything about it ... Thanks for visiting my blog, and how fun that you'll link to it for your Thursday post! Have a great weekend ♥ ♥ ♥

Kokopelli said...

LOVE the painted lady! Happy PPF!